Wilson--Harry Eugene (Class of 1920)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Yeoman Second Class Ember Willson, WAVES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson
Alumnus 29:1, p.20
Of Granville, Illinois, was chosen by the city of Pensacola, Florida, as their "adopted daughter from Illinois" in their program to honor the 1700 WAVES stationed at the Naval Air Training Center there. One WAVE is "adopted" by the city from each state.
2 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.51
3 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:30, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
4 Seniors may have dark horse
College Eye 11:17, p.1

Officials were selected for senior men's basketball competition against the juniors to be played at the beginning of the Cornell game.

5 At the Older Boy's Conference
College Eye 8:12, p.7
Former students head delegations.
6 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.214

Review of the past year's work; photo.

7 The Y. M. C. A. Geneva Conference
College Eye 4:2, p.2
Review of events at annual Geneva Conference.
8 Christian associations; Geneva campaign brings results; large I. S. T. C. delegation will attend summer conference
College Eye 4:1, p.5
Sixteen men will make up I. S. T. C. representation at Geneva conference; women students will attend Y. W. C. A. conference.
9 Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.315
Illustration of sunset; roster of officers; poem and photos.