Winsberg--Shirley (Physical Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 91 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of Northern Iowa student awarded $500 Shirley Winsberg scholarship.
Public Relations News Release 1988:534, p.1
Becky Brown, a senior physical education major, is the 1989-90 recipient of the Shirley Winsberg Scholarship.
2 Hopkey recieves Shirley Winsberg scholarship.
Public Relations News Release 1988:464, p.1
Andrea Hopkey is the 1988 recipient of the Shirley Winberg Scholarship.
3 Winsberg fund born
Northern Iowan 78:1, p.16
Professor Winsberg, who died in March, leaves money for women studying physical education.
4 Dr. Shirley Winsberg
Alumnus 66:2, p.31
Died March 20, 1981.
5 UNI emeritus professor Shirley Winsberg dies in Arizona
Public Relations News Release 1980:448, p.1
Long time education professor Shirley Winsberg dies of a heart attack in her Arizona apartment.
6 Physical Education for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
The degree in Physical Education offered at UNI is with a teaching certification for all grade levels; elementary, junior high, and high school. It also includes a coaching certification. Facilities include Women's Gym, 3 classes, archery range; photo.
7 What type of finals do you prefer?
Northern Iowan 74:56, p.1
Professor Winsberg reports on EPC study of final examinations; most prefer a five day exam period.
8 P. E. departments have joint reorganization
Northern Iowan 74:29, p.3
Men's and Women's Physical Education Departments get together to redesign physical education major; division coordinators named..
9 Regents approve faculty leaves
Northern Iowan 69:43, p.5
List of those receiving PDLs and the topics of their research.
10 Dramatics approach presented
Northern Iowan 69:39, p.5
Maree Pochlington will appear to talk about movement.
11 Propose consolidation of 1, 2, and 3 hour classes
College Eye 60:27, p.4
Also consider minimum GPA for joining student organizations.
12 Student-made paths should determine SCI sidewalks
College Eye 60:6, p.2
Suggests that the university should lay concrete over paths made by students and make them new sidewalks.
13 Campus "path-finding" must be stopped
College Eye 60:4, p.2
Encourages students to use the sidewalks provided instead of creating unsightly paths through the grass on campus.
14 Dozen profs bicycle to, from class while pupils chuckle, children stare
College Eye 59:11, p.7
Professors tell about riding bikes to campus; photo.
15 2 faculty members resign; absence leaves granted to 4
College Eye 56:25, p.3
Professors Daane and Crumley resign; Professors Winsberg, Yager, Wagner, and Winsberg will be on leave.
16 Dr. Winsberg attends meeting in Chicago
College Eye 52:22, p.2
Attends meeting on women's basketball.
17 Women's PE Under Two Way Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
The Department of Physical Education for Women has two main purposes. One is to educate teachers and physical educators and the second, is to create various activities and sporting opportunities for women students.
18 3-year degree? 21 may try it as experiment
College Eye 50:35, p.1
Students get head start this summer in accelerated program.
19 Students Acquire Skills in the Women's Physical Education Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
The main goal of the Women's Physical Education Department is to train physical education teachers for the secondary and elementary grades, and to give women students a chance to acquire physical skills; photo.
20 Physical Education Club in Charge of Student Convention
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
At the convention, the local Physical Education Club had charge of the student section; they also purchased crests which were designed by a member; the Physical Education Club for Women is open to all majors and minors in physical education; photo.
21 Thompson, TC Band, faculty participate in ISEA meeting
Alumnus 43:4, p.6
Presence strong at ISEA convention in Des Moines; photo.
22 Women's Phys. Ed. Teaches Skills
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
Description of the department and photo of the staff; photos.
23 PE Club Conducts "Play Nites"
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
Monthly meetings, play nites, a fall picnic, a Christmas party, and a graduation dinner highlight the activities for the PE Club's year; photo.
24 PE's travel
College Eye 49:26, p.2
Many faculty headed for meetings.
25 WRA visits Winona State Teachers Coll.
College Eye 49:20, p.4
Ten enjoy activities.
26 Department of Physical Education for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
The Department of Physical Education for Women offers a major for secondary and elementary teachers and has sponsored the Physical Education Club, Marlins, and Orchesis; this department gives students the opportunity to acquire recreational skills; photo.
27 PE Club Explores New Trends
Old Gold 0:0, p.240
Miss Skittery, an exchange teacher from England, spoke on the American and English systems of physical education; weekly coffees and parties referred to as "Fun nites," were a part of the Physical Education Club program as well; photo.
28 WRA Offers Activities For Coeds
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
The Women's Recreation Association sponsors weekly playnights for both men and women, ping-pong, and other tournaments, playdays in which various schools throughout the state participate, all intramural sports and special all-college playnights; photo.
29 Folk festival will be soon
College Eye 48:20, p.6
Will feature dancing and tumbling.
30 Instructors attend fitness institute
College Eye 48:18, p.4
31 Women's Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Brief description of the department; photo.
32 marlins
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Brief description of the group; photo.
33 Women's Phys. Ed.
College Eye 47:20, p.7
Professors Swanson and Winsberg attend meeting.
34 Dr. Winsberg attends intramural conference
College Eye 47:9, p.5
Seniors defeat alumni in field hockey.
35 Marlins Express Art Through Swimming
Old Gold 0:0, p.215

Description of the Marlins Club and photos of the members; photos.

36 Physical Education Club for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.219
Description of the club and some of the activities that were held over the year, including lectures and picnics; photos.
37 Women's Physical Education Sponsors Many Clubs
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
The department offers a broad instructional and recreational program for the women students at TC, this page give a description of some of the opportunities for the students; photos.
38 WRA Sponsors Intramural Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Description of the Women's Recreation Association; photos.
39 Instructors meet in district groups
College Eye 46:24, p.8
Will attend several regional meetings.
40 Five physical education faculty go to Grinnell
College Eye 46:23, p.7
To hear conference report.
41 Thirteen staff members take part in centennial convention
College Eye 46:8, p.1
42 Women's recreation association
Old Gold 0:0, p.203
Brief description of the group; photo.
43 Leadership class plans weekend at 'Y' camp
College Eye 45:30, p.6
44 WRA board sponsors campout for members
College Eye 45:30, p.5
45 Physical Education instructors attend convention
College Eye 45:26, p.6
46 Extension service claims 12 faculty
College Eye 45:3, p.7
For entire fall quarter.
47 Physical education for women
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
The Department of Physical Education for Women sponsors the Physical Education Club. Organizations of interest for the department include the Marlins and the Orchesis dance group; photo.
48 Women's Recreation Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Connie Clark, Marie Weber, and Jewell Glasscock serve as officers in the Women's Recreation Association; photo.
49 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Betty O'Leary, Betty Lou Jones, Novella Wyborny, and Ruth Kenyon serve as officers in the Physical Education Club; photo.
50 Weekend camp provides chance for fancy meals
College Eye 44:32, p.3
Students enjoy weekend camping near Janesville; photo.