Anderson--Wallace L. (English Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 116 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Major curriculum changes A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.193 |
President Maucker attempts to include a greater exposure to international views into the curriculum with conferences and expanded foreign language and culture courses; photo. | |
2 | Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234 |
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo. | |
3 | Administrative changes and departmental reorganization A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.311 |
Detailed look at the break-up of the old, large departments into smaller, more discrete units; list of those who headed the old and new departments; photo. | |
4 | Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407 |
President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo. |
5 | Bogota exchange pact reached UNI Century 2:1, p.7 |
Agreement of UNI with Universidad Pedagogica Nacional extended five years; brief history and description of program; photo. | |
6 | Renew student exchange Northern Iowan 70:23, p.5 |
Agreement with UPN extended for five years; brief description of program. | |
7 | Three resign; totaled forty years service Alumnus 57:3, p.17 |
Professors Coffin and Anderson and architect Robert Porter move on to other positions. | |
8 | English prof Anderson resigns after 24 years Northern Iowan 68:62, p.6 |
Professor Wallace Anderson will become dean at Bridgewater State College. | |
9 | Stanley Wood follows UNI trend Northern Iowan 68:52, p.7 |
Professor Wood talks about his achievements and plans; photo. | |
10 | Regents Appoint Dr. Fred Lott to UNI Administrative Post Public Relations News Release 1972:153, p.1 |
Lotts, a prof of math at UNI has been appointed to the newly established position of assistant vice-president of academic affairs. | |
11 | UNI names new vice president and provost Alumnus 56:3, p.36 |
James G. Martin succeeds H. W. Reninger as academic vice president; Dr. Pendergraft and Dr. Anderson will return to the classroom; Don Kelly will head Public Information; photo. | |
12 | UNI Begins New 'General Education' Program Public Relations News Release 1971:727, p.1 |
40 credit hours of general education will be required next semester, in comparison to the previous requirement of 55 credit hours. | |
13 | Regents appoint new dept. heads Northern Iowan 67:58, p.6 |
Professor Cahill will head English; Professor Martin will head library science. | |
14 | Regents Appoint 2 Department Heads, Change Assignment at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:691, p.1 |
Dr. Anderson will return to teaching; Dr. Cahill will become head of English lang. and lit; Dr. Martin will become head of library science. | |
15 | Eleven Students from Columbia to Study This Summer at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:674, p.1 |
11 students from UPN (UNI's sister school) will arrive on June 11 for a special summer program at UNI. | |
16 | UNI Dean Requests Change of Assignment Public Relations News Release 1971:657, p.1 |
Dr. Reninger has announced that Dr. Anderson is to be relieved of his administrative duties in order to return to teaching full-time. | |
17 | 1098 Students Named to Dean's List at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:511, p.1 |
12 percent of the study body obtained the designation; list of students on the dean's list | |
18 | Eight UNI Students Receive Scholarships from Colombian School Public Relations News Release 1970:325, p.1 |
UNI's sister school, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (UPN) in Bogota, Columbia, has granted eight new scholarships to UNI students for the term beginning Jan. 25. | |
19 | Tenure Discussed at AFT Meeting at UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:304, p.1 |
The current tenure policies could be in jeopardy according to President Kamerick if the recommended changes proposed by State Senator Francis Messerly are passed. | |
20 | English Club Northern Iowan 67:22, p.8 |
Professor Anderson will discuss Edward Arlington Robinson's sonnets. | |
21 | English Club to present E. A. Robinson Scholar Public Relations News Release 1970:235, p.1 |
A celebration of the 100th anniversary of Edwin Arlington Robinson will be held Dec. 9 in the Embassy Room of the Union by the UNI English Club. | |
22 | Gen. Ed. program revamped Northern Iowan 67:19, p.1 |
Wallace Anderson outlines new program. | |
23 | 12 UNI Profs to Attend Inauguration of President of Upper Iowa University Public Relations News Release 1970:108, p.1 |
List of professors attending and their respective departments. | |
24 | Des Moines Student Named to Dean's List at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:707, p.1 |
