Wiesley--Mona (Alumni Office staff)
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI-AOP honors administrator, installs new officers, recognizes retirees Public Relations News Release 1988:502, p.1 |
David Duncan named educator/administrator of the year 1988-1989. New officers named and list of retirees. |
2 | 30th annual recognition breakfast May 7 to honor 23 long term Northern Iowa employees. Public Relations News Release 1988:397, p.1 |
The University of Northern Iowa will honor its long-term employees who have retired or resigned within the 1987-88 fiscal year, at 30th annual Recognition Breakfast. |
3 | Reunion time . . . Northern Iowan 83:10, p.10 |
UNI alumni from the College of Humanities and Fine Arts meet at UNI for Homecoming. | |
4 | Homecoming highlights Alumnus 66:4, p.6 |
Homecoming scenes including the parade; photo. | |
5 | Alumni firsts occurring Alumnus 62:2, p.2 |
Offices move to Arts and Industries; Alumni Association will charge dues; photo. |