Wilson--Nixon Albert (Biology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Profile: the retirement class of '96-'97
Campus News Network 7:18, p.2
Thirty UNI employees will retire this year; photo.
2 Long term employees retiring from University of Northern Iowa to be recognized May 3
Public Relations News Release 1996:380, p.1

Thirty employees will be honored at the 39th Annual Recognition Breakfast.

3 Albert Gilgen named 1996 Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 6:7, p.1
Alber Gilgen named 1996 Distinguished Scholar by the Graduate Council; former scholars listed; photo.
4 Tick Tock
Public Relations News Release 1994:404, p.1
Early treatment of Lyme Disease is essential according to Nixon Wilson.
5 Virginia Berg named 1995 Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 5:7, p.1
Biographical sketch of Professor Berg; list of previous winners; photo.
6 ¿And even more good news
Public Relations News Release 1992:774, p.1
Nixon Wilson notes that due to the floods of 1993 the tick population has declined.
7 Six faculty honored by Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 89:55, p.1
Professors receive awards for faculty excellence; brief biographical sketches.
8 Regents recognize faculty from three state universities
Public Relations News Release 1992:578, p.1
Eighteen faculty are recognized by the Board of Regents.
9 Six UNI faculty receive Regents excellence awards
Campus News Network 3:16, p.1
Short profiles of those who were honored.
10 Six UNI faculty receive Regents excellence awards
Northern Iowa Today 21:1, p.5
Biographical sketches of winners.
11 Curris speaks at faculty meeting: "optimism for the coming years"
Northern Iowan 89:3, p.5
President Curris delivers annual address; other faculty leaders also present views; photo.
12 Nixon Wilson receives University of Northern Iowa research award
Public Relations News Release 1992:28, p.1
Donald McKay Faculty research Award winner is Nixon Wilson, professor of biology.
13 Faculty profile: Nixon Wilson
Northern Iowa Today 76:1, p.26
Biographical sketch of biology professor Nixon Wilson; photo.
14 Will the drought take the bite out of summer?
Public Relations News Release 1991:671, p.1
Nixon Wilson notes that the current dry weather may produce less mosquitoes.
15 Who will be bugged this season?
Public Relations News Release 1991:556, p.1
Nixon Wilson gives tips how we can enjoy the outdoors this camping season without getting sick or eaten alive.
16 Are the bugs bugging your pet?
Public Relations News Release 1990:618, p.1
Ticks or fleas may be the cause of your pet's scratching.
17 Lyme disease fears increase as ticks spread throughout Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:499, p.1
Lyme disease ticks are being found in more Iowa counties.
18 Have Iowans gone batty over bats? Questions about protection.
Public Relations News Release 1990:422, p.1
Bats have received a bad rap.
19 Nixon Wilson is 1991 Distinguished Scholar
Northern Iowa Today 74:2, p.20
Biology professor wins award; photo.
20 Professor receives Distinguished Scholar Award
Northern Iowan 87:28, p.7
Graduate College awards Distinguished Scholars Award to Nixon Wilson.
21 Biologist Nixon Wilson named 1991 Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 1:8, p.1
Noted for his work on insects; other nominees listed.
22 Biologist Nixon Wilson named 1991 Distinguished Scholar by University of Northern Iowa Graduate College; Will pursue research on fleas, ticks
Public Relations News Release 1990:233, p.1
UNI Graduate College names Distinguished Scholar.
23 Poisonous snakes--some of the most feared creatures on earth
Public Relations News Release 1990:10, p.1
Iowa is home to numerous poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.
24 Battle of the bug- a bumper crop of mosquitoes are on their way.
Public Relations News Release 1990:719, p.1
Nixon Wilson says this year will be a bad bug year- eggs that didn't hatch last year because of dry weather will hatch out this year. Wilson says your best defense is to use repellents and wear light colored clothing.
25 Lyme disease dangers- experts predict increase in cases this Spring.
Public Relations News Release 1989:652, p.1
Lyme disease is a debilitating disease, often resembling arthritis. Nixon Wilson has been conducting research on the lyme disease tick since 1986, and says he's expecting a dramatic increase in lyme disease as a larger number of the ticks have been found.
26 University of Northern Iowa internationally-renowned math scholar recipient of first Donald McKay faculty research award.
Public Relations News Release 1989:647, p.1
Hyo C. Myung internationally known and respected in professional mathematics and physics circles for his original research on the field of Lie-admissible algebras, has been named recipient of the first Donald N. McKay Faculty Research Award.
27 Scientists worried by amphibians' decline. Extinction on the horizon?
Public Relations News Release 1989:427, p.1
Nixon Wilson, who's conducting research on the rare blue spotted salamander, says since frogs, toads, and salamanders live both on land and in water, there are various places where they can come into contact with pollutants.
