IndexUNI: Database of University Articles


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Articles on this Page

Title Date Summary
1 "Birds of the Midwest" will be museum topic
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.4
2/16/1973 John Osness will speak.
2 Copernican 'birthday party' commemorates astronomical contributions
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.4
2/16/1973 Program description.
3 Holst Music Award is inaugurated
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.4
2/16/1973 Award in memory of Professor Harald Holst will be given to outstanding music theater student each year.
4 Science Foundation awards institutional grants
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.4
2/16/1973 $4360 grant will be used to stimulate instruction and research in the sciences.

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