Lee Okerlund has been named to the spring semester Dean's List at UNI. | |
25 | Regents Appoint Lash to Head Art Department at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:691, p.1 |
Effective Sept. 1, 1970; biography of Lash. | |
26 | 978 Students Named to Dean's List at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:687, p.1 |
List of students on the spring semester Dean's List, announced by Dr. Anderson, dean of undergraduate studies. | |
27 | UNI commencement to be the largest in history Public Relations News Release 1969:612, p.1 |
Spring commencement will have over one thousand candidates for degrees. President Maucker will preside over his final commencement. He will retire during the summer. |
28 | Local students honored at UNI Convocation Public Relations News Release 1969:601, p.1 |
Recognition given to members of honor societies, student government organizations, and special departmental awards to outstanding students. Wallace Anderson presided. Student list. | |
29 | 675 to be recognized at honors convocation Northern Iowan 66:56, p.5 |
Professors Bernhard, Oppleman, and Anderson will speak. | |
30 | 675 UNI students to be honored at May14 convocation Public Relations News Release 1969:580, p.1 |
University Honors Convocation will be held in the Men's Gymnasium. Dan Oppleman will be the featured speaker. Wallace L. Anderson will preside. | |
31 | To Report on Activities of Iowa Planning Committee for International Education Public Relations News Release 1969:317, p.1 |
A report of the activities of the recently formed organization will be presented in Chicago. | |
32 | Behind the scenes UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4 |
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo. | |
33 | Two Area Residents Serve on International Education 'Task Force' Public Relations News Release 1969:218, p.1 |
Dr. Anderson and Mrs. Thorson are charged with forming a planning committee in Iowa of prominent and interested people to identify the three or four topics of greatest priority in international education in the state. | |
34 | UNI to Award Science Scholarships at Annual Symposium Public Relations News Release 1969:173, p.1 |
Six four-year fee exemption scholarships will be awarded to high school students at the symposium. Speakers present at general sessions. | |
35 | Forum informed of minority group education hiring Northern Iowan 66:11, p.8 |
Considers further the issue of hiring minority faculty and staff. | |
36 | SS prexy, Dean go to Washington Northern Iowan 66:4, p.1 |
Will attend conference of presidents of student government; photo. | |
37 | Two to Represent UNI at Washington Conference Public Relations News Release 1969:19, p.1 |
Anderson and Johnson to represent the college at the conference, which is held Friday though Sunday, Sept. 19 to 21 in Washington D.C. |
38 | Reunion highlights Alumnus 54:3, p.10 |
190 attend meeting; photo. | |
39 | Minority group education at UNI Alumnus 53:4, p.5 |
New committee considers problems and opportunities; photo. | |
40 | Minority education members assume new responsibilities Northern Iowan 65:9, p.1 |
Professor Thomas Ryan, Dean Wallace Anderson, and graduate student Ronald James were appointed to serve on the Committee on University Responsibility for Minority Group Education (URMGE). | |
41 | Working for newspaper not glamorous: Hovelson Northern Iowan 65:7, p.3 |
Des Moines Register and Tribune staff writer Jack Hovelson spoke at the Conference on the High School Newspaper at UNI Saturday; photo. | |
42 | McCollum named as dean of Natural Sciences College Northern Iowan 64:56, p.1 |
Administrative appointments announced. | |
43 | Dr. Anderson authors study on Robinson Northern Iowan 64:8, p.9 |
Professor Wallace Anderson continues Edwin Arlington Robinson scholarship. | |
44 | Eighteen faculty members to study India in seminars College Eye 64:5, p.3 |
List of those who will take part in Faculty Development Seminar. | |
45 | Faculty Senate elects Keefe as 67-68 chairman College Eye 64:2, p.16 |
Hold elections and make committee appointments. | |
46 | UNI--what it means to be a university College Eye 64:2, p.6 |
Administrators offer views. | |
47 | UNI seminars on India Alumnus 52:3, p.24 |
Eighteen faculty members selected for special study group. | |
48 | Travel to Colombia Alumnus 52:3, p.23 |
Six faculty spend three weeks in Colombia to establish exchange relationship and to study teacher preparation. | |
49 | UPN Educators have strong social outlook College Eye 63:64, p.1 |
A look at the Colombian exchange program. | |
50 | Building a university, a look toward the future College Eye 63:59, p.1 |
Administrators speculate on what university status will mean. |