IndexUNI: Database of University Articles


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Articles on this Page

Title Date Summary
1 Judo Club hauled in the trophies
Dickman--Allan Melvin (Class of 1976)
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 Panthers won the championship trophy and took home six gold medals; photo.
2 Meacham gains All-American
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 Swimmer Kevin Meacham was given All-American status after performing in the NCAA championship.
3 Men's intramurals enter busy spring season
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 An intramural free throw contest will be held Tuesday and Wednesday.
4 UNI gymnasts prepare for national meet
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 Panthers hope to gain a victory at the NCAA Division II championship.
5 UNI hosts national gymnastics; Division II meet underway
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 Panthers will host the NCAA Division II Gymnastics Championships beginning Thursday.
6 W. R. A. elections
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.10
3/26/1976 Elections for the Women's Recreation Association's executive board will be held Tuesday.

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