Anderson--Ruth Bluford (Social Work Faculty)

Displaying 51 - 71 of 71 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Social work recognized
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.6
Ruth Anderson will speak at Social Work Association.
52 Faculty leaves cost $132,000
Northern Iowan 78:36, p.1
List of faculty who received PDLs and their topics of research.
53 Results of student EOP session released
Northern Iowan 78:29, p.1
Text of minutes of session led by C. T. Vivian.
54 Students demand firing of EOP directors
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.1
A group of UNI students demanded that Norris Hart and Patricia Edwards, administrators for EOP, be fired; cite reasons for their demands; photo.
55 The Ku Klux Klan: it can happen here, too
Northern Iowan 78:16, p.12
A "Ku Klux Klan" seminar was held at St. Timothy's in Cedar Falls.
56 Institutional racism protested
Northern Iowan 77:56, p.1
African-American faculty and staff express views on racism at UNI; photo.
57 Campus rallies against U. S. intervention
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.1
Highlights of speeches and demonstration; photo.
58 Students rally for Atlanta cause
Northern Iowan 77:39, p.1
Ruth Anderson speaks to group about Atlanta killings; photo.
59 Students protest firing of archaeology prof; demonstration at V-P Martin's office
Northern Iowan 75:41, p.1
Believe evaluation does not warrant termination.
60 Probation officer training
Northern Iowan 74:32, p.9
Information for students who want to become volunteer probation officer assistants.
61 Public forum
Northern Iowan 73:50, p.7
Professor Anderson will lead discussion.
62 Why we support UNI/AFT
Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10
Professors offer their opinions.
63 Women and alcoholism confab to be held April 1 and 2
Northern Iowan 72:45, p.1
Highlights of conference.
64 "2000": Iowa Odyssey
Northern Iowan 70:46, p.10
Professor Anderson is regional chair of portion of the Iowa 2000 project.
65 My Turn series
Northern Iowan 70:45, p.8
Professor Anderson will speak on her experience as a minority faculty member.
66 My Turn series: "rare chance"
Northern Iowan 70:37, p.6
Brief review of series; list of remaining lectures.
67 Mature students
Northern Iowan 70:18, p.4
Professors Greene and Anderson will speak.
68 Continuing Education luncheon
Northern Iowan 69:11, p.12
Informal group will meet with Professor Anderson.
69 UNI sends three delegates to White House Conference
Northern Iowan 67:24, p.1
Will attend Conference on Children.
70 Faculty will study minority problems
Northern Iowan 66:23, p.1
Interim report due December 1.
71 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
Faculty; photo.