Wiesenfeld--Julius (Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 118 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of No Iowa?: Faculty member reminisces about first years at UNI
Northern Iowan 97:7, p.9
Professor Roberts discusses first experiences as a new teacher at UNI in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
2 Collective bargaining
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.428
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
3 Julius Wiesenfeld
Alumnus 65:1, p.31
Died November 25, 1979.
4 Why?
Northern Iowan 76:25, p.7
Friends of Julius Wiesenfeld purchased an ad to publish an omitted passage from his obituary.
5 UNI professor, union advocate, dies
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.7
Julius Wiesenfield died November 25, 1979, of cancer.
6 Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Mathematics is a basic science; there are careers available in many diverse areas of Mathematics including teaching, industry, management, government service, and research; photo.
7 AFT moves to decertify United Faculty
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.1
UF officials believe the move will be harmful to the collective bargaining process.
8 Gauss symposium
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.9
Panel will honor bicentennial of Karl Friedrich Gauss.
9 Bargaining analogy
Northern Iowan 73:51, p.2
Disagrees with Professor Crownfield's confidence in the fact-finder.
10 Comments on bargaining
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.3
Critical of tactics in faculty and Regents negotiations.
11 Labor lecture
Northern Iowan 72:30, p.4
Professor Wiesenfeld will speak on the surge of labor in the 1930s.
12 Student conference notes
Northern Iowan 72:25, p.7
Report on conference on collective bargaining.
13 United Action for 'bread'
Northern Iowan 72:10, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld believes that everyone is interested in earning more money; collective bargaining will more effectively help the group toward that end.
14 Becker lecture series opens
Northern Iowan 72:8, p.1
R. Don Higginbotham will deliver the Becker lecture on the American Revolution; schedule of year's lecture series.
15 AFT reacts to mailing procedures
Northern Iowan 71:54, p.2
Believes that faculty organizations should be allowed to use the mail system as they have in the past.
16 Prof to speak
Northern Iowan 71:50, p.5
Professor Wiesenfeld will speak on why the Greeks did not develop calculus.
17 Untitled
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.2
Humorous awards for members of campus community.
18 What is a faculty manual?
Northern Iowan 70:50, p.3
Would encourage even more contributions from letter-writers.
19 Readers voice opinions of NI letter policy
Northern Iowan 70:49, p.2
Tired of same letterwriters every week.
20 Enough is enough . . .
Northern Iowan 70:47, p.2
Will end argument on Middle East with Professor Wiesenfeld.
21 Julie goes very brief . . .
Northern Iowan 70:46, p.2
Supports multi-national federated republic in Middle East.
22 The battle still rages on
Northern Iowan 70:45, p.2
Considers effect of presence of Israel on Middle East tensions.
23 Every university should have token conservatives
Northern Iowan 70:44, p.2
Gerald Baker talks about conservatives, ISPIRG, and politics.
24 Wiesenfeld starts again with answers
Northern Iowan 70:43, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld outlines views on Viet Nam War, Israel, and the Middle East.
25 Can YAF write without bluster?
Northern Iowan 70:41, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld lays out his positions on strikes, income levels, and the Viet Nam War.
26 Suggests more thorough research
Northern Iowan 70:41, p.2
Responds to Mr. Baker's comments on Professor Wiesenfeld.
27 Tweaking the sacred what?
Northern Iowan 70:39, p.3
Believes others have missed Professor Wiesenfeld's humor.
28 Leftist rhetoric tends to cloud the issue
Northern Iowan 70:38, p.2
Continues dialogue on collectivism and capitalism.
29 YAF doesn't consult Ouija
Northern Iowan 70:37, p.3
Defends position on grape and lettuce boycotts.
30 Wiesenfeld suffers a self confidence crisis
Northern Iowan 70:35, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld offers views on truckers' strike.
31 Right to inveigle?
Northern Iowan 70:11, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld continues argument with Ron Peterson over conservative vs. liberal values.
32 "Specifics" needed
Northern Iowan 70:9, p.3
Continues criticism of Mayor Crews for indecision.
33 Former pillar
Northern Iowan 70:8, p.3
Disagrees with comments on Crews' administration.
34 Females deprived
Northern Iowan 69:61, p.3
An interpretation of salary differences.
35 Interest?
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld questions NI rejection of a recent letter.
36 Develop away
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.2
Applauds decision to add new personnel.
37 0=0
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.3
38 "A terrible strain"
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld speculates on the credibility of the Governor's Office.
39 An open letter
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.3
Professor TePaske believes analogies of earlier letter will not hold up.
40 Positions and reduction
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld comments on personnel and budgetary matters.
41 Want to add your name?
Northern Iowan 69:12, p.2
Disappointed in administration for their stand on the budget cut matter.
42 More thoughts in search of a connection
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld still does not believe that the universities have been told to make cuts.
43 Misinterpretation
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.2
Believe UNI administration should wait for clarification from Governor Ray before making cuts.
44 Separate thoughts in search of a connection
Northern Iowan 69:7, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld outlines position with regard to proposed budget cuts.
45 From Napoleon to Hiduke
Northern Iowan 69:5, p.2
Professor Wiesenfeld supports Professor HiDuke's request for a leave of absence.
46 Let us talk about lettuce
Northern Iowan 69:3, p.1
Two students attend lettuce boycott meeting.
47 Rational thoughts and actions
Northern Iowan 68:55, p.3
Critical of recent letter which seemed to argue against rationality.
48 Discipline policy being considered; the discussion continues
Northern Iowan 68:54, p.5
Vote down substitute plan; lack of quorum prevents action on original plan.
49 A request for $7.00
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.3
Professor Wiesenfeld protests parking ticket as well as new disclaimer rule.
50 Faculty Senate endorses disciplinary plan
Northern Iowan 68:48, p.1
Endorses set of graduated disciplinary steps for faculty who violate Regents rules.