Wilson--Mina (Class of 1918)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. Mina Wilson Tracy
Alumnus 30:3, p.23
Visited Iowa from December to April with her sister Inez Wilson Chase (Howard Chase), in Cedar Rapids, and her brother, Clark L. Wilson. Mina has been living in California for several years.
2 Miss Mina Wilson
College Eye 14:13, p.8
Teaching in Sioux City.
3 Mina Wilson
College Eye 13:5, p.8
Teaching in Sioux City.
4 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.78

Class roll; formal and informal photographs; student quotes and jokes; photo.

5 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
Roster of officers and members; lyrics to literary society fight song; quote collection; informal and formal photos.
6 Miss Mina Wilson
College Eye 12:27, p.8
Visited parents.
7 Clio
College Eye 12:9, p.7
Initiated twenty new members; enjoyed program.
8 Primary
Old Gold 0:0, p.131
Illustration of a one room school house; senior class roster; junior class roll; humorous poems; photos.
9 Miss Mina Wilson
College Eye 9:19, p.8
Will be teaching in Hawarden.
10 Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Photos of the Primary and Home Economics Classes of 1917.
11 Clio
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
Group photos and information about the Cliosophic Literary Society.
12 Clio
College Eye 7:18, p.7
Encourages single women to seek out Clio members; program of meeting outlined; elected new officers.
13 On Friday evening
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.254
The Zetas delivered their Christmas program.