Wright--Lawrence S. (Industrial Arts Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 59 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Faculty Senate elects Keefe as 67-68 chairman
College Eye 64:2, p.16
Hold elections and make committee appointments.
2 Industrial arts fellowship offered
College Eye 63:45, p.4
Four fellowships available.
3 Industrial Arts participates in convention
College Eye 60:47, p.4
Professors Wright and Reed will attend national convention.
4 Profs to study improvements in researching
College Eye 60:31, p.6
Professors Wright and Hansen will study improvement of research in vocational education.
5 Industrial arts projects exhibit at A & I Building
College Eye 60:28, p.3
400 projects to be on display.
6 Faculty publish, win national offices
Alumnus 50:3, p.18
List of recent faculty achievements and announcements of recent resignations.
7 Maytag public relations man to give industrial arts speech
College Eye 59:35, p.6
Emmett F. Butler will speak at fourth annual Industrial Arts Fair.
8 Shop teachers offered course on maintenance
College Eye 59:28, p.6
Professor Wright will teach course.
9 SCI sponsors high school drafting meet
College Eye 59:12, p.5
Will hold workshop in Sioux City.
10 Industrial arts at SCI
Alumnus 48:3, p.2
Survey of curriculum and opportunities in industrial arts; photo.
11 Wright named to P-R post in industrial arts
College Eye 56:30, p.8
Professor Lawrence Wright will serve as committee chair for national organization.
12 Dr. Wright heads PR committee of industrial arts association
Alumnus 47:2, p.9
Elected to two-year term.
13 Board of Regents approves 13 staff promotions
College Eye 56:28, p.3
Roster of promotions.
14 Industrial Arts students to vie for awards today
College Eye 56:28, p.1
Two hundred students expected to compete at the Industrial Arts Fair.
15 Suggestions asked for next year's Homecoming
College Eye 53:7, p.5

Will critique this year's celebration and think about next year.

16 ISTC industrial arts faculty to conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:301, p.1
Willis Wagner, James LaRue, and Professor L. S. Wright attend the American Industrial Arts Association national convention in St. Louis. Students in attendance are Gary Bailey and Donald Darrow.
17 Industrial arts instructor attends annual meeting
College Eye 52:12, p.2
Lawrence Wright will attend national meeting; short profile of Professor Wright.
18 Assistance grant to needy student made by faculty
College Eye 52:11, p.1
Faculty Men's Club sponsors scholarship.
19 T. C. Industrial Arts prof to speak at convention
Public Relations News Release 1960:138, p.1
Professor Lawrence Wright attends the American Vocational Association's annual convention as a member of the research committee. He is to present his findings gathered in his industrial arts research.
20 'The Fabulous Sixties' Homecoming theme
College Eye 52:4, p.1
Schedule of activities.
21 Lawn party slated for grad students in Industrial Arts
College Eye 51:35, p.3
22 Industrial Arts Department Uses Practical Approach
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
The industrial Arts Department is provide education through practical experience in metal work, radio construction, woods working, architectural drawing, machine shop practice, and auto construction. The students had showcases multiple times through out the year and are promoted by the Industrial Arts Club and the Majors' Wives Club.
23 Industrial Arts Club Visits John Deere Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
The Industrial Arts Club is organized for any student interested in the Industrial Arts field; it provides an opportunity for professional growth and offers fellowship through its social functions; photo.
24 The Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
The students were taught education through practical experiences like: woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, and archimachine shop practice; photo.
25 Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Providing education through practical experience in woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, archimachine shop practice. Dr. Reed continued to utilize graduate student assistants; photo
26 Dorm decorations, parade will add atmosphere to '58 Homecoming
College Eye 50:6, p.6
A look at the floats and the parade; photo.
27 Of interest to YOU?
College Eye 49:37, p.6
Professors Wright and Wagner will lead discussion on attracting better students to industrial arts.
28 Practical Experience in Industrial Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Description of the Department and photo of the faculty; photos.
29 'No baby-sitting in school'--Wright
College Eye 49:15, p.1
Professor Wright offers suggestions for improving American education.
30 Industrial Arts guests present these reports
College Eye 48:34, p.3
Henry Kuehl and Walter Haynes will present their research.
31 Department of Industrial Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
The Department of Industrial Arts regularly uses field trips to keep in contact with the industrial world; in the summer session of 1956, the department began offering a graduate program and fifteen graduate students attended the first session; photo.
32 Literary material being received
College Eye 48:4, p.1
For next literary supplement to College Eye.
33 Industrial Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
Brief description of the department; photo.
34 Literary writings being received
College Eye 47:7, p.1
For Literary Supplement to College Eye.
35 Campus classrooms ablaze at night
Alumnus 39:3, p.5
Eight non-credit evening classes offered.
36 Honorary Industrial Arts Fraternity
Old Gold 0:0, p.185

Description of Epsilon Pi Tau, the national honor fraternity on campus for industrial arts; photos.

37 Industrial Arts Emphasizes Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.84
Description of the department and photos of the faculty; photos.
38 Craftsmen Gain Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
Description of the activities of the Industrial Arts Club; photos.
39 Literary page board ready for Eye manuscripts
College Eye 46:24, p.1
Guidelines for manuscript submissions.
40 Manual training work of thirty years on display
College Eye 46:20, p.6
Drawings and prints from work at ISTC from 1918-1948.
41 Publishers choose Wright to revise
College Eye 46:14, p.3
Textbook on drawing and design.
42 Publish Wright article
College Eye 46:12, p.3
On high schools and service schools.
43 Students study farm mechanics at corporation
College Eye 46:8, p.6
Group visits Clay Equipment Company.
44 Thirteen staff members take part in centennial convention
College Eye 46:8, p.1
45 Wright obtains Dr. Ed. degree
College Eye 54:41, p.1
Brief profile of Lawrence Wright; photo.
46 Industrial arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Brief description of the department; photo.
47 Instructors work in extension field
College Eye 45:15, p.7
Many ISTC faculty hold conferences in the field.
48 Wright returns from Navy to faculty job
College Eye 44:28, p.8
49 Palmer announces IA program for State Convention
College Eye 44:6, p.1
Program includes ISTC faculty and alumni.
50 Staff changes in thirteen depts.
College Eye 43:34, p.1
Survey of resignations, leaves of absence, and appointments.