Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus racism- disturbing events and a call for action. Winston Burt believes students need to be involved in activities that provide cultural diversity before they arrive on college campuses.
2 Diet and health claims of food ads- study finds dramatic increase. Michael Klassen found that magazine ads for food now are more likely to emphasize diet and health claims rather than price or quality factors.
3 Dioxin- one of the most deadly substances known in paper. Most paper products contain dioxin. John Konefes says it occur in paper products as a result of bleaching wood pulp to turn it into white paper. The risks of ingesting dioxin from paper are rare, he says consumers should be aware of dioxin dangers.
4 High voltage driving- soon to replace our gas guzzlers? Builders of electric cars may be one way to cut pollution and our dependence on gasoline. However, Jere Wheatley says electric vehicles have a long way to go before they can compete with current gasoline engines.
5 Parents, teachers should make sure playground equipment is at school is safe. The main causes of injuries on playground equipment are improper maintenance and inappropriate materials used at the base of the equipment, Donna Thompson said.
6 Sociology honorary at University of Northern Iowa inducts new members. Members initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta, international sociological honor society. Membership in Alpha Kappa Delta is in recognition of high scholarship and achievement in the field of sociological studies, and university scholarship in general.
7 Spring rains spawn delicious and poisonous mushrooms. Bob Goss who's expertise is called upon to identify poisonous mushrooms. Goss says each year kids, will discover a few of the colorful fungi and take a couple of bites out of them. There is cause for concern since mushrooms are extremely poisonous.
8 University of Northern Iowa geography professor to chair workshop in international conference on European ideas. The purpose of this workshop is to examine the geographic factors involved in the development of nationalism and the concepts related to it. The workshop will also explore the geographic dimensions of national conflicts.
9 University of Northern Iowa internationally-renowned math scholar recipient of first Donald McKay faculty research award. Hyo C. Myung internationally known and respected in professional mathematics and physics circles for his original research on the field of Lie-admissible algebras, has been named recipient of the first Donald N. McKay Faculty Research Award.
10 Variety of summer camps offer children chance to grow; University of Northern Iowa all-sports camps set for June and July. Ann Vernon says camp experiences give children a chance to test new social skills as well as athletic abilities. Parents should ask children before they go to camp what their concerns might be about the experience and talk them through any anxieties.