Wiederanders--Donald E. (Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Price Lab School and Northern University High School will honor dignitaries at Fall Festival
Public Relations News Release 2008:174, p.1
The event will honor outstanding alumni, extraordinary emeriti, and "fabulous friends" from the school. The event will be held at the UNI Commons Ballroom.
2 Corrie's compassion should be honored
Northern Iowan 100:54, p.8
Notes Northern Iowan error involving Rachel Corrie's death and urges students to support human rights movements.
3 University of Northern Iowa to offer two courses at Price Lab school in Cedar Rapids.
Public Relations News Release 1988:504, p.1
"Workshop: General Mathematics" and "Workshop: Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners" will both be offered for three semester hours of credit.
4 Wiederanders cited by math teachers
Alumnus 70:1, p.7
Receives award from state group.
5 Professors develop math disks
Northern Iowan 81:34, p.7
Lynn Schwandt and Don Wiederanders develop disks that help students learn math in Microcomputer Curriculum Project.
6 Computer programs go national
Northern Iowan 81:2, p.8
Don Wiederanders talks about the products of the Microcomputer Curriculum Project.
7 UNI's budding Silicon Street
Alumnus 68:2, p.13
Mathematics Learning Center develops software; photo.
8 Faculty members prepare students, peers for microcomputer world
UNI Century 11:1, p.4
Description of methods used at PLS to integrate computer use into classrooms; photo.
9 Computer programs designed for students
Northern Iowan 78:27, p.6
Lynn Schwandt and Don Wiederanders design computer programs to teach mathematical concepts.
10 UNI gets computer grant
Northern Iowan 77:58, p.1
Receives $84,999 from DPI to conduct workshops.
11 Talk to UNI veterans
Northern Iowan 77:55, p.3
Believes that people should talk to veterans before making up their minds about establishing ROTC at UNI.
12 Computers used to teach math, vocabulary at price lab school
Public Relations News Release 1980:461, p.1
Students at the Price Lab School are starting to learn math, and vocabulary through computer programs.
13 Computers in classroom
Northern Iowan 77:7, p.6
Conference will be held at UNI.
14 Math conference to be held September 26 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:57, p.1
The annual Mathematics Conference will go over such areas as; computers in the classroom, the use of calculators, and strategies of teaching basic math.
15 Workshops conclude
Northern Iowan 75:60, p.4
A workshop on instruction materials in mathematics was recently held at UNI.
16 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
The Malcom Price Laboratory School is a major tool for students doing their professional sequence. The teachers teach regular classes, while UNI students observe; photo.
17 UF retained as union agent in decertification election; AFT vows to continue as the "loyal opposition"; UF calls vote a mandate to improve
Northern Iowan 75:29, p.1
Faculty vote 282-191 to retain UF.
18 Faculty votes on union agent; results of decertification vote expected today
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.1
UF needs to receive 50% of the vote.
19 AFT wins right to decertify election; obtained required number of signatures
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.1
Election will be held in early 1979.
20 Petition may halt bargaining; PERB ruling may decide
Northern Iowan 75:23, p.1
Question about whether or not a bargaining agent can bargain while facing a decertification election.
21 Wiederanders: welfare of faculty determines ability to do their job
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.9
Professor Wiederanders expresses views on the relationship between faculty and administration and on union activities.
22 American Federation of Teachers vs. United Faculty
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.1
Spokesmen for AFT and UF state their positions.
23 AFT moves to decertify United Faculty
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.1
UF officials believe the move will be harmful to the collective bargaining process.
24 No decision on Gen Ed; attempt to send to back to committee fails
Northern Iowan 74:56, p.5
Some are satisfied; others find serious fault.
25 Wiederanders new UF leader
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.16
Other leaders announced as well.
26 Research over teaching? Senate opposes change
Northern Iowan 74:25, p.6
Faculty questions role of research in new mission statement.
27 AFT vs. NEA
Northern Iowan 73:7, p.2
Gives reason why United Faculty associated with NEA rather than AFT.
28 AFT: interested in unity?
Northern Iowan 73:6, p.2
Questions asked about AFT; are they interested in unity.
29 Faculty motions
Northern Iowan 72:39, p.4
Text of motions from recent meeting.
30 Faculty continues debate
Northern Iowan 72:39, p.1
Faculty express confidence in Senate; approve motion to cease committee work until "ground rules for effective participation" can be worked out; confidence vote on Kamerick administration postponed.
31 Frustration among faculty; budget process questioned
Northern Iowan 72:33, p.1
Some faculty believe that they have little or no role in the budgeting process.
32 Unions merge
Northern Iowan 72:1, p.6
AAUP and IHEA merge into United Faculty; collective bargaining will likely result.
33 LAB school profs write math series
Northern Iowan 68:56, p.2
Professors Immerzeel and Wiederanders talk about their work.
34 Mature attitude shown
Northern Iowan 67:44, p.3
Believes students showed reasonable attitudes.
35 UNI Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention
Public Relations News Release 1970:118, p.1
10 UNI Faculty members will participate in the 116th annual Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) convention Oct. 22 and 23 in Des Moines.
36 Two UNI Profs to Speak at Math Teachers Meeting at Winnipeg
Public Relations News Release 1970:87, p.1
Dr. Jack Wilkinson and Donald Wiederanders will be guest speakers at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
37 UNI to Offer Extension Class at Osage
Public Relations News Release 1969:247, p.1
Extension course in Elementary Mathematics: Curriculum at Osage during the spring semester.
38 Jones elected faculty head
Northern Iowan 65:59, p.8
Professor Jones elected to position traditionally held by President Maucker; other election results announced.
39 700 to attend SCI math conference today
College Eye 60:20, p.6
Conference highlights.
40 3 SCI profs are committee heads in ISEA
College Eye 60:17, p.6
Professors Potter, Nielsen, and Wiederanders serve.
41 Math sessions at Price Lab School Dec.8
College Eye 57:11, p.5
Will hold elementary math conference.
42 Extension summer short course to be offered in Charles City
Public Relations News Release 1960:569, p.1
Don Wiederanders instructs a short summer course on the instruction of arithmetic in Charles City, where twenty teachers from the area have been enrolled.
43 ISTC to hold science and mathematics workshops
Public Relations News Release 1960:459, p.1
Professor Ross Nielsen directs the summer Science and Mathematics Seminar for junior high students, held at Price Laboratory School. Instructors include Albert Potter, Walter Gohman, Donald Wiederanders, and George Immerzeel. Students listed.
44 ISTC to offer extension course(s) here
Public Relations News Release 1960:197, p.1
Twenty extension courses are offered during the spring semester for credit toward a bachelor's or master's degree and certificate renewal for teachers. Classes and instructors listed.
45 Phi Delta Kappa Honors Faculty Members
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Phi Delta Kappa is an honorary international fraternity; an individual must be a graduate student with a 3.0 gpa, a faculty member or a nonresident who's been involved in five or more years in successful educational work, and has a Masters Degree; photo.
46 Staff changes announced at Teachers College
Alumnus 42:3, p.12
List of resignations and appointments.
47 Changes on TC's faculty
College Eye 49:34, p.3
Brief profiles of those who have been hired and those who have resigned.