Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Bird's Eye View This issue of the Old Gold opens up with a view of the campus and of Cedar Falls from the air. Included in the photo is the Campanile, Wright Hall, Seerley Hall, Sabin Hall, and other buildings; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Old Gold Opening Title Page for this issue, stating the year of issue and the volume number.
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# Article Article Summary
3 1955 Old Gold This main title page lists the executive editor and the managing staff for this issue, also featured is a photo of campus; photo.
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4 Foreword A quick letter from the staff and advisor of the Old Gold explaining the changes made to this issue; photo.
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5 Commons Outside photo of the Commons is featured on this page; photo.
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6 Commons Three photos on this page featuring different activies that take place in the Commons building, such as dances , dining, and relaxation; photo.
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7 Science Laboratory Photo of the science laboratory; photo
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8 Lab Photos Three photos of students working in the labs are fatured on this page. In the photos, students are sorting grain, distilling water, and testing electrical equipment; photos.
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9 English, Education, And Social Science Three photos on this page show students working in Speech Correction, looking over filmstrips, and reviewing current events posted on a bulletin board; photos.
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10 Auditorium This page features an outside photo of the Auditorium Building; photo.
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11 Vocational This photo shows students coming and going from the Vocational Building in the winter; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Vocational Photos These three photos show students working in the labs of the Vocational Building. Of note is two students disecting a bobcat; photo.
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13 The Year This photo take up two pages and shows students gathered around a bonfire; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Greek Hop The Greek Hop was the Fraternity-Sorority Dance theme for this dance. George Chambers was elected king and Barbara Norris was queen; photos
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# Article Article Summary
15 Golfers awarded crown A description of the season for the men's golf team; photo.
16 Spring Brings Mardi Gras to TC Mardi Gras was the theme for this dance held in the spring of 1954. Brenda Beneke was elected queen and Ron Brinkley was elected king. Prizes were awarded for best concession booth; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Spring and Summer Play Contrast in Theme Photos and descriptions of the two plays, The Crucible and The Circle; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
18 TC's Mother of the Day Presented Mrs. Maurice Alborn, mother of Pat Alborn, was honored at the 1954 Mother's Day festivities; photos
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19 All-College Sing Description of the All-College Sing, which had seventeen groups competing; photos.
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20 Marterie Plays For Spring Formal Description of the Spring Formal with Ralph Marterie and his orchestra, which had almost eight hundred students attending; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Orientation Activities Initiate Freshman Description of the initiation activities the freshmen participate in, including dinners, wearing of the green beanies and the men wearing their clothes backwards; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Orientation Photos Three photos from orientation take up this page, one of which shows Janice Booth and the other two showing the stages of registration for classes; photos.
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23 Orientation Photos Photo of the Chuckwagon Picnic for women students and a square dance are two of the photos on this page; photos.
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24 Orientation Photos Photos of the Fall Convocation, All-Campus Church Night and of the A. W. S. Convocation are featured on this page; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Orientation Photos Photos of the activities of orientation for new students are featured on this page, of note is the top photo which shows the proper attire for chapel; photos.
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26 Orientation Photos Photos of the last day are featured on this page. They show the women students pledging loyalty to the green beanie and of the men in a tug-of-war against upper-classmen; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
27 TC Dads Have Their Day Description of Dad's Day, where one father of a Teachers College's student is honored for the day. This years dad was Mr. Marshall Torgerson, father of Jerry; photo.
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28 Irish Comedy Chosen for Fall Play Description of the Fall play, The Playboy of the Western World; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
29 '54 Sees Eventful Homecoming Description of the 1954 Homecoming events, including the game against South Dakota University; photos.
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30 Homecoming Photos Photos of two of the parade floats and of Campbell Hall are featured on this page; photo.
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31 Homecoming Photos Photos of Cut Day, the Homecoming Variety Show, and the Homecoming Dance are featured on this page; photos.
