Pistarino--Emma (Student--2019)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NI Symphony Orchestra presents spring concert
Northern Iowan 117:52, p.4
The Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra (NISO) performed a concert in the Great Hall at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). Only a small number of people were allowed to attend, but the concert was also livestreamed on the School of Music's YouTube channel; photo.
2 Clean up College Hill this Earth Day
Northern Iowan 117:51, p.4
Student David Hindman has organized a clean up of the College Hill area on Earth Day, April 22. Organizational partners include Green Iowa AmeriCorps, ThreeHouse Collaborative, Campus Ministries, and the College Hill Partnerships; photo.
3 UNI hosts 'Solve Climate by 2030' webinar
Northern Iowan 117:51, p.5
UNI hosted the Solve Climate by 2030 project, a series of webinars which educate the public on issues relating to climate and the environment in their own communities. Professor Catherine Zeman and student Madison Johnson helped modersate, and panelists included Cedar Valley community leaders Matt Hein, Chris Schwartz, and Ellen Bluth; photo.
4 In review: Gun violence near campus
Northern Iowan 117:49, p.1
On April 4, one person was injured on College hill when his own firearm accidentally discharged, and investigators found several firearms and arrested two people on charges unrelated to the shooting. The article discusses aggravated assaults and gun violence on or near campus that have taken place in the past five years. Cedar Valley residents and UNI students have expressed concern and protested increases in gun violence. Many expect an increase in gun-related incidents after Governor Reynolds signed a new permitless gun carrying law into effect at the beginning of the month; photo.
5 Questioning the inclusiveness of education
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.4
On March 30, University of Norfolk professor Justin Haegele gave the annual Carlton-Mellichamp Lecture in Education in three presentations over Zoom. It focused on his research with visually impaired students in physical education (PE) classes and ideas of exclusion and inclusion; photos.
6 History department discusses witch hunts, language use
Northern Iowan 117:45, p.4
Jennifer McNabb, Head of the History Department, hosted a lecture to discuss language and power among women in the early England's witch hunts. This lecture was part of the Phi Alpha Theta Lecture Series in recognition of Women's History Month; photo.
7 Case study competition awards three UNI students
Northern Iowan 117:43, p.4
Students Lynn Kleyer, Kara Hooper, and MacKenzie Helle won second place in the National Case Study Competition in Health Education (NCSCHE). They came home with a trophy and certificates after presenting to a board of judges from the Society for Public Health Education; photo.
8 Lecture highlights climate justice
Northern Iowan 117:38, p.2
The Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series hosted sociologist Robert Bullard for a virtual panel on climate justice. The event was hosted jointly by UNI, Iowa State University, and the University of Iowa; photo.
9 AOC, Michael Moore stumped for Bernie
Northern Iowan 116:30, p.1
United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Mark Pocan, and filmmaker Michael Moore held a town hall at UNI in support of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sanders could not attend the event, held in advance of the Iowa caucuses, due to the impeachment trial of President Trump. Each spoke on their reasons for supporting Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez answered questions; photos.
10 Buttigieg hosts town hall
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosted a town hall in Maucker Union on January 15 in advance of Iowa's February 3 caucus; photo.

11 CETL panel discusses indigenous student experience on UNI campus
Northern Iowan 116:25, p.2
The UNI Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) inaugurated a new series of panels titled "What Your Students Want You to Know." Each discussion features a different group of under-represented students who want to express their concerns and address faculty and staff on matters regarding inclusion at UNI. UNI students and alumni of Native American heritage participated in the first panel moderated by art department professor Angela Waseskuk, including Arianna Sprague, Trisha Etringer, Samantha Habinck, Tyra Wanatee, and Jennifer LeGrande; photos.
12 Hurts Donuts opens in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 116:21, p.1

Janelle and Scott Wilks co-own and operate Hurts Donuts, which had its grand opening in Cedar Falls on October 6. They handed out 1,200 donuts to those passing by in exchange for hugs; photo.

13 UNI alum discusses foreign policy
Northern Iowan 116:18, p.2
John Dinger, alum and former U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia, held the forum "When Politics Trumps Expertise: Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, and Foreign Policy Making in the Trump White House" at UNI on October 28. Dinger spoke about the inner workings of foreign policy and how ambassadors work together with the government; photo.