28 The sting -- is there any way to keep the 'skeeters' away?
Public Relations News Release 1988:558, p.1
The advent of more rain in some areas this year has hatched out a bumper crop of the bugs. Iowa officials are on the lookout for tiger mosquitoes, a new strain that has been found in the surrounding states.
29 The tick season has arrived -- beware of lyme disease.
Public Relations News Release 1988:380, p.1
Nixon Wilson, says 30 Iowans came down with the disease. Lyme disease is hard to diagnose because it imitates many other diseases. People who are outside need to dress appropriately and use insect repellent.
30 Oh Deer! They're everywhere and seem to be breeding out of control.
Public Relations News Release 1988:193, p.1
Deer population has increased over the past 25 years. Last year in Iowa, deer caused 8,500 traffic accidents. Nixon Wilson says some experts doubt the population will ever be controlable.
31 UNI prof seeks to confirm Lyme disease in Iowa with final evidence
Public Relations News Release 1988:513, p.1
Nixon Wilson has isolated the tick and found cases of the disease in humans. Now he may have the third element, the microscopic spirochete that causes the syndrome.
32 Iowa snakes in hiding during drought, will return with rainfall
Public Relations News Release 1988:506, p.1
Professor Nixon Wilson says this summer's dry spell left most of the state's twenty-eight species of snakes out of sight.
33 Northern Iowa prof scanning Benton co. road route for threatened species.
Public Relations News Release 1988:452, p.1
Nixon Wilson is searching the area now for two threatened species of animals, part of a program he believes is vital to maintaining our state's natural heritage.
34 Northern Iowa biologist doesn't want outdoor Iowans getting 'ticked off.'
Public Relations News Release 1988:398, p.1
Nixon Wilson says this is the time of the year when outdoorsmen in the state are at highest risk to be infected by a tiny tick known to transmit Lyme disease.
35 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:156, p.1
Roland Carrillo explains financial aid cuts. Nixon Wilson offers advice on avoiding car-deer collisions. UNI/Iowa State basketball game is held in the UNI-Dome. Ruth Anderson gives alcohol consumption strategies.
36 Hunters, hikers cautioned to check for deer tricks carrying dangerous Lyme disease
Public Relations News Release 1987:106, p.1
Professor Nixon Wilson conducts research on five species of Iowan ticks likely to host Lyme disease. Wilson cautions outdoorsmen to wear light colored clothing, and check their children and animals for the parasite.
37 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:16, p.1
Robert Ross doubts Gary Hart's election in the 1988 presidential campaign. Ivan Eland gives advice to parents on ensuring their children's safety. Ken McCormick suggests a possibility of an economic recession in 1990. Nixon Wilson searches for deer ticks.
38 Slippery "tails" of river otters: endangered species clowning around in snow-covered Iowa
Northern Iowan 79:32, p.9
Joseph Milligan and Nixon Wilson talk about their research on river otters.
39 Biology
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
The Department of Biology offers many opportunities to students with scientific interests; the biology courses are mainly held in the newly constructed science building, also in an arboretum, two local forest preserves, and in a prairie preserve; photo.
40 Faculty report on Hartman Reserve
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.11
Faculty report on soils, geology, plants, animals, and educational potential.
41 ISU prof offers zoology
Northern Iowan 71:31, p.5
Beginning of exchange program; Professor Wilson will teach at ISU.
42 Mites melt
Northern Iowan 70:60, p.1
Fire in drying oven in Biology Research Building destroys some of Professor Wilson's specimens.
43 Museum program
Northern Iowan 70:27, p.4
Professor Nixon Wilson will present program on New Guinea.
44 Yew Ridge Cave . . . and bats
UNI Quarterly 3:3, p.118
A trip with Nixon Wilson to White Pine Hollow to band bats; photo.
45 Parasitology Lab: "I had to explain that scientific names were supposed to be underlined!
UNI Quarterly 3:1, p.13
Lengthy profile of Nixon Wilson; description of his work and his laboratory; photo.
46 UNI Musuem Attractions
Public Relations News Release 1971:550, p.1
Dr. Nixon Wilson will give a talk on "Wildlife Conservation" on April 18th.
47 UNI Prof Doing Research on New Guinea Ticks
Public Relations News Release 1971:483, p.1
Dr. Nixon Wilson has spent the past 3.5 years collecting and researching on the parasites thanks to a grant from the U.S. Public Health Service's National Institute of Health; New Guinea trips
48 Wilson to research ticks in Florida
Northern Iowan 67:33, p.5
Brief sketch of Professor Wilson's work.
49 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 2:2, p.4
Collection of brief articles about recent campus events; photo.
50 12 UNI Profs to Attend Inauguration of President of Upper Iowa University
Public Relations News Release 1970:108, p.1
List of professors attending and their respective departments.