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32 Homecoming Photos Photos of Homecoming Queen Mary Conrad during the game and in the parade; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Lecture-Concert Presents Readings and Opera Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn highlight the page with a description of their visit to campus for the Lecture-Concert Series. The Goldovsky Theater also brought a performance of The Barber fo Seville as part of the series; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
34 TC Dance-Dogpatch Style Description of the traditional Sadie Hawkins Day, including the dance which was Dogpatch Style; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Presents Jazz Concert Description of the jazz show; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Faculty Has First of Three Yearly Dances Description of the dance held for and by faculty members, including the game, "What's My Father's Line," in which a panel guess the occupations of various faculty members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Tree Lighting Heralds Christmas Season Description of the tree lighting ceremony and photos of the carolers; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Social Life "Throws" Snow Ball Description of the Christmas Formal sponsored by the Social Life Committee; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Two Oratorios Presented at Christmas Concert Description of the concert where about 200 students participated in the performances; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
40 TC'ers Enjoy Christmas Dinner and Caroling Description of the dinner and concert where students, staff, and faculty came together to celebrate; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
41 "Not By Bread Alone" Description of Religion-in-Life week, which had the theme fo "Not by Bread Alone," and a list of those leading the activities for the week; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Music Department Presents Two Comic Operas Descriptions of the two operas presented by the Music Department; photos.
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43 Warfield And Cerf, Winter Concert Performers Description of the Winter Lecture-Concert Series that had Bennett Cerf and William Warfield as the guest; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Visits TC Description of the Lecture-Concert Series that had Leleanor Roosevelt as a guest speaker; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
45 All-College Auctions Fund Hits New High Description of the auction and some humorous photos of the student and faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Flanagan Presents Concert and Chooses Queens Description of the Ralph Flanagan concert and the his choosing of the four Old Gold Beauty Queens; photos
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47 Old Gold Beauty And Popularity Contest Description of the yearly event and how they are selected; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Old Gold Beauties And Popularity Contest Winners The four Old Gold Beauties are featured on the top of the page and the Popularity Contest winners are featured on the bottom of the page; photos.
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49 Miss Brenda Beneke Photo of Old Gold Beauty, Brenda Beneke; photo.
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50 Miss Gloria Johnson Photo of Old Gold Beauty, Gloria Johnson; photo.
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51 Miss Joan Plummer Photo of Old Gold Beauty, Joan Plummer; photo.
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52 Miss Betty vance Photo of Old Gold Beauty, Betty Vance; photo.
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53 Beauty Court Photos of the Beauty Court are featured on this page; photos.
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54 Beauty Court Photos of the Beauty Court: photos.
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55 Ron Brinkley Photo of Old Gold Popularity Contest winner Ron Brinkley; photo.
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56 Mary Ruth Culbert Photo of Popularity Contest winner Mary Culbert; photo.
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57 Teggie Fujimura Photo of Old Gold Popularity Contest winner Teggie Fujimura; photo.
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58 Gus Gatto Photo of Old Gold Popularity Contes winner Gus Gatto; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
59 Old Gold Sponsors Beauty Dance Description of the Dance that included the anouncement of the Beauty winners and Popularity Contest winners; photos.
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60 Two One-Act Winter Plays by Fry Description of the two plays by Christopher Fry that took place in February, 1955; photos.
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61 Woman's World-Theme of Femmes Fancy Description of this event in which the women of TC picks their date and pays the expense, plus presents her date with a corsage; photos.
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62 Campus Radio Station Makes Tests Description of the testing of the capus radio station and who was involved in the development; photos.
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63 Library, Home of Fact and Fiction Description of the library and the activities that students did while there, also of the musuem on the fourth floor; photos.
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64 Administration Photo of the Administration sitting on stage at graduation; photo.
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65 President Strives for "Dedicated Community" Description of what Dr. Maucker had done for the school and in his career; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
66 Administration Has Newly Created Field Service Description of the new field service division and the role it took at Teachers College. Also noted is the passing of Dr. Joseph H. Gamet; photos.
