Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
10 Y. M. and Y. W. Notes YMCA Gospel Team at work.
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# Article Article Summary
11 At The Theaters; Belle Bennett and Ronald Colman in "Stella Dallas"; Synopsis Short reviews of movies.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Dorothy Smalling, B. A., 1925 Dorothy Smalling married John B. Sickles.
13 Eulalian Society happenings.
14 Homerian Society happenings.
15 Irving Society office roster.
16 Neotrophian Society happenings.
17 Shakespearean Society happenings; office roster.
18 Sidney Mazer, Waterloo Sidney Mazer and family moving to Boston.
19 The Wolff's Howl
Wolff--Margaret J. C. (Class of 1928)
Encourages students to join debate team under new leadership.
20 Zetalethean Society happenings; office roster.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Bartlett Hall Notes Hall happening; office roster.
22 Cecil Bogard Has accepted a position in Cleveland, Ohio, with the Real Silk Hosiery Company.
23 Dolores Thoma Has begun training to be a nurse.
24 Dr. Noel's lecture praised Dr. Fisher's recommendation for Noel's upcoming lecture.
25 L. S. A. Lutheran Student Association meeting happenings.
26 Miss Dorothy Detthof Is teaching in Dysart; spent the weekend with Edith and Grace Zihlman.
27 Playcraft Club Office roster.
28 Rev. Glen W. Rowley Former student is now a new Methodist pastor.
29 The statement is sent to the entertainment committee "Beggar's Opera" to be broadcast over the radio.
30 Venancio Trinidad Has been sent from the Philippines to Seattle, Washington, to study teacher training.
31 Word had been received Mary Johannsen is teaching in Sidney.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Big pep meeting this Friday night Students encouraged to show support for school sporting events.
33 Conference games Three pivotal football games in the Iowa Conference will be played soon.
34 Football squad Roster of players for 1927 football; gives short description of position played.
35 Iowa Wesleyan defeats Graceland; Methodists have good passing machine Score was 23-6.
36 L. Orr urges student backing
Orr--Louis A. (Class of 1928)
Encourages school spirit and support in football.
37 Little Tutors triumph over La Porte high High school football team won, 26-0.
38 Teachers' Iowa Conference foes Roster of conference football opponents and their locations.
39 Track meet postponed Intramural meet delayed due to wet weather.
40 Tutors battle Ia. Wesleyan Sat. Oct. 8; Teachers' squad in good condition; Tutors lack beef Probable lineup of players.
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# Article Article Summary
41 By-gone days Reprinted Normal Eyte article from thirty years ago.
42 Football stickers free Local store made stickers for community to display on vehicles to show support of the college.
43 Get Acquainted Interview with Dean of Men Leslie I. Reed; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Alpha Chi News Fraternity happenings
45 Alpha Delta Alpha Fraternity happenings.
46 Delta Phi Delta Sorority happenings.
47 First year manual arts Office roster.
48 Kappa Theta Psi Sorority happenings.
49 Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity happenings.
50 Pi Theta Pi Sorority happenings.
51 The pop off
Storie--Jessie A. (Class of 1928)
Student writes about trolley experience.
52 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Sorority happenings.
53 Xanho Fraternity happenings; office roster.