Wilson--Neva B. (Class of 1931)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Neva B. Wilson
Alumnus 31:1, p.20
Is teaching in the Lincoln school at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she resides.
2 Neva B. Wilson
Alumnus 29:1, p.22
Is teaching for her thirteenth year in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She resides in Milwaukee.
3 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
Graduate photos.
4 Pi Beta Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.287
Officers and members; photo.
5 Martha Currie and Neva B. Wilson
Alumnus 14:2, p.24
Martha Currie, primary teacher at Taber, and Neva B. Wilson, who is now teaching at Ogden, Utah, will return to the college next summer to continue work for their degrees according to G. W. Walters, head of the Education Department.
6 Pi Beta Alpha
College Eye 21:7, p.5

Held regular meeting; roster of initiates.

7 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 13:6, p.4
Students answer the question, "What do you think of college girls having uniform dress?"
8 Miss Neva Wilson
Normal Eyte 20:31, p.515
Visited her sister.
9 Neva Wilson
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.122
Teaching in Independence.
10 The Alpha Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
History, yell, and activities of the Alpha Society; photo.
11 Neva Wilson
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.350
Back in school after grandmother's death.
12 Zeta society wins: Clara Tolstrup captures McClenahan prize
Normal Eyte 17:13, p.193

Tells of the oratorical contest among the seven women's societies.

13 The Alpha Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.81
Brief history of the society and a quick look at some of the activities of the group; photo.
14 Neva Wilson
Normal Eyte 16:30, p.479
Father ill.
15 Society
Normal Eyte 16:27, p.423
Alphas hear essay on China; Zetas present Paul Dunbar program; Shakes enjoy music program.