Alpha Delta Alpha

Displaying 401 - 450 of 511 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:35, p.8
News about members.
402 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:34, p.8
News about members.
403 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:33, p.8
News about members and visitors.
404 Fraternity grades for fall exposed
College Eye 18:33, p.1
Group-by-group grades.
405 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:32, p.8
Hosted Coe debates; news about members.
406 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:31, p.8
Winter dance held in Waterloo; hosted a dinner; roster of visitors from Coe College.
407 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:30, p.8
Harold Woito and Clarence White visited campus; Fred Seeman was confined to the hospital but was released.
408 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:29, p.8
News about members.
409 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:28, p.8
News about members.
410 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:27, p.8
News about members.
411 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:26, p.8
Won their intramural basketball game; news about members and new pledges.
412 Alpha Delts, Xanhos, Lambda Gams, and Philos survive first round; council to give loving cup as permanent award to tourney championship
College Eye 18:26, p.6
Results of last week's intramural basketball tournament and the teams that will be advancing.
413 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:25, p.8
Held a gathering to celebrate returning from vacation; news about members.
414 Intramurals start trophy race Saturday morning, January 15; game starts at 9 o'clock in men's gym
College Eye 18:25, p.6
Schedule of games and information about each team participating in intramural basketball.
415 Intramurals start activities Jan. 15
College Eye 18:24, p.4
Schedule of intramural basketball games.
416 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:23, p.8
News about members.
417 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:22, p.8
News about members.
418 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:21, p.8
Held annual fall dance.
419 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:20, p.8
News about members.
420 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:19, p.8
News about members and pledges.
421 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:18, p.8
News about members.
422 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:15, p.8
Entertained Homecoming visitors; announces pledging of Harry Walters; William Kann has returned to school.
423 Lambda Gamma house wins decoration
College Eye 18:15, p.1
Roster of Homecoming prize winners.
424 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:14, p.8
Announces pledges, officers, and weekend visitors; news about members.
425 Are the A. D. A.'s to blame?
College Eye 18:11, p.5
Tires stolen from car.
426 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:8, p.8
News about members.
427 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:7, p.6
Will attend house party.
428 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:6, p.8
Roster of weekend visitors; E. Wane Shaw and Raymond Niblo visited the Devil's Back Bone.
429 Unknowns nose out A. D. A.-Betas; Unknowns look like dark horse of intramural games
College Eye 18:6, p.6
The Unknowns defeated A. D. A.-Beta, 8-7, in intramural baseball.
430 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:5, p.8
News about members.
431 Pirates win close game from A. D. A. and Betas 3-1
College Eye 18:5, p.6
The Pirates defeated A. D. A.-Betas, 3-1, in intramural baseball.
432 New interfrat council to begin work on big program this fall; expect raise in scholastic standards of fraternity men
College Eye 18:5, p.1
Constitution of the new Interfraternity Council.
433 Pirates beat unknown 8-1
College Eye 18:4, p.6
In intramural baseball, the Pirates beat the Unknowns, 8-1.
434 Intramural teams start drive for championship
College Eye 18:3, p.6
A. D. A.-Beta beat Alpha Chi-Xanho, 4-1, in intramural baseball.
435 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 18:2, p.3
News about residents.
436 Intramural game to start soon; baseball to be main sport on tutor campus; six teams expected to enter race
College Eye 18:1, p.6
Players from some of the teams are listed.
437 Intramural athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Intramural basketball history; photo.
438 Fraternity flip-flops
Old Gold 0:0, p.309
Humorous descriptions of campus fraternities.
439 The frat pie
Old Gold 0:0, p.300
Poems about fraternities and sororities on campus.
440 Alpha Delta Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.298
Members, brief description; photo.
441 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 17:46, p.8
Will have house party.
442 Azeltine takes tennis tourney; Xanho and Alpha Chi ball teams still in the running
College Eye 17:44, p.6
Defeated Glen McBride.
443 The College Eye subscription campaign
College Eye 17:44, p.6
Lambda Gamma Nu wins College Eye subscription sales contest.
444 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 17:43, p.6
Enjoyed ice cream; elected officers.
445 Alpha Delts have prospect for strong nine
College Eye 17:42, p.7
Analysis of Alpha Delta Alpha baseball team.
446 T. C. intramural baseball schedule
College Eye 17:42, p.6
447 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 17:42, p.6
Several men initiated; national officers meet.
448 Intramural games start Friday; six strong teams entered; A. T. B., A. D. A., A. X. E., and L. G. N. play in first games;
College Eye 17:42, p.7
Student Council will also sponsor tennis tournament.
449 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 17:40, p.8
Entertained four members of the faculty.
450 Alpha Delta Alphas win free throw contest
College Eye 17:37, p.7