Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Ames debaters chosen; Johnson, Colegrove, and Mantle capture places on team-Hayes alternate After a preliminary debate, the team members who will face Ames were chosen.
2 Why no credit?; English Department could advance Normal interests greatly by giving credits for inter-collegiate debating and oratory Editorial encourages the awarding of class credit to those involved in the debate and oratory teams to reward students for their hard work.
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3 Cornell--Normal next Saturday, Oct. 15 I S. N. S. will play Cornell on October 15th.
4 Miss Bowman; Radcliffe College-assistant critic Laura Bowman; photo.
5 Next Saturday, October 15 After October 15th the price of a subscription to the Normal Eyte will increase by fifty cents.
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6 Emma Paffendorf; New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics--Assistant Physical Director Miss Emma Paffendorf; photo.
7 Great lecture course; the best course ever offered here has been secured--first number next Tuesday, October 11 The upcoming schedule of lecture course events looks to be very entertaining.
8 Republicans organize; political pot begins to boil at Normal The Republican students gathered to develop a Republican Club; new officers were elected.
9 Where our football teams play today The regular team plays in Ames and the second string plays in Iowa Falls.
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10 Notes on Music
Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)
Article discusses proper etiquette when attending concerts and the problem with labeling music as "popular music".
11 Training; the course of study--some suggested modernized courses
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Article suggests courses that should be taught at various age levels.
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12 Miss Suplee still at I. S. N. S.; reports to the contrary ungrounded Article refutes a rumor that Miss Suplee has resigned her position at I. S. N. S.
13 Resolutions The Aristos express their sorrow and extend their sympathy to the family of John Furry who died recently.
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14 Adell Andrews Will teach sixth grade in Denver, Colorado.
15 After a pleasant experience of three years as principal J. T. Fackler has returned to Iowa to teach in Linn County, while caring for his mother.
16 After a pleasant year in the Lorimer schools Lillyan M. Francy has resigned to become principal of the high school at Lineville, Iowa.
17 After spending the summer in Iowa Carrie E. Martin will return as the principal of the Frontier, Wyoming, schools.
18 C. G. Umbaugh Is a teacher of the grammar grades at Cumberland.
19 C. H. Gilbert IS the principal of the Garfield school in Eagle Groove, Iowa.
20 Dora Larson Will remain in the Audubon High School.
21 Elizabeth Bain Taught four institutes in Iowa this summer; has resigned from Salt Lake City, Utah, schools to attend the University of Iowa.
22 Ellen C. Jackson Is employed at the Glenwood High School for the fourth year.
23 Emma Shoudy Will remain as a teacher in Seattle, Washington.
24 Frank D. McIlravy Is principal of the Hopkins building in Sioux City, Iowa.
25 G. M. Grimes Will have charge of the ward school in Marion, Iowa.
26 Grace Brainard Will again teach in the Washington school of East Waterloo.
27 J. A. Beard Is employed by the Capital City Gas and Lighting Company of Des Moines.
28 Mary E. Keehl Will return to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, for the third year as a primary teacher.
29 O. D. Longstreth Is professor of chemistry and physics, along with director of athletics, at Ellsworth College.
30 S. M. Coddington Is the new principal of schools at Danvers, Illinois.
31 Tripoli schools promises a good year Raymond French will supervise the Tripoli schools.
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32 A pretty home wedding at Coggan, Iowa Lydia Blanche and Andrew McDonald were married; they will reside in Tama.
33 A small company of relatives and intimate friends gathered in Sioux City Greta Beach and W. G. Detwiler were married on June 20th; Mr. Detwiler is principal of the Copper building in Sioux City.
34 A. T. Gifford For the fifth consecutive year, A. T. Gifford will be the principal of the Lynnville school.
35 Emma Hegner McNally Mr. and Mrs. McNally have recently moved to Birmingham, Alabama, were Mr. McNally works for the Kimball Piano Company.
36 Ida Strawn Made a visit to Normal; is working for the Educational Publishing Company; spent the summer in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
37 Mabel Gilmore Spent the summer on a timber ranch in Monroe, Washington.
38 The marriage of Coral Smith to Edward Darr Were married in Storm Lake, Iowa, on June 21st; will reside in Rockford, Illinois.
39 The wedding of Laura E. Martin and Philip Vial Ketchum Were married and will reside in Elkhart, Iowa.
40 W. H. Ray Is the new superintendent at Lansing.
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41 College Exchanges
Campbell--Amy Hart (Student--1904)
Excerpts from other colleges' newspapers.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Bible Study
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Lesson VI--The Chosen Family--Abraham.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Great football game; Pell's machine grinds out score of 36, while Simpson takes home a goose egg I. S. N. S. defeated Simpson, 36-0; Jones scored the first touchdown.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Clio The new members of the Clio and Orio literary societies were formally initiated.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Chresto Members of the Chresto society held a night of presentations by members of the society.
46 Germania Describes, in German, the details of the previous German Club meeting.
47 Shake Describes the presentations of the recent Shake society meeting.
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48 Amy McLean Enrolled in school.
49 Cora Otto Niece sick.
50 Florence Breneman Visited Ames.
51 Harry St. Clair Visited sister Faye.
52 Hazel Armstrong Visited Waterloo.
53 Henry Ensminger Visited Dallas Johnson.
54 Lillian Faint Visited home.
55 Lura Chase Visited home.
56 Maude McChane's brother Came for a visit.
57 Miss Carpenter Visited friends.
58 Miss Drenning Visiting family in Galena.
59 Miss Fannie Dickey Sang a solo at the prayer meeting.
60 Miss Thornton Led reading circle.
61 Misses Chantry, Elsie chantry, Rhode, and Lovitt Visited Carl Axtell.
62 Mr. C. A. Fullerton Visited his sister in North Carolina.
63 Mr. Fullerton of Rockford Visiting sons Robert and Charles.
64 Nellie Long Visited Ellen Hull.
65 Prof. Condit Spoke at Cornell College.
66 Rose Aleck Visiting uncle.
67 Stella Counsell Left school due to illness.
68 Two of the ladies' physical training classes Began work in gymnasium.
69 Winifred Cameron Visited Waterloo.
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70 Agnes Field Went home to care for grandmother.
71 Belle Buckley Visited Edna Thatcher.
72 Friday night Nu Omicron Nu initiated three new members.
73 The Episcopal girls Met to organize St. Catherine's Guild.
74 Thursday evening Professors Patt, Call, Simmons, and Oliver greet new women faculty.