Zimmerle--Howard (Student--2001-2002)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Good guys out for a good cause
Northern Iowan 98:48, p.15
The men of Pi Kappa Phi are working hard to make themselves an official fraternity; photo.
2 Student voices
Northern Iowan 98:47, p.10
Students respond to the question: "What are your favorite signs of spring?"
3 Student continues support of Briddell/Greiner ticket
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.9
Encourages students to vote for Adam Briddell and Kellie Greiner in the 2001 NISG election rematch.
4 Amnesty International to host student debate on death penalty
Northern Iowan 97:34, p.1
Students will argue for and against the death penalty.