Young--Walter A. (Social Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Wilson Young killed in plane accident
College Eye 35:15, p.3
Son of former faculty member, W. A. Young, dies.
2 Fahrney to teach in New York
College Eye 30:31, p.1
For summer session.
3 Faculty golfers carry on
College Eye 28:40, p.4
Six golfers remain in contention.
4 Fireworks today? It's not amiss
College Eye 28:39, p.1
There is some latitude about exactly when the independence of the United States can be celebrated.
5 Young prefers teaching to mountain vacation; one instructor likes new environments
College Eye 28:37, p.1
Brief profile of W. A. Young, who is substituting for Professor Sage.
6 Young of Kansas teachers for Sage
College Eye 28:32, p.1
W. A. Young will teach while Professor Sage visits Europe.
7 Professor W. A. Young
Alumnus 19:4, p.7
Dean of College at Friends University.
8 Untitled
College Eye 27:49, p.3
W. A. Young will be faculty dean in Wichita school.
9 W. A. Young to speak at morning worship
College Eye 23:10, p.2
Will speak on world peace.
10 How to dispose of over-supply is Depression problem, says Young
College Eye 23:9, p.2
Causes of the Depression discussed; excepts from address by W. A. Young.
11 Prof. W. A. Young speaks here today
College Eye 23:3, p.1
Former faculty member will discuss European travel.
12 Where?
College Eye 18:54, p.1
Faculty talk about their vacation plans.
13 Hoyt wins golf title; first round consolation must be played soon
College Eye 18:53, p.1
Defeated Professor Kadesch; match results.
14 Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 18:52, p.8
News about recent and upcoming events.
15 Y. W. C. A.
College Eye 18:49, p.8
News about activities and members.
16 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Photos and names of faculty members.
17 A loss next fall
College Eye 16:1, p.8
W. A. Young will teach in Wichita, Kansas.
18 Mr. and Mrs. Young
College Eye 15:16, p.8
Will be vacationing in Kansas.
19 A new alliance
College Eye 14:54, p.1
Criticizes statements made by C. A. Fullerton concerning pacifists and militarists.
20 Social Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
21 Department of History
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Poems, quotes, faculty; photo.
22 A party
College Eye 13:11, p.1
Methodist students enjoy party at Professor Young's house.
23 Appointments
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.2
Individuals listed by department.
24 Zeta
Old Gold 0:0, p.157

Roster of presidents, active members, and honorary members; photo.