
Displaying 1 - 50 of 681 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Vox Pop: If there's one thing you could change about UNI, what would it by, and why?
Northern Iowan 119:12, p.5
Emma Becker asks students "If there's one thing you could change about UNI, what would it by, and why?"; photo.
2 Vox Pop: How do you feel about UNI campus parking?
Northern Iowan 119:11, p.4
Aubrey Schafbuch asks various UNI students "How do you feel about UNI campus parking?" Madison Lanford, Michaela Kehoe, Ryan Carlin, Maya McDermott, and Taylor Tendall all share their frustrations with limited parking on campus; photo.
3 Students spark concern about CP parking
Northern Iowan 119:8, p.4
Aubrey Schafbuch interviews Madison Langford, a junior elementary education major, about the complications of finding parking in CP. Langford and other students are frustrated that they paid more money to have a CP pass but often times have to park in the C lot; photo.
4 Parking Guide 101
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.5
Caroline Christensen gives students advice about parking on campus; photo.
5 UNI requires DNA test for parking pass
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.6
Written by Brad Kristofferson, Stop, hammertime, the satire article says that UNI's new strategy for selling parking passes will require students to present a DNA sample, nasal swab, blood sample, urine sample, and drug test to ensure that only students who truly want a parking pass will purchase one; photo.
6 Students v. campus parking
Northern Iowan 118:33, p.3
Mikayla Warrick discusses the issues with the campus parking lots; photo.
7 College Hill parking changes arrive
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.2

The City of Cedar Falls, the College Hill Partnership, and UNI have added a 50 cent hourly fee to two parking lots on College Hill which used to be free. New Pay Station Smart Meters along with an app called 'Park Smarter' are now in use to help with parking in these areas; photo.

8 Parking changes coming to College Hill
Northern Iowan 116:38, p.2
Parking in the College Hill area will soon be standardized between lots with new signage and pay stations; photos.
9 Students need more parking options at UNI
Northern Iowan 114:31, p.3
Brenna Wolfe suggests parking garages to create more parking on campus; photo.
10 CP lots cause tension on north side of campus
Northern Iowan 114:6, p.2
Students are upset over the lack of parking near Campbell and The Towers. They feel there is not enough C Preferred (CP) parking; photo.
11 Panther parking problems
Northern Iowan 113:1, p.1
Changes in parking permit policies and ongoing construction cause concerns to drivers; photos.
12 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

13 "No free tuition" raises valid safety concerns
Northern Iowan 112:26, p.5

In response to the November 5 article "Hit by a car? No free tuition" and Andrew Heppeard's November 19 column, Atkins argues for increased protection and access for pedestrians on campus.