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67 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Lang, Dr. Beard, and Dr. Lamke are shown on this page; photos.
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68 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Bender, Dr. McBrair, and Dr. Pendergraft are shownon this page; photos.
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69 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Kelso, Mr. Jennings, and Mr. Hake; photos.
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70 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Schlicher, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Holmes; photos.
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71 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Silvey, Dr. Bernhard, and Dr. Gamet; photos.
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72 Administration Photos Photos of Dr. Wagner, Mr. Rod, and Mrs. Fitzgerald; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
73 Faculty Meeting Photo of the monthly faculty meeting in which the faculty determine some of the educational policies of the college; photo.
74 Graduate Council Photo of the members of the Graduate Council sitting around a table and a description of what they do; photo.
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75 Departments Photo of the faculty sitting in a circle having a discussion; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
76 Art Presents Various Exhibits Description of the Art Department and photos of the faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
77 Business Education Has Varied Training Description of the Business Education department and a photo of the faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
78 Education Staff Conducts Five Conferences Description of the Educational Clinic and a list of the conferences that were held over the year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
79 Home Ec. Operates home-Management House Description of the purpose of the department and photos of the classroom and faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
80 Industrial Arts Emphasizes Practical Experience Description of the department and photos of the faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
81 Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
82 Library Science Improves Facilities Description of the improvements made to the library, such as the card catalogues and new subscriptions to periodicals; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
83 Mathematics Sponsors Summer Workshops Description of the department and a list of the acomplishments of some of the faculty over the year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
84 Music Presents Many Concerts Description of the activities over the year for the Music department, with the highlight being the Christmas Concert; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
85 Men's Physical Education Trains Coaches Description of the training that the instructors of the department gave to the men students and the areas that they covered; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
86 Women's Physical Education Sponsors Many Clubs The department offers a broad instructional and recreational program for the women students at TC, this page give a description of some of the opportunities for the students; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
87 Science Sponsors Conservation Camp Description of the department and the accomplishments over the year. Also, a list of the fields that are a part of the department and a photo of the faculty; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
88 Social Science Plans European Trip Description of the trip plans to Europe with approximately thirty-eight students accompanied by Dr. Thompson and Dr. Harris; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
89 Teaching Supervises Student Teachers Description of the role that the teaching department takes during the training of new teachers. Also, there are photos of the faculty and locations of the schools where the students are trained; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
90 Activities Photo of a choral performance accompanied by music; photo.
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91 Student League Board Description of the duties that the Student League Board is responsible for; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
92 Association of Women Students The Association of Women Students works with the Men's Union to coordinate activities on campus for all students. A members photo is located on the bottom of the page; photo.
93 Men's Union The Men's Union coordinates all activities on campus and acts on legislation that is necessary for the welfare of the students. The member photo is located at the top right of the page; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
94 Baker Houses 130 Men A brief description of the activities of Baker Hall and a list of the officers. There are also photos of the men in various activities on this page and the following page, which include the men shaving and shooting pool; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
95 Bartlett, Home of Frosh Women Bartlett housed 700 freshman women and had 55 upperclass women serve as corridor chairmen and senior couselors the fall quarter. Photos of the House Council and other activities are on this page and the next; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
96 Campbell is Dedicated Campbell Hall was dedicated in to Miss Sadie Campbell in December of 1954 for her twent-three years of service to Teachers College as Dean of Women. This page and the nect features photos of Campbell Hall, Miss Campbell, and the Hall House Council; photos
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# Article Article Summary
97 Lawther Women Have Busy Year Description of some of the activities of Lawther Hall and how many female students were housed there for the school year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
98 Stadium Houses Frosh Men Each of the twenty-four rooms of the converted stadium facilities were occupied by five men. Rooms were also provided for study and a lounge was available for relaxation; photos.
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99 Stadium Hall Photos Photos of the men of Stadium Hall doing various activities; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
100 Seerley, Newest Men's Dormitory Description of the Dormitory with photos of the House Council and of Bob Boderman getting his hair cut by Ron Bro; photos.
