Wolf--Clinton Duane (Class of 1953; Stadium Hall Staff)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Stadium hall house council
Old Gold 0:0, p.86
Brief description of the group; photo.
2 Gary Van Slyke directs stadium
College Eye 45:32, p.1
3 Purple Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
Purple Key award winners; photo.
4 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.262

Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Niebuhr through Zickefoose; photos.

5 Christian Student Center
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
List of members; photo.
6 Future Business Leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Clinton Wolf, Gertrude Miller, Patricia Barr, and Marlyn Thompson serve as officers in the Future Business Leaders of America; photo.
7 Board of control of student publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
The Board of Control of Student Publications consists of five students and four faculty members. The board is charged with selecting staff officers of the College Eye and Old Gold.
8 Student counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.122
Student counselors; photo.
9 Senior Counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.122
June Sonquist and Hugh Petterson guide the Senior and Student Counselors, aiding freshmen students adjust to campus life through the course of the Fall quarter.
10 Baker Hall House Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Baker Hall, the oldest men's dormitory on campus, is governed by the House Council; photo.
11 Wolf appointed Stadium director
College Eye 44:22, p.6
Profile of Clinton Wolf.
12 College Eye Bulletin Board
College Eye 44:17, p.3
News from campus organizations.
13 Second SAC panel discusses cut system
College Eye 44:11, p.6
Aimed at getting students and faculty into a discussion of the cut system.
14 Second SAC panel will be November 9
College Eye 44:10, p.6
Will sponsor dinner and discussion of cut system.
15 FBLA convenes Saturday for Annual State Convention
College Eye 44:7, p.1
Description of the program.
16 Baker Hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
Photo of Baker Hall and members of the House Council; photo.
17 Student Counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
A photo of the Student Counselors; photo.
18 Future Business Leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo.
19 Christian Student Center
Old Gold 0:0, p.218
Roster photo of the members of the Christian Student Center; photo.
20 Business leaders group chose Wolf as head
College Eye 43:28, p.7
List of other FBLA officers.
21 The male once-over
College Eye 43:16, p.8
Shows judges for the Old Gold beauty contest.
22 Christian Student Center
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
List of members; photo.
23 Next fall's men's senior counselors at Iowa State Teachers college have been announced by Don Peters, Marcus
Public Relations News Release 1950:374, p.1
They are Jim Coffin, Roscoe Crickenberger, DeWayne Cuthbertson, Clyde Dilley, Ernie Doeringsfald, Joe Holdiman, Lavern Miller, Dale Moss, Dick Munster, and Dean Myhr.
24 New officers of the Iowa State Teachers college chapter of Future Business Leaders of America were recently installed
Public Relations News Release 1950:371, p.1
They are: Margaretjean Butterworth, Humboldt, president; Jim Ribbeck, Sumner, vice-president; Marilyn Lowe, Cedar Rapids, secretary, and Clinton Wolf, Hampton, treasurer. New Board members were announced and are listed.