Wilson--Lora Lee (Public Relations Staff; English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Is Seven necessary? Probably not' says Loree Wilson
College Eye 63:57, p.2
Reviews a recent issue of "Seven."
2 UPC writing contest prizes to be awarded
College Eye 63:32, p.8
List of prize winners.
3 UPC creative writing contest entries due
College Eye 63:22, p.1
Will be judged by faculty.
4 Gives administration reorganization proposal
College Eye 63:16, p.2
Discusses ideas that need to be considered before SCI changes to a university.
5 People, sights on SCI campus
College Eye 63:9, p.6
Photos of people and things around campus; photo.
6 Wilson gives answer to 'Woolf'
College Eye 63:3, p.2
Thanks the College Eye for adding "A Column of the Arts."
7 Gilmore to speak on women's status
College Eye 59:41, p.8
List of other speakers.
8 Miss Wingire is incoming College Relations assistant
College Eye 58:38, p.1
Mary Wingire will replace Loree Wilson; photo.
9 Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire
College Eye 58:32, p.4

Roster of changes and assignments.

10 Service awards given to Seven staff
College Eye 58:30, p.7
List of award winners.
11 'Woman's role in culture is unlimited': Loree Wilson
College Eye 58:27, p.1
Profile of Loree Wilson; photo.
12 Perspective: what's going on here? Things look mighty bad
College Eye 58:8, p.2
Speaks on the recent problems with student organizations; believes in active involvement; photo.
13 New magazine could involve intellectual atmosphere of ideas
College Eye 57:38, p.2
Loree Wilson disagrees with Everett Howell.
14 Untitled
College Eye 56:13, p.1
Two children visit Santa Claus in the Commons; photo.
15 'More experienced' answer to editorial
College Eye 56:12, p.2
Letter responds to past editorial, and says that we should not look for rewards in preliminary education; knowledge is the reward.
16 Staff assists student paper thru summer
College Eye 52:41, p.1
Thanks to those who assisted.
17 CR office establishes ISTC fame
College Eye 52:30, p.4
A look at the work of the College Relations Office; photo.
18 Eye, Old Gold heads to attend ACP convention
College Eye 52:10, p.5
Will attend meeting in Chicago.