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101 Seerley Hall for Men Photos of the men of the dormitory doing various activities; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
102 Cedar Falls Men Represented by Housing Unit Description of the purpose of the unit for the men who live off campus; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
103 Waterloo and Cedar Falls Women's Unit Combine Description of the housing units to form the Off-Campus Women, plus a description of the off-campus women and photos; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
104 Waterloo Men's Unit Helps Coordinate Activities Description of the unit; photos
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# Article Article Summary
105 Off-Campus Lounge Photos of the off-campus students eating lunck in the off-campus lounges for men and women; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
106 Sunset Village Houses Married Students Description of the Village and what the Sunset Village Council does; photos.
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107 Sunset Village Photos of some of the students of Sunset Village; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
108 Counselors Aid Freshmen Description of the duties of the couselors in aiding the freshmen students; photos.
109 Student Counselors This photo accompanies the feature on the duties of the counselors in aiding the freshmen students and is located at the bottom of the page; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
110 Social Life Sponsors Many Activities Brief description of the committee's functions at the college; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
111 SLB Names 25 to Purple Key Brief description of the Purple Key and a photo with information about each student selected; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
112 Old Gold Dimensions Increase Brief description on how the 1955 Old Gold has changed its format to include more informal photos of the students and activities; photos.
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113 Old Gold Staff A list of the Old Gold staff and their duties; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
114 Old Gold Photos of the Old Gold staff working on projects; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
115 Board of Control of Student Publications Brief description of the board and its duties overseeing the student publications; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
116 Every Student Receives College Eye Despite the delays that can occur, the staff of the College Eye manages to get copies to every student enrolled; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
117 College Eye Staff A list of the staff of the College Eye; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
118 College Eye Staff Photos Photos of some of the staff of the College Eye; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
119 Students Edit Three Other Publications The Student Handbook, The Prowl, and You at TC are three publications that are also put out by the students. Each of these three are given brief descriptions on this page, along with the photos of the student editors; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
120 Senior Students Exhibit Art A brief description of the art show each art major is required to hold before graduating from Teachers College, giving the student practical experience inplanning an art show; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
121 A Cappela Performs on Television A brief description of the choir and some of the performances the choir did over the year; photo.
122 Chapel Choir Sings at Sunday Services Brief description of the choir and some of the performances done by the group; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
123 Women's Chorus Participates in Spring Concert The Women's Chorus consists of students who share a love of singing. One of the popular appearances occurs just before Christmas, with another being the Spring Choral Concert; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
124 College Chorus Open To All Students The College Chorus is open to all students who are interested in singing. The highlight of the year was the presentation of Handel's "Messiah", performed right before the Christmas holidays; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
125 Concert Band Tours Central Iowa This photo spans two pages and has a brief description of some of the highlights of the year on page 134; photo.
126 Orchestra Presents Quarterly Concerts The Symphony Orchestra has approximately sixty members and Dr. Myron Russell was the director. The group accompanied the chorus in the presentation of Handel's "Messiah"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
127 Marching Band Performs at Football Games Brief description of the Marching Band and a list some of the programs that they put on over the year, including one for Dad's Day and Homecoming; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
128 Debate, Training in Thinkin and Speaking Brief description of the purpose of Debate and some of the events that the group took part in over the year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
129 Film Club, Cinematic Art at TC Founded in 1949 by Stanley Wood, the club contained members from the community as well as students. The focus was on quality and many foreign films were shown; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
