IndexUNI: Database of University Articles


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Articles on this Page

Title Date Summary
1 Bess Forrester
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited Waterloo.
2 Chapel exercises
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 The Reverend Magee conducted exercises.
3 Clara Cutler
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited friends.
4 Gertrude McKone
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Enrolled in school.
5 Grace McElderry
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Has appendicitis.
6 Harriet McPherson
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Will teach in Cedar Rapids.
7 Jennie Landis
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Resigned to take position in Chicago.
8 Maggie Robertson and Mrs. Kennedy
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited Jennie Hutchison.
9 Mary Bruce
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Attended friend's wedding.
10 Miss Jasmann
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Left school due to poor health.
11 Miss Pierce
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited parents.
12 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Axtell
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited family.
13 Mrs. J. W. Jarnagin
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited daughter.
14 Mrs. Patten
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited daughter Fern.
15 Nellie Hoag
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited sister.
16 Orations delivered this week
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Roster of speakers and topics.
17 Orpha Ensign
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited Boone.
18 President and Mrs. Seerley
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Visited Iowa City.
19 Prof. Gist
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Preached in Congregational Church in Waterloo.
20 Prof. Wright
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Preached in town.
21 The Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
11/1/1902 Delegation went to Sioux City.

Questions about this service?

Contact Jaycie Vos, University Archivist | (319) 273-6307


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Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614
(319) 273-2838  |