Wood--Daisy (Class of 1898)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Fifty years ago a round robin was started by seven ISTC students
Alumnus 37:3, p.14
Since then one of the seven dropped out; list of the other six.
2 Mrs. Nicholas Vansant
Alumnus 32:1, p.9
The former Daisy Wood lives in Pacific Palisades, California.
3 Married
College Eye 10:14, p.5
Daisy D. Wood married Nicholas G. Van Sant; had been involved in missionary work.
4 The Student Volunteer Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.297

Activities of a group made up of members planning to become missionaries; photo.

5 Miss Daisy Wood, a former student, addresses Y. W. and Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 7:20, p.6
Spoke about "Christianizing the Women's Movement" and her missionary work in Calcutta, India.
6 The following from Daisy D. Wood
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.376
Describes violent and disturbing situation in Calcutta.
7 Daisy D. Wood
Normal Eyte 16:31, p.494
Will visit at Commencement.
8 Daisy Wood
Normal Eyte 16:9, p.138
Visited campus.
9 Daisy Wood
Normal Eyte 14:26, p.403
Now a senior at Cornell College.
10 Daisy Wood
Normal Eyte 14:6, p.86
Daisy Wood is studying at Cornell College.
11 June graduates
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.557
Roster of those who will receive degrees or certificates.
12 Society
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.487

Alphas hold photograph program; Philos enjoy variety program; Ossolis celebrate May Day; Neos hold French program; Chrestos give African-American program; Aristos hold field meet program.

13 Shakespearean open session; Friday evening's entertainment a good one--orations and other numbers well received
Normal Eyte 13:29, p.455
Enjoyed music and drama.
14 Society
Normal Eyte 13:20, p.314

Alphas installed officers; Shakes have French program; Clios have Italian program; Zetas hear papers.

15 Society
Normal Eyte 13:13, p.204
Philos elect officers; Aristos have many strong members; Orios have new piano.
16 The following orations
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.173
Roster of speakers and topics.
17 Society
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.138

Orios held debate; Shakes have German program; Chrestos and Aristos hear papers; Zetas gave French program; Clios enjoy humor.

18 Society
Normal Eyte 13:7, p.100
Zetas enjoy city program; Chrestos have literary program; Neos initiate new members; Shakes enjoy Southern program; Aristos meet at Field Farm.
19 Daisy Wood
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.285
Was assistant principal at Oakland.
20 Daisy Wood
Normal Eyte 8:7, p.97
Enjoying work at Oakland.
21 Other students
Normal Eyte 7:30, p.12
Have secured teaching positions.
22 Shakespearean public
Normal Eyte 7:29, p.13
Account of recent meeting.
23 Shakespearean public
Normal Eyte 7:27, p.16
Account of recent meeting.