14 Where to park?
Northern Iowan 111:54, p.
Where students can park on campus.
15 Tickets of convenience
Northern Iowan 111:27, p.1
Students are making their own parking spots between the Presidents House and Lang hall, causing possible safety issues; photo.
16 No parking pass? No problem!
Northern Iowan 111:22, p.3
Student Eric Boisen looks at public safety and how he feels they do a poor job of being consistent with their parking lot rules; photo.
17 Don't get a ticket
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
The article explains the rules of parking at UNI. It gives tips on how to avoid getting a ticket.
18 Parking insufficient at UNI
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.1
There are about 9200 parking spots available on the UNI campus. However, parking permits for A and B lots are oversold. This means that not everyone with a permit is guaranteed a parking spot; photo.
19 17. Don't get a ticket!
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.
20 Parking: a little ticket goes a long way; 30,000-40, 000 parking tickets are issued per calendar year
Northern Iowan 109:48, p.1
During an average academic year, the total cost for parking tickets at UNI is approximately $421,000. The money that is collected from these tickets is used to cover all parking expenses; photo.
21 Enough is enough
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.6
Article discusses frustration with parking system at UNI. Gives examples of problems with current systems, offers suggestions for improvement.
22 Need to go somewhere?
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.
Parking permits are available online. The Panther Shuttle, sponsored by NISG, runs Monday-Friday from 7:04 to 5:04. MET bus routes are available for off campus trips. SafeRide is free and available Friday and Saturday nights; photo.
23 Persistent parking woes
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.5
Criticizes student parking on campus. Parking passes are over sold. Suggests designating an area for students to park free of charge; photo.
24 Study examines how to best use parking space
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1
Metered parking in the Multimodal Transportation Center was at 2.5 per cent of capacity during the fall of 2010. This has led to a parking consultant undertaking a parking study. In the future, the dynamics of parking could change; photo.
25 Oversold parking passes cause problems for students, staff
Northern Iowan 108:6, p.1
There are 8300 parking spots on campus with over 16,000 students, staff, and visitors. Parking passes allow the owner to park in designated areas. The beginning of each new year brings some confusion.
26 What do you think about parking on campus?
Northern Iowan 108:6, p.4
Five students express their thoughts on parking problems on campus; photo.
27 Multimodal Transportation Center features easier campus access, solar panels
Northern Iowa Today 94:2, p.7
Center opened in 2010; includes 587 parking spaces, bus station; solar panels provide most of the energy for the structure; City Mouse sculpture by Andrew Arvanetes installed; photo.
28 UNI dedicates its first net-zero building
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.1
Multimodal Transportation Center generates its own energy thanks to solar panels installed above the facility. The facility is a joint effort of UNI, the cities of Cedar Falls and Waterloo, and the Metropolitan Transit Authority; photo.
29 UNI to dedicate new Multimodal Transportation Center
Northern Iowan 107:1, p.13
A joint effort among UNI, Cedar Falls, Waterloo, and the Metropolitan Transit Authority will be dedicated on August 27, 2010; photo.
30 Green updates in progress on university parking facility
Northern Iowan 106:59, p.2
Solar panels and a geo-thermal heating system will provide the electricity needed for the Multimodal Transportation Center. The remodeling of Sabin Hall will also cut energy usage; photo.
31 Parking lot north of Multimodal Transportation Center to close
Northern Iowan 106:42, p.2
The "B" parking lot will close on April 5 through mid-August in preparation for installation of solar panels on the Center. The lot will be used to store steel beams and equipment needed to complete the project.
32 Students unhappy with underused Multimodal Transportation Center
Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.1
Reserved spaces and pay by space stalls have largely gone unused. Confusion on how to pay for spaces has led to tickets for students. On campus students and commuters had negative comments on the parking situation; photo.
33 The truth behind the orange envelope
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.7
Dave Zarifis answers questions about paying and appealing parking tickets; explains how that money is used; photo.
34 Bike lockers available for rent
Northern Iowan 106:27, p.2
Public Safety has lockers available to rent for $15 per semester. The lockers are meant to store bicycles and are located across from the Multimodal Transportation Center; photo.
35 Multimodal transportation center to open
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.1
November 2 five hundred eighty seven parking spaces will be open. A, B, and G permits will be allowed plus metered parking at $.50 per hour.
36 Parking woes
Northern Iowan 106:3, p.4
Students reminded of parking regulations. Students must park in the proper lots during the weekends for the security of their vehicles. The new parking facility may help persons parking on the north side of campus.
37 Sleepless nights
Northern Iowan 106:2, p.5
The lights from the Multimodal Transportation Center are causing problems with students living in Campbell and Bartlett dorms. The lights are extremely bright and burn nearly around the clock.
38 Bathroom stall reading
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.9
Tips for survival at UNI include; be aware of crosswalks; parking in Cedar Falls is very strict; and utilize outside e-mail systems. The fliers, formerly found in restrooms, are no longer allowed by the Department of Residence.
39 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.2
Scenes from Kamerick Art Building and construction of 23rd Street parking facility; photo.
40 UNI Public Safety director answers common parking questions
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.6
Dave Zarifis addresses parking concerns, including the decreased number of parking spaces, parking in lots during the evening, the estimated number of parking tickets, and the use of parking ticket money
41 NISG Senate meeting: January 21
Northern Iowan 105:30, p.3
The landlord ordinance explained, including some revisions. Discussion concerning snow removal near the campus by Cedar Falls led to plans for one on one contact prior to a resolution. Increased parking for students on the weekends is being explored.
42 Shame on Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 105:24, p.3
Cedar Falls taken to task for changing parking regulations, renter's ordinance, lost parking spaces due construction, and College Street still in disarray. Suggested that the city fathers adopt the attitude of "Students First".
43 Pardon the construction: progress under way
Northern Iowa Today 92:2, p.
Quick look at construction projects on and off campus: new parking deck and College Hill renovation; photo.
44 What's that noise?
Northern Iowan 105:2, p.7
Construction noise from streets and the parking garage serves as an alarm clock for students. Unfortunately, some work is beginning at 6:00AM. This may violate the city code and working agreements with the University.
45 Parking during snow removal notice
Northern Iowan 104:29, p.1
Students, faculty, and staff reminded to vacate G, A, and B parking lots between 1:00 and 7:00AM. $25.00 fines may be assessed. Tips provided on other winter parking matters.
46 Campus parking lot changes
Northern Iowan 104:28, p.2
Bartlett lot re-opens; WRC parking lot under reconstruction to accommodate new medical facility in Human Performance Center.
47 Parking information for the winter season
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.3
Disabled vehicles need to be reported to the Department of Public Safety. G, A, B, and metered parking lots are to be vacant from 1:00am until 7:00am.
48 Glaser opinion column November 16
Northern Iowan 104:25, p.9
Responds to previous letter regarding parking difficulties during special campus events; believes writer should have fuller understanding of what a parking permit entails and how parking lots are financed.
49 Parking unfair and expensive
Northern Iowan 104:24, p.8
Outlines inequities in parking on campus, especially during events at the UNI-Dome.
50 I am writing
Northern Iowan 104:13, p.10
Student is unhappy with parking situation; believes that buying a permit should result in a parking place closer to her residence hall.