April Fool's Day

Displaying 1 - 50 of 192 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Campanile calamity: UNI's iconic structure vanished into the night!
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.4
In this satirical article written for April Fools, they claim that the Campanile has been kept in a chain link fence for a reason unbeknownst to students. The Campanile escaped around 11:30 pm on Tuesday, March 28th and no one can find it; photo!
2 New men's basketball coach bungles first hire
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.7
In this satirical article written for April Fools that plays off of the article "Contract error lifts accountant to coach", new men's basketball head coach and sophomore accounting student, Ben Jacobsen, makes a huge mistake. He accidentally hired Iowa's offensive coordinator for football, not basketball, Brian Ferentz; photo.
3 Contract error lifts accountant to coach
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.7
In this satirical article written for April Fools, men's basketball coach Ben Jacobson gets booted out after a mistake with the contract listed Ben Jacobsen instead, a sophomore accounting major here at UNI; photo.
4 Track team to test 'Air Bud' legal theory with Rex Goodboy
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.6
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the UNI track and field team test the 'Air Bud' legal theory by claiming that no where in the handbook does it say a runner has to be human. They recruited golden retriever Rex Goodboy of Cedar Valley to the team; photo.
5 The Greens are back in town
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.6
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the all-time Panther basketball player, AJ Green's five identical siblings just signed to play at UNI next season; photo.
6 Student Government taken over by Revolutionary UNI squirrels
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.4
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the UNI squirrels have over run the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) with a vicious coup; photo.
7 Schindler Education Center takes flight
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.3
In this satirical article written for April Fools, suspicions of the Schindler Education Center being a UFO were confirmed as the top half of the building broke off and blasted into space; photo.
8 Campanile bells replaced with rubber chickens
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.3
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the new and improved Campanile bells are replaced with rubber chickens of various sizes.
9 Allies successors in new greenhouse seem unaware of danger
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.9
This article, a reprint from September 29, 1939, recalls the tragic fate of Allie the Alligator when the new greenhouse was built, and welcomes new successors Ike and Mike.
10 Squirrels of UNI mount violent rodent revolution
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.5
This satire article, written by Carl McChristensen, Human Bean, describes the violent revolution of UNI's campus squirrels; photo.
11 Dining halls introduce latest in dishware saga: ZooPals
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.5
Written by Malibu Schmootz, Former Infant, the satire article says that the dining halls have replaced normal tableware with ZooPals paper plates; photo.
12 McCollum reptiles make grand escape
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.6
Written by Dill Emma, Barely Average Writer, the satire article states that reptiles including turtles, snakes Big Noodle and Darth, lizards, and alligators Steve and Wally had escaped from McCollum Science Hall but had since been returned to their homes; photo.
13 UNI requires DNA test for parking pass
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.6
Written by Brad Kristofferson, Stop, hammertime, the satire article says that UNI's new strategy for selling parking passes will require students to present a DNA sample, nasal swab, blood sample, urine sample, and drug test to ensure that only students who truly want a parking pass will purchase one; photo.
14 Ghosts protest demolition of Honors Cottage
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.7
Written by Carl McChristensen, Human bean, the satire article discusses that the campus ghosts including Zelda (who haunts Strayer-Wood Theatre), Augie (who haunts Lawther Hall), and others including the ghosts of Rider and Hagemann Halls will haunt UNI administrators until they repeal their request to the Board of Regents for the Honors Cottage to be demolished; photo.
15 Kurt Warner makes shocking return to UNI
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.8
Written by David "Warner" Warrington, Spertz Werter, the satire article says that well-known football quarterback Kurt Warner, who had played at UNI before playing for the Iowa Barnstormers and NFL's St. Louis Rams, still had one year of college eligibility and would be returning to play for UNI at age 50; photo.
16 UNI-Dome to be deflated to create Iowa's largest swimming pool
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.8
Written by Hunter "I'm Freezