Wiler--Wesley David (Class of 1898)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | A small group of Teachers College alumni and faculty members enjoyed a reunion Alumnus 26:3, p.13 |
Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine, Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Wiler, and Dr. and Mrs. Louis Begeman visited at the reunion and celebrated Dr. Perrine's birthday. | |
2 | Meet the new alumni officers Alumnus 20:1, p.8 |
Roster of officers and brief biographical sketches. | |
3 | Dr. Merle R. Thompson will speak before the Parlor Reading Circle Public Relations News Release 1935:4, p.1 |
"Inflation," will be the topic of Dr. Thompson's speech. | |
4 | E. G. Thompson will take part in a double class reunion Public Relations News Release 1934:498, p.1 |
Three of his classmates and their wives will accomany him. | |
5 | A. C. Wyant will take part in a double class reunion Public Relations News Release 1934:500, p.1 |
Three of his classmates and their wives ill join him. | |
6 | Four graduates will attend consecutive class reunions Public Relations News Release 1934:501, p.1 |
The four classmates and their wives will attend reunions at the University of Iowa and the Iowa State Teachers College. | |
7 | W. D. Wiler will take part in a double class reunion Public Relations News Release 1934:502, p.1 |
He will be accompanied by three of his classmates and their wives. | |
8 | Alumni propose revision of constitution; committee asks for vote of all graduates to decide proposal Alumnus 16:2, p.1 |
After several years of study, the committee proposes that the Alumni Association become a dues-paying organization in order to support the "Alumnus" and a secretary; asks authority to organize local chapters; change meeting to Homecoming instead of June. | |
9 | Mrs. C. S. Aldrich Alumnus 16:1, p.26 |
The former Bess Streeter took a vacation and renewed old friendships. | |
10 | Alumni Association of college holds annual reunion College Eye 21:35, p.1 |
Roster of officers. |
11 | Quarter Century Celebration: Wesley David Wiler Alumnus 14:1, p.27 |
A surprise 25th wedding anniversary party was held for Wesley Wiler and his wife, the former Lucy Hayes Miller, on November 11, 1929; singing was led by Charles A. Fullerton. | |
12 | Prof. Arthur Gist College Eye 15:25, p.5 |
Is here visiting his brother. | |
13 | Mary Ellen Wiler Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5 |
Mary E. Wiler is the silver medalist in the "Iowa Safety Essay Contest" conducted by the Board of Education. Doctor Carl Franzen, Miriam Woolson-Brooks, and Mrs. Dante Pierce serve on the essay committee. | |
14 | Mary Ellen Wiler Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5 |
The daughter of Professor Wesley Wiler and Lucy H. Miller-Wiler earns second place in the Iowa Safety Essay Contest. Mrs. Miriam Woolson-Brooks lead the committee charged with judging the essays. | |
15 | Alumni breakfast Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.2 |
The Alumni Association holds its annual breakfast in the college gymnasium, where Professor W. D. Wiler presides as toast master, and Ms. Sara F. Rice delivers the invocation. | |
16 | Commencement, May 1921 Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3 |
May Commencement and reunion activities will be held May 27-May 31. | |
17 | Alumni officers for 1921 Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2 |
Alumni officers listed for 1921. | |
18 | Dinner for Class 1895 Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2 |
The Alumni Committee provided entertainment, an auto ride, and dinner at Bartlett Hall Cafeteria for the Class of 1895. | |
19 | Alumni elect officers College Eye 12:1, p. |
Roster of officers; plan for first Homecoming. | |
20 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Gives the group motto, colors, and roll; photos. | |
21 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Motto, colors, flower, emblem, presidents, members, and pledges listed. |
22 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Drawing of two statues; roster of officers and members; Neo singers; photo. |
23 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.279 |
Description of Neotrophian society; motto, colors, flower, and emblem; roster of pledges, presidents, and honorary members; society roll; humorous stories about society; photos. | |
24 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Roster of members, honorary members, and officers; photo. | |
25 | The Science Club of Iowa State Teachers College Old Gold 0:0, p.99 |
Brief history and schedule of lectures. | |
26 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
A brief history of the society. Also included are honorary members and freshmen pledges. | |
27 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.201 |
Drawing of a woman's head; roster of officers; overview of the society; ;member updates for each term; the Neosingers; basketball team; photo. | |
28 | Neo's honorary members Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Article discussing the honorary members of the Neotrophian society; photo. | |
29 | Philos make clean sweep; secure six points in Triangular Debate; Orios take three points Normal Eyte 20:22, p.363 |
Recap of the debates. | |
30 | Dr. W. D. Wiler Normal Eyte 16:33, p.523 |
Will build new house on College Hill. | |
31 | Cedar Falls friends Normal Eyte 16:4, p.55 |
Dr. Wiler moves family and dental practice to Cedar Falls from Forest City. | |
32 | A company of relatives and friends gathered Normal Eyte 15:19, p.296 |
Lucy Hayes Miller and Wesley D. Wiler were married. | |
33 | Welsey D. Wiler Normal Eyte 15:7, p.103 |
Has graduated from dental school and now resides in Forest City. | |
34 | Drs. Chas. Lambert, Wesley Wiler, Earl Thompson Normal Eyte 14:30, p.474 |
Returned to Iowa City. | |
35 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 14:30, p.471 |
Will complete dental course soon. | |
36 | Among the recent guests Normal Eyte 14:10, p.150 |
C. I. Lambert, George Eckhard, Wesley Wiler, and Clem Seerley visited campus. | |
37 | Normal's influence Normal Eyte 14:6, p.81 |
Normal gives students a desire for the best education possible; Wesley Wiler elected president of dental class at University of Iowa. | |
38 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 14:4, p.54 |
Wesley Wiler is studying in the dental department at S. U. I. | |
39 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 13:28, p.444 |
Returned to Iowa City. | |
40 | The Junior Annual of S.U.I. numbers among its editors if this year Normal Eyte 13:28, p.441 |
Wesley Wiler is an editor. | |
41 | Some of the young men who came home to vote Normal Eyte 13:10, p.155 |
A number of men came back home to vote in the elections. | |
42 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 13:10, p.154 |
Came home with George Eckard to vote. | |
43 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 13:4, p.57 |
Continuing dental studies at University of Iowa. | |
44 | Several boys Normal Eyte 13:4, p.59 |
Several former Normalites are now studying at the University of Iowa. | |
45 | W. D. Wiler Normal Eyte 12:35, p.552 |
On staff of University of Iowa newspaper. | |
46 | A large number of alumni Normal Eyte 12:35, p.554 |
Many alumni attended Commencement. | |
47 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 12:25, p.391 |
Studying dentistry at University of Iowa. | |
48 | Wesley Wiler, Earl Thompson, and Roy Hemsworth Normal Eyte 12:14, p.219 |
Studying dentistry at University of Iowa. | |
49 | Wesley Wiler Normal Eyte 12:12, p.184 |
Came home for Thanksgiving. | |
50 | George Hearst, Wesley Wiler, and Earl Thompson Normal Eyte 12:9, p.141 |
All came home to vote. |