130 Barbara Parsons A photo of Barbara Parsons singing at a recital; photo.
131 Marching Band A photo of the Marching Band performing on Latham Field; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
132 Athletics Photo of the crowd at a football game; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
133 Football A brief description of the 1954-1955 football season. A photo of the team is located at the top of the page and a photo of Coach "Buck" Starbeck is located at the lower right of the page; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
134 Football Photos Photos from a few of the football games; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
135 Gridsters have ups and downs Highlights from the football season at Teachers College; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
136 Tutors rate high in statistics A look at the statistics that the football team accomplished during the season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
137 Conference Standings The end of the season standings for the football teams in the conference; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
138 Season record and team statistics The season record and the team statistics for the football season; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
139 Football photos Three photos from football games that were held on campus; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
140 Three Tutors on All-Conference Team A brief description of the accomplishments of Dick Beetsch, Ralph Capitani, and Leroy Dunn in their selection to the All-Conference Team; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
141 Basketball 1954-1955 Description of the basketball season under the leadership of first year head coach Stan Hall; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
142 Basketball Photos Photos from the basketball season; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
143 Season's Record The season record for the basketball team is featured here along with some photos of the team; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
144 Pigg Shatters Records Howie Pigg set new records in basketball after returnig from two years in the service. This page gives a brief description of those records and has some photos of Pigg in games; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
145 Conference Standings A description of the basketball team's 7-5 record in the conference; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
146 Individual Scoring Individual scoring statistics for the men's basketball team along with some photos from the games; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
147 Wrestling on Way to Top Description of the 1954-1955 wrestling season along with a team photo; photo.
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148 Individual Scoring Individual scoring results for the wrestling team; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
149 Season's Record The season record for the wrestling team; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
150 Bill Weick NCAA Champion Description of Weick's championship in the NCAA tournament held in Ithaca, New York; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
151 Diamond Squad Splits Even Description of the 1954 baseball season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
152 Baseball Photos Three photos of baseball action are on this page, featuring Gene Dolphin, Sonny Horn, Rob Huntington, and Chuck Rabey; photos.
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153 Season's Record The 1954 season's record is featured on this page along with a photo of Rod Tangeman and of the dugout at the Iowa State game; photos.
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154 Baseball Photos Two of these photos feature some action from games and the third photo features "Mun" Whitford; photos.
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155 Thinclads Undeated in Dual Meets A description of the 1954 track season is featured on this page, along with a photo of the team; photo.
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156 Season's Record The 1954 season's record for the men's track team is featured on this page; photos.
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157 Men's Track and Field Photos Three photos of track meets and a photo of coach Art Dickinson are featured on this page; photos.
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158 Five Straight for Indoor Tracksters A description of the season for the men's track team, which went undefeated for the season; photos.
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159 Net Squad Tops Conference A description of the 1954 men's tennis team and their season; photo.
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160 Season's Record The season's record for the 1954 men's tennis team; photos.
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161 Season's Record The season's record for the men's tennis team; photo.
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162 Women Have Well-Rounded Intramural Program Description of the activities in the women's intramural program; photos.
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163 Participation in Men's Intramurals Grows Description of the activities of the men's intramural program; photos.
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164 Tau Chi Eta Backs the Panthers A description of the group open to students who wish to support the athletic teams; photos
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165 "I" Club Selects Queens Description of the club and their activities; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
166 '54-'55 "I" Queens Photos of the 1954-1955 "I" Queens; photos.
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167 "I" Queens and Their Attendants Photos of each of the "I" Queens with their attendants; photos.
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168 Organizations A two page photo of students gathered around a fireplace; photo.
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169 Honorary Journalistic Fraternity Description of this organization; photos.
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170 Organization Honors Junior Women Description of the national honor organization known as Chimes; photos.
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171 Delta Sigma Rho Description of the honor fraternity for debaters; photos.
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172 Honorary Industrial Arts Fraternity Description of Epsilon Pi Tau, the national honor fraternity on campus for industrial arts; photos.
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173 Education Honor Fraternity Description of Kapp Delta Pi; photos.
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174 Honor Fraternity for Mathematicians Description of Kappa Mu Epsilon, the national honor fraternity in mathematics; photos.
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175 New Honorary for Artists Description of Kappa Pi; photos.
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176 Honorary for Men Interested in Music Description of the Beta Nu chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; photos.
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177 National Honorary for Social Scientists A description of Pi Gamma Mu, the national honorary social science organization; photos.
