Administrative Management Society

Displaying 51 - 76 of 76 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 AMS
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.6
Will have pizza party.
52 Homecoming keg raffle
Northern Iowan 79:11, p.6
Administrative Management Society sponsors raffle.
53 Student organizations
Old Gold 0:0, p.116

Students participate in organizations like Campus Crusade for Christ and the International Students Association; photo.

54 Business clubs provide practical experience
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.12
A brief look at clubs associated with business curricula.
55 Administrative Management Society
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.7
Will hear panel.
56 Tips for future jobs
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.6
AMS will sponsor panel.
57 Advisors unify business students
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.7
Student groups meet to help organize and coordinate efforts.
58 AMS
Northern Iowan 78:17, p.5
Linda Billingsly will speak at Wednesday meeting.
59 AMS
Northern Iowan 77:30, p.5
Pat Bassey will speak.
60 AMS
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.9
Will hold Christmas party.
61 AMS
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.9
Nancy Lockett will speak on stress management.
62 Administrative Management Society
Northern Iowan 77:10, p.6
Will meet.
63 Administrative management society
Northern Iowan 76:55, p.5
Potluck supper and mandatory meeting.
64 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.4
Meetings and activities; hair cutting demonstration.
65 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:32, p.7
Meetings and activities.
66 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.12
Meetings and activities.
67 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:17, p.5
Meetings and activities; dance workshop; NORML.
68 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:16, p.5
Meetings and activities; Cedar Falls Community Action Network; Live from Studio I; French students; dance workshop.
69 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:9, p.5
Meetings and activities; TEFL Linguistics.
70 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:8, p.5
Meetings and activities; Recreation Majors.
71 AMS
Northern Iowan 75:51, p.12
Will meet May 1.
72 AMS
Northern Iowan 75:41, p.8
Will meet.
73 AMS
Northern Iowan 75:32, p.7
Will meet.
74 AMS
Northern Iowan 75:31, p.5
Will elect officers and discuss plans.
75 AMS
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.20
Will meet.
76 Administrative Management
Northern Iowan 74:25, p.16
New society will be initiated.