Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Administration aims to keep priorities at forefront during tough economic times
Davidson--Nicole Jean (Student--2008)
Federal stimulus money lessened the cuts in state budget monies for just one year. The budget for fiscal 2011 is unclear. Expanding diversity, a strong undergraduate program, K-12 education program, and aiding the state are goals.
2 Rider Recycling Revolution spurs students to be environmentally minded
Zidon--Rachel Margaret (Student--2008)
Rider Hall has been named a pilot project for the Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center. Recycling bins have been placed in each room. Students and residence assistant response has been positive; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 CareerCat brings career opportunities
Boyer--Amanda Carol (Student--2009)
UNI Career Services announces the availability of a career management system named CareerCat. Online system; allows students to post resumes and look for employment or internships.
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# Article Article Summary
4 An open-minded point of view about being close minded
Fischels--Jeremy Joseph (Student--2009)
Believes moral issues are not always black and white. People from different backgrounds and cultures may come to different conclusions on moral issues, but we must attack some moral viewpoints that are presented.
5 MyUniverse alternatives
Outzen--Christopher Paul (Student--2009)
Suggests alternatives to the Department of Residence decision to eliminate posters and flyers from the dorms; white boards, restriction of where posters are placed, length of posting, and increasing the frequency of MyUniverse publication.
6 Panther SafeRide is a must
French--Larissa A. (Student--2007)
SafeRide shuttle keeps students and Cedar Falls safer. The shuttle helps support local business. Believes SafeRide needs to stay no matter what the cost. The program has no downfalls.
7 The silent members of the band
Bohlke--Laura Catherine (Student--2009)
The color guard uses facial expressions, body language, and flags to communicate the music of the Marching Band. Readers urged to enjoy the total Marching Band experience.
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# Article Article Summary
8 "Fragile Nature" exhibit showcases importance and beauty of nature
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
UNI Museum exhibit based on National Geographic photos of nature's splendor and the positive and negative effects of man on the natural world.
9 Parking woes
Smit--Jeremy Ryan (Student--2009)
Students reminded of parking regulations. Students must park in the proper lots during the weekends for the security of their vehicles. The new parking facility may help persons parking on the north side of campus.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Panthers look to defy history
Getting--Timothy Willis (Student--2009)
Football team opens the season at the University of Iowa.