Anderson--Wallace L. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 116 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Major curriculum changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.193
President Maucker attempts to include a greater exposure to international views into the curriculum with conferences and expanded foreign language and culture courses; photo.
2 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
3 Administrative changes and departmental reorganization
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.311
Detailed look at the break-up of the old, large departments into smaller, more discrete units; list of those who headed the old and new departments; photo.
4 Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407

President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo.

5 Bogota exchange pact reached
UNI Century 2:1, p.7
Agreement of UNI with Universidad Pedagogica Nacional extended five years; brief history and description of program; photo.
6 Renew student exchange
Northern Iowan 70:23, p.5
Agreement with UPN extended for five years; brief description of program.
7 Three resign; totaled forty years service
Alumnus 57:3, p.17
Professors Coffin and Anderson and architect Robert Porter move on to other positions.
8 English prof Anderson resigns after 24 years
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.6
Professor Wallace Anderson will become dean at Bridgewater State College.
9 Stanley Wood follows UNI trend
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.7
Professor Wood talks about his achievements and plans; photo.
10 Regents Appoint Dr. Fred Lott to UNI Administrative Post
Public Relations News Release 1972:153, p.1
Lotts, a prof of math at UNI has been appointed to the newly established position of assistant vice-president of academic affairs.
11 UNI names new vice president and provost
Alumnus 56:3, p.36
James G. Martin succeeds H. W. Reninger as academic vice president; Dr. Pendergraft and Dr. Anderson will return to the classroom; Don Kelly will head Public Information; photo.
12 UNI Begins New 'General Education' Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:727, p.1
40 credit hours of general education will be required next semester, in comparison to the previous requirement of 55 credit hours.
13 Regents appoint new dept. heads
Northern Iowan 67:58, p.6
Professor Cahill will head English; Professor Martin will head library science.
14 Regents Appoint 2 Department Heads, Change Assignment at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:691, p.1
Dr. Anderson will return to teaching; Dr. Cahill will become head of English lang. and lit; Dr. Martin will become head of library science.
15 Eleven Students from Columbia to Study This Summer at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:674, p.1
11 students from UPN (UNI's sister school) will arrive on June 11 for a special summer program at UNI.
16 UNI Dean Requests Change of Assignment
Public Relations News Release 1971:657, p.1
Dr. Reninger has announced that Dr. Anderson is to be relieved of his administrative duties in order to return to teaching full-time.
17 1098 Students Named to Dean's List at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:511, p.1
12 percent of the study body obtained the designation; list of students on the dean's list
18 Eight UNI Students Receive Scholarships from Colombian School
Public Relations News Release 1970:325, p.1
UNI's sister school, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (UPN) in Bogota, Columbia, has granted eight new scholarships to UNI students for the term beginning Jan. 25.
19 Tenure Discussed at AFT Meeting at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:304, p.1
The current tenure policies could be in jeopardy according to President Kamerick if the recommended changes proposed by State Senator Francis Messerly are passed.
20 English Club
Northern Iowan 67:22, p.8
Professor Anderson will discuss Edward Arlington Robinson's sonnets.
21 English Club to present E. A. Robinson Scholar
Public Relations News Release 1970:235, p.1
A celebration of the 100th anniversary of Edwin Arlington Robinson will be held Dec. 9 in the Embassy Room of the Union by the UNI English Club.
22 Gen. Ed. program revamped
Northern Iowan 67:19, p.1
Wallace Anderson outlines new program.
23 12 UNI Profs to Attend Inauguration of President of Upper Iowa University
Public Relations News Release 1970:108, p.1
List of professors attending and their respective departments.
24 Des Moines Student Named to Dean's List at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:707, p.1
Lee Okerlund has been named to the spring semester Dean's List at UNI.
25 Regents Appoint Lash to Head Art Department at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:691, p.1
Effective Sept. 1, 1970; biography of Lash.
26 978 Students Named to Dean's List at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:687, p.1
List of students on the spring semester Dean's List, announced by Dr. Anderson, dean of undergraduate studies.
27 UNI commencement to be the largest in history
Public Relations News Release 1969:612, p.1

Spring commencement will have over one thousand candidates for degrees. President Maucker will preside over his final commencement. He will retire during the summer.

28 Local students honored at UNI Convocation
Public Relations News Release 1969:601, p.1
Recognition given to members of honor societies, student government organizations, and special departmental awards to outstanding students. Wallace Anderson presided. Student list.
29 675 to be recognized at honors convocation
Northern Iowan 66:56, p.5
Professors Bernhard, Oppleman, and Anderson will speak.
30 675 UNI students to be honored at May14 convocation
Public Relations News Release 1969:580, p.1
University Honors Convocation will be held in the Men's Gymnasium. Dan Oppleman will be the featured speaker. Wallace L. Anderson will preside.
31 To Report on Activities of Iowa Planning Committee for International Education
Public Relations News Release 1969:317, p.1
A report of the activities of the recently formed organization will be presented in Chicago.
32 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo.
33 Two Area Residents Serve on International Education 'Task Force'
Public Relations News Release 1969:218, p.1
Dr. Anderson and Mrs. Thorson are charged with forming a planning committee in Iowa of prominent and interested people to identify the three or four topics of greatest priority in international education in the state.
34 UNI to Award Science Scholarships at Annual Symposium
Public Relations News Release 1969:173, p.1
Six four-year fee exemption scholarships will be awarded to high school students at the symposium. Speakers present at general sessions.
35 Forum informed of minority group education hiring
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.8
Considers further the issue of hiring minority faculty and staff.
36 SS prexy, Dean go to Washington
Northern Iowan 66:4, p.1
Will attend conference of presidents of student government; photo.
37 Two to Represent UNI at Washington Conference
Public Relations News Release 1969:19, p.1

Anderson and Johnson to represent the college at the conference, which is held Friday though Sunday, Sept. 19 to 21 in Washington D.C.

38 Reunion highlights
Alumnus 54:3, p.10
190 attend meeting; photo.
39 Minority group education at UNI
Alumnus 53:4, p.5
New committee considers problems and opportunities; photo.
40 Minority education members assume new responsibilities
Northern Iowan 65:9, p.1
Professor Thomas Ryan, Dean Wallace Anderson, and graduate student Ronald James were appointed to serve on the Committee on University Responsibility for Minority Group Education (URMGE).
41 Working for newspaper not glamorous: Hovelson
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.3
Des Moines Register and Tribune staff writer Jack Hovelson spoke at the Conference on the High School Newspaper at UNI Saturday; photo.
42 McCollum named as dean of Natural Sciences College
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.1
Administrative appointments announced.
43 Dr. Anderson authors study on Robinson
Northern Iowan 64:8, p.9
Professor Wallace Anderson continues Edwin Arlington Robinson scholarship.
44 Eighteen faculty members to study India in seminars
College Eye 64:5, p.3
List of those who will take part in Faculty Development Seminar.
45 Faculty Senate elects Keefe as 67-68 chairman
College Eye 64:2, p.16
Hold elections and make committee appointments.
46 UNI--what it means to be a university
College Eye 64:2, p.6
Administrators offer views.
47 UNI seminars on India
Alumnus 52:3, p.24
Eighteen faculty members selected for special study group.
48 Travel to Colombia
Alumnus 52:3, p.23
Six faculty spend three weeks in Colombia to establish exchange relationship and to study teacher preparation.
49 UPN Educators have strong social outlook
College Eye 63:64, p.1
A look at the Colombian exchange program.
50 Building a university, a look toward the future
College Eye 63:59, p.1
Administrators speculate on what university status will mean.