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178 Honorary for Business Education Majors Description of Pi Omega Pi; photos.
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179 Freshman and Sophomore Women's Honorary Description of the honory association of the Purple Arrow; photos.
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180 Speech Correction Honorary Description of Sigma Alpha Eta; photos.
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181 Music Honorary for Women Description of Sigma Alpha Iota; photos.
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182 Social Science Honors Description of this group; photos.
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183 Honor Fraternity for Dramatists Description of Theta Alpha Phi; photos.
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184 Honorary Home Economics Fraternity Description of Theta Theta Epsilon; photo.
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185 Senior Women's Honorary Organization Description of Torch and Tassel; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
186 Organization Presidents Honored at Dinner Description of the event where the presidents of the various groups on campus were honored; photos.
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187 Alpha Phi Omega Offers Service Description of this service fraternity that is affiliated with the Boy Scouts; photos.
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188 Artists Plan Annual Show Description of the Art Club and their activities; photos.
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189 BAE's Gain Perspective on Junior High Level Description of Beta Alpha Epsilon; photos.
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190 4-H on a Collegiate Level Description of the Campus 4-H Club; photos.
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191 Dramatists Present Portions of Plays Description of the College Players; photos.
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192 Elementa-Ki Descusses School Problems Description of Elementa-Ki and their activities; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
193 Ellen Richards Club for Future Homemakers Description of the Ellen H. Richards Club; photos.
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194 Frosh K-P Majors Explore Teaching Profession Description of the First Year Kindergarten-Primary Club; photos.
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195 FBLA Sponsors Iowa High School Chapters Description of Future Business Leaders of America; photos.
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196 Craftsmen Gain Practical Experience Description of the activities of the Industrial Arts Club; photos.
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197 Club Promotes International Relations A description of the Club with photos of the members and of Dr. Fahreney speaking to the club; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
198 IFTA Stimulates High Professional Attitudes Description of the Iowa Future Teachers Association with a photo of members and a photo of the bulletin board; photos.
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199 Jeffersonians Work at Election Polls Description of the club that was reactivated during the school year; photos.
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200 KPBA Plans for Annual Spring Banquet Description of Kappa Pi Beta Alpha and photos of the members; photos.
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201 "Librarians for a Day" Main Event Description of the Library Students Association and the events held during the school year; photos.
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202 Marlins Express Art Through Swimming Description of the Marlins Club and photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
203 Mathematicians Take Time Off For Picnics Description of the Math Club and the activities that the club held during the school year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
204 MENC Members Present Solos Description of Music Education National Convention, a group that held monthly meetings for students interested in music; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
205 Orchesis Forms A Dance Symposium Description of the Orchesis Club and photos of the members. There is also a photo of three of the students practicing a routine; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
206 Physical Education Club for Women Description of the club and some of the activities that were held over the year, including lectures and picnics; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
207 Rural Leaders Sponor School Visiting Day Description of the group, Rural Community Leaders, which helps students to understand the rural community; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
208 Second Year K-P's Plan Mother's Day Luncheon Description of the club open to all sophomore women majoring in kindergarten-primary education; photos.
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209 Club Discusses Modern AG Methods Description of Sigma Gamma Kappa and the activities the club takes part in; photos.
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210 Speech Activities Club prepares for competition Description of the club and its activities during the school year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
211 WRA Sponsors Intramural Program Description of the Women's Recreation Association; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
212 College Eye Staff Photo of the College Eye Staff having coffee with Bennett Cerf; photo.
213 Governor Hoegh with President Maucker Governor Hoegh and President Maucker on a visit to the campus elementary school; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
214 Student Council of Religious Activities Description of the organization and photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
215 Chapel Services For All Denominations Description of the services held at Teachers College along with photo; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
216 Baptists Concentrate on Christian Fellowship Dscription of the Baptist Student Center and Theta Epsilon. Theta Epsilon sorority consisting of girls of a Baptist preference and associated with the center; photos.
