IndexUNI: Database of University Articles


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Articles on this Page

Title Date Summary
1 Burch to meet Orr for crown
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Intramural golf title is to be determined.
2 Chapel dispensed in deference to Bible Conference
College Eye 27:50, p.1
3 College high school Honor Roll released
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 List of names.
4 College to aid music program of Bible meet; symphony orchestra, glee clubs, college choir are listed
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Several groups will perform at the Cedar Falls Bible Conference.
5 Coming exhibit to show work of publications
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Board of Control of Student Publications will mount exhibit.
6 Dr. Frank Clapp is speaker for Commencement; is worker in standardized and self-marking tests
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Profile of Frank L. Clapp.
7 Education In The News
Adams--Theodore R. (Student--1932-1936)
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 News and issues from college campuses across the United States.
8 Five survive faculty golf meet to date
College Eye 27:50, p.1
9 Gladice Sears develops new theory for teaching typing; Plainfield high freshmen hundred percent typists
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Advocates introduction of keyboarding skills classes early.
10 Highs and lows of domesticity charted in 'Love and Geography'; blend of laughter and tears in Scandinavian comedy-drama
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Review of the play.
11 Old South Hall remodeled into small assembly
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Old Gilchrist Hall chapel is being remodeled; stained glass windows will be removed; project will cost $6000.
12 Parrott attends Vermont school
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Studying at Vermont School of the Dance.
13 Porcupine's quill and ticker tape tell traveler's tale
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Lillie Anderson has souvenirs of her extensive travels.
14 Samuelson honored at dinner party in Des Moines July 25
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Sponsored by ISTA.
15 Singers draw largest audience from here
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Performance by Piney Woods School group earns $157.
16 Some collect 'em; he enjoys them
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Professor Lillehei enjoys his stamp collection.
17 Students studious in spite of heat, librarian proves
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Over 32,000 books checked out in June.
18 Teacher needs tact, Miss Paine says at forum
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Excerpts from address by Olive Paine.
19 Xylophonist next music hour soloist
College Eye 27:50, p.1
7/26/1935 Shirley Oeser will perform.

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Contact Jaycie Vos, University Archivist | (319) 273-6307


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