Zerwekh-Gilbert--Florence (Class of 1892)

Displaying 1 - 46 of 46 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Staff member of 'Normal Eyte' writes tribute and greetings
College Eye 33:21, p.1
J. Percival Huget congratulates the student newspaper on its 50th anniversary; photo.
2 Achoth House
College Eye 13:23, p.8
Boarding house news.
3 Mrs. J. Allen Gilbert
College Eye 9:16, p.7
Florence Zerwekh died.
4 Official
College Eye 9:13, p.5
Florence Zerwekh-Gilbert died last month; administrators from other colleges visited to inspect T. C. facilities; Wilbur Bender will be the new Inspector of Agricultural Education for Iowa; D. D. Johnson has left the teaching profession to pursue business
5 Brief Reports 40
Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.1
Florence A. Zerwekh-Gilbert dies December 17, 1917.
6 Florence A. Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 19:25, p.395
Now married to J. Allen Gilbert.
7 Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 14:28, p.443
Living in Oregon.
8 Florence A. Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.25
Married J. Allen Gilbert.
9 Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 11:23, p.559
Read paper in Des Moines.
10 Florence A. Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 10:2, p.33
Received master's degree from Radcliff; teaching at Perry.
11 Florence A. Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.496
Resigned from Villisca high school; entered the State University; now is a student at Radcliffe.
12 Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 9:2, p.34
Will study at Radcliff College.
13 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.14
Re-elected principal at Perry, where several other Normalites are teaching.
14 The Normal Eyte
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.13

History of the student newspaper.

15 We hear very good reports
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.88
Normalites doing well in Perry.
16 The Board of Regents of the State University
Normal Eyte 6:34, p.475
Florence Zerwekh will study at University of Iowa.
17 The Normalites that graduate from S. U. I.
Normal Eyte 6:31, p.364
Several have secured good positions.
18 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 6:30, p.356
Will be principal in Perry; Lissa Lenocker will be assistant; the Misses Kelley and Heightshoe will teach there, too.
19 The Perry High School
Normal Eyte 6:30, p.352
Florence Zerwekh will be principal.
20 It is gratifying to notice
Normal Eyte 6:25, p.292
Several Normalites will graduate from the University of Iowa.
21 We notice
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.196
Florence Zerwekh and F. C. Ensign on Class Day committee at University of Iowa.
22 The following names
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.160
Roster of former Normalites now studying at University of Iowa.
23 Miss Emma J. Randall
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.124
Student at University of Iowa as is Florence A. Zerwekh.
24 The Perry High School
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.3
Minnie Moore, Florence Zerwekh, and Lissa Lenocker teaching there.
25 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.574
Will not teach in Villisca as reported earlier.
26 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.441
Principal at Villisca.
27 A. F. Burton
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.200
Teaching in Vilisca; Florence Zerwekh is principal.
28 The literary program of the Alumni Association
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.283
Association places graduates of old elementary course on same footing as graduates of current course; officers elected; speakers listed.
29 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.286
Finishes year at University of Iowa; will look for high school work.
30 The following students from Cedar Falls
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.27
Roster of Normalites at the University of Iowa.
31 We beg to correct a statement
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.28
Florence Zerwekh studying at University of Iowa, not in Des Moines.
32 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 3:2, p.12
Resigns at Algona; studying in Des Moines.
33 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 2:19, p.152
Teaching at Algona Normal School.
34 The following is a list of the Class of 1892
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.10
Roster of students and their current positions or occupations.
35 Addresses and valedictory
Normal Eyte 1:21, p.163
Commencement oration.
36 On Wednesday morning
Normal Eyte 1:21, p.163
Class Day program with program participants.
37 Class Day program
Normal Eyte 1:20, p.159
List of activities and participants.
38 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 1:16, p.125
Back after visit to home in Stuart.
39 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:15, p.118
Roster of officers of student organizations and military companies.
40 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:13, p.101
Roster of officers of student organizations.
41 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:10, p.77
List of student organizations and their officers.
42 The following are the Sunday School officers and teachers
Normal Eyte 1:10, p.79
Roster of officers and teachers.
43 The Alphas had a simple ceremony
Normal Eyte 1:7, p.56
Description of recent Alpha meeting and program that included installation of officers.
44 At the elections held last week
Normal Eyte 1:7, p.54
List of class orators who were selected.
45 Miss Florence Zerwekh
Normal Eyte 1:4, p.29
Elected assistant principal in normal school in Algona.
46 The Normal Eyte
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.1
Editorial staff roster.