217 Theta Epsilon Photo of the members of Theta Epsilon located at the bottom of the page; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
218 Newman Club Serves Catholic Students Description of the club and photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
219 Christian Students' "Home Away From Home" Description of the Christian Student Center; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
220 Plymouth Club Serves Two Denominations Description of the Plymouth Club and the sorority affiliated with the Plymouth Club, Sigma Eta Chi; photos.
221 Sigma Eta Chi Photo of the members of the sorority, located at the bottom of the page; photo.
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222 Canterbury Club Has Conferences Description for the organization for Episcopalians; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
223 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Description of the organization with photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
224 Lutheran Students contribute to LSAction Description of the Lutheran Students Association and photos of the members both in a formal setting and at a Sunday supper; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
225 Gamma Delt's Hosts Regional Convention Description of Gamma Delta and photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
226 Methodists Worship in Three Groups Description of the Wesley Foundation and photos of the Foundation's members, which is located at the top of the page; photo.
227 Sigma Theta Epsilon Photo of the members of the Methodist Fraternity; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
228 Methodist Sorority and Fraternity Description of the two organizations for student of the Methodist faith. Two photos of the Kappa Phi sorority are located on this page and the photo of the Sigma Theta Epsilon fraternity is located on the previous page; photos.
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229 Presbyterians Feature Service Projects Description and photos of the Presbyterian Fellowship; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
230 Phi Chi Delta Presbyterian Sorority A description of the sorority and photos of the members; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
231 Inter-Sorority and Fraternity Councils Description of the council with a photo of the Inter-Sorority Council featured on the top of the page and a photo of the Inter-Fraternity Council located at the bottom of the page; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
232 Chi's Practice "True Brotherhood" Description of the Alpha Chi Epsilon fraternity and some of the events that the Chi's take part in, such as picnics, "coke" dates, and a Hobo party; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
233 Hobo Party Highlights Year For Delts Description of the Delta Delta Phi sorority and list of the activities that they took part in over the year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
234 Kappas Stress Social Awareness Description of the Kappa Theta Psi Sorority and a list of the events that the sisters took part in over the year, including Mardi Gras and Homecoming; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
235 Lambda Gams Go National Description of the Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity and a list of the activities that they held over the year, including a Homecoming dinner and Christmas caroling; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
236 Nu Sigs Highlight Year with Dinner-Dance Descripton of the Nu Sigma Phi sorority and the activities they participated in over the year, including rushing parties and slumber parties; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
237 Stag Dinner Caps Phi Sig Activities Description of the Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity and some of the highlights from the school year; photos.
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238 Phi Sigs Search for "Character, Not Fame" Description of the Phi Sigma Phi sorority; photos.
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239 Pi Phis Promote Social, Intellectual Growth Description of the Ph Phi Omega sorority and the activities they took part in over the year; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
240 Pi Taus Publish New Pledge Manual Description of the sorority, Pi Tau Phi; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
241 Pi Thets Active With Projects and Parties Description of the sorority Pi Theta Pi; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
242 Sig Taus to Attend Conclave in Milwaukee Description of the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
243 Tau Sigs Win Homecoming Float Competition Description of the Tau Sigma Delta sorority and their activities, including winning the Homecoming competition with their brother fraternity, Lambda Gamma Nu; photos.
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244 Theta Gams Have A party-A-Month Description of the activities that the sorority Theta Gamma Nu held or took part in to maintain their party-a-month plan, including a Christmas dinner and a Mother's Day brunch; photos.
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245 Graduates Photo of students dressed in cap and gowns on campus near the campanile; photo.
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246 Bachelor of Arts Photos of students who graduated with a bachelor of arts for the academic year; photos.
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247 Bachelor of Arts Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
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248 Bachelor of Arts Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
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249 Bachelor of Arts Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
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250 Bachelor of Arts Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
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251 Bachelor of Arts Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
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252 Master of Arts Photos of those students who graduated with a Masters of Arts in 1955; photos.
