Yoder--Harold Marcus (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Faculty plan conference for colleagues
Campus News Network 6:2, p.1
UNI will hold conference for faculty to exchange views on future of teaching October 13-14.
2 Getting the homework done.
Public Relations News Release 1994:162, p.1
With daily homework assignments reaching nearly two and a half hours per day, students and parents should be working together.
3 A philosophy of homework.
Public Relations News Release 1994:162, p.1
Homework must be designed to accomplish a purpose.
4 Homework should serve a purpose, not just 'take up time'
Public Relations News Release 1994:142, p.1
Homework for homework's sake is not valuable according to Marc Yoder.
5 More than 300 students admitted to Teacher Education Program at the University of Northern Iowa; 146 attend induction ceremony
Public Relations News Release 1993:320, p.1
Teacher Education Induction Convocation held at UNI. 300 students admitted to the program. Students listed.
6 Cross-grade peer teaching has important benefits for younger and older students
Public Relations News Release 1993:288, p.1
Benefits are noted from having older students work and mentor younger students.
7 The deadline dilemma.
Public Relations News Release 1993:294, p.1
Marcus Yoder warns of setting deadlines for students.
8 Student teachers.
Public Relations News Release 1993:283, p.1
Marcus Yoder sees advantages to older elementary students being mentors to early elementary students.
9 Who's teaching?
Northern Iowa Today 76:2, p.2
Nearly all courses at UNI are taught by faculty; several good teachers talk about their teaching; photo.
10 NEA selects UNI as pilot project site
Northern Iowan 88:44, p.8
NEA grants $2000 to SISEA to increase membership and to relate more closely to other NEA chapters.
11 Faculty discuss good teaching
Campus News Network 2:13, p.1
Fifty faculty members meet in seminar to talk about teaching; photo.
12 Faculty responds to appeal for letters and calls to Branstad
Northern Iowan 88:40, p.2
13 Faculty responds to appeal for letters and calls to Branstad
Northern Iowan 88:36, p.2
14 NASA Regional Teacher Resource Center opens in Education Center
Northern Iowan 88:10, p.4
RTRC educational materials available; photo.
15 Notice of first session of collective bargaining November 7
Public Relations News Release 1990:172, p.1
Iowa State Board of Regents and United Faculty begin talks.
16 Yoder named Faculty Chair for 1990-91 school year
Northern Iowan 87:6, p.1
Mark Yoder replaced Peter Goulet as Faculty Chair for this school year; photo.
17 Former grade school teacher becomes prof
Northern Iowan 86:25, p.10
Profile of Professor Mark Yoder; photo.
18 Conference to highlight history, beliefs, lifestyle, of the Amish society April 25
Public Relations News Release 1987:300, p.1
A conference on the religious practices, history, and lifestyle of the Amish was held in the Education Center. The conference included presentations from faculty members on Amish crafts, games, and history.
19 Price Lab summer school registration to be April 22
Public Relations News Release 1986:357, p.1

Registration will begin for the six-week summer session held for elementary students in grades pre-kindergarten through sixth; children must be four years old at minimum.

20 Tuition funds predicted, United Faculty may negotiate
Northern Iowan 80:20, p.1
Increase in tuition may bring an additional $1.1 million to UNI.
21 Students get taste of teaching through experience
UNI Century 11:1, p.5
PLS faculty talk about the student teaching experience at the lab school; photo.
22 Extension offers learning options
Northern Iowan 77:27, p.3
Will offer non-credit courses in Norwegian, publications production, and non-verbal communication.
23 UNI to offer 'Options for Learning'
Public Relations News Release 1980:307, p.1
UNI will offer four courses designed to offer educational experience to the community at large.