Whitmore--Clara B. (Class of 1894)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Alumni of Iowa State Teachers College who have gained special distinction in other fields
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
Brief paragraphs of alumni accomplishments; photo.
2 Dr. Clara B. Whitmore
College Eye 4:2, p.7
Moved her medical office to Sioux City.
3 Many graduate Clios and Orios
College Eye 1:7, p.8
Attend a twenty-fifth anniversary celebration.
4 Clara B. Whitmore
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.334
Practicing medicine in Cedar Rapids.
5 Clara B. Whitmore
Normal Eyte 15:18, p.280
Is a physician in Cedar Rapids.
6 Clara B. Whitmore
Normal Eyte 14:29, p.455
Physician and surgeon in Sioux City.
7 Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 13:7, p.105
Continuing study of medicine.
8 Alumni
Normal Eyte 10:7, p.151

Roster of seventy-five former ISNS students who are studying at the University of Iowa.

9 Clara B. Whitmore
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.641
Is a senior at the State University.
10 Clara B. Whitmore
Normal Eyte 9:16, p.378
Studying medicine at University of Iowa.
11 The following is a complete list
Normal Eyte 9:6, p.128
Roster of those attending University of Iowa.
12 Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.79
Member of Hesperian Society at University of Iowa.
13 We take pleasure
Normal Eyte 8:4, p.54
Many Normalites enrolled at University of Iowa.
14 Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 8:3, p.40
Entered University of Iowa.
15 Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.440
Re-elected at Columbus Junction.
16 At the end of the fall term
Normal Eyte 4:15, p.232
Students at Columbus Junction present Clara B. Whitmore with gift of books.
17 There have been so many Normal graduates
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.203
Many visit over Thanksgiving.
18 Bees are usually supposed to be the busiest bodies
Normal Eyte 4:6, p.87
Clara Whitmore is teaching in Columbus Junction.
19 Mrs. Whitmore and Miss Maude
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.286
Guests of Clara Whitmore.
20 Friday afternoon
Normal Eyte 3:32, p.256
Clios hold contest; competitions and competitors announced..
21 New officers of the Clio Society
Normal Eyte 3:32, p.256
Roster of officers.
22 Miss Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 3:32, p.255
Will teach at Columbus Junction.
23 Miss Clara Whitmore
Normal Eyte 3:27, p.213
Visited Waterloo.
24 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:18, p.140
Meeting leaders announced; YWCA membership at 236; Miss McFarland's talks are appreciated.
25 Last Friday evening we were entertained
Normal Eyte 3:12, p.94
Description of Clio program.
26 Cliosophic public
Normal Eyte 3:10, p.79
Program of session.
27 Clio world
Normal Eyte 2:25, p.195
Clios put on political program.