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253 Student Teaching, An Unforgettable Experience A brief description of the student teachng process; photos.
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254 Student Teaching Photo of Al Hennig teaching a class and a photo of Charles Tabarella speaking with Mary Schmitt about student teaching; photos.
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255 Advertising Photo of some students heading to The Hill to do some shopping on a winter night; photo.
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256 Rath Packing An advert for Rath meats is featured on this page; photo.
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257 Holst Printing Co. This ad is located at the bottom left of the page.
258 Israel's This ad for Israel's clothing store is located at the top right of the page.
259 Jone's Service Station This ad for Jone's Service Station is located at the middle right of the page.
260 National Bank of Waterloo This ad is located at the bottom right of the page and features a bank teller helping two customers; photo.
261 President Jewelers This ad is located at the middle left of the page and lists Nat Zeiger as a Graduate Gemologist.
262 The Music Corner This advertisement for The Music Corner is located at the top left of the page and features a salesman helping a customer; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
263 Hurwich's This ad is located at the top right of the page is states that it is Waterloo's oldest furniture store.
264 Paul's Café This ad is located at the top left of the page is states that Paul's is a good place to eat; photo.
265 Piggly Wiggly The ad is located at the bottom right of the page and states that they give S & H Green Stamps.
266 The 7-Up Bottling Co. The ad is located at the middle right of the page and states that they are they makers of Dodger Beverages.
267 The Bolser Corporation The ad states that they are the makers of truck safety equipment.
268 Tom Crew's Deep Rock Station This ad is located at the bottom left of the page is states that customers can save three ways.
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# Article Article Summary
269 Bancroft's This ad for Bancroft's floral shop is located at the top left of the page.
270 Black's This ad is located at the top right of the page and shows two women shopping.
271 Morey Lazar This ad for a men's shoe store is located at the middle left of the page.
272 Tenenbaum Jewelry This ad is located at the bottom left of the page is shows a couple looking at rings while a salesman helps them choose.
273 The Record Room This ad is located at the bottom right of the page and lists the items that one can purchase, such as sheet music for popular, sacred and western music.
274 Viking Pump Company This ad is located at the middle right of the page and states that they are the world's largest producer of rotary pumps.
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# Article Article Summary
275 Element "X"-John Deere This is a full page ad for John Deere and what Element "X" means to the company.
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# Article Article Summary
276 Brown's Standard Service This ad is located at the bottom left of the page.
277 Gene's D-X Station This ad is located at the top right of the page.
278 Hickory House This ad is located at the middle right of the page and lists a menu of items along with the hours they are open.
279 Hollett Studio This ad is located at the top left of the page and states that it is the official photographer for the 1955 Old Gold.
280 Jenney Record Co. This ad shows two people looking at a record of the Anthony Choir, a record in the background lists Les Paul, Mary Ford, and Nat "King" Cole.
281 Thiessen's This ad is located at the middle left of the page.
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282 A & R Café The ad states that they have the finest home cooked foods and that they have air conditioning.
283 Asquith Jewelry Company This ad is located at the middle right of the page.
284 Baker's This ad is at the bottom left of the page.
285 Goodwin Music Inc. This ad is featured at the top left of the page and shows two women browsing the sheet music selection; photo.
286 It's Boysen's for Sports and Casuals This ad is located at the top right of the page.
287 Latta's This ad features a typewriter as a selling point and is loacted on the bottom right of the page.
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288 College Eye This is a full page ad for the College Eye and features a photo of students working on a project for the publication; photo.
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289 Blake's Automatic Laundry This ad is located at the middle right of the page.
290 Johnson-Chrisensen Company This ad for hardware is located at the top right of the page.
291 Larry's Clothes Shop This ad is loacted at the top left of the page.
292 Martin Bros. Distributing This ad is loacted at the middle left of the page.
293 Now's the Time to Buy Your '56 Old Gold An ad to order the 1956 Old Gold.
294 The Old Pottery Shop This ad is located at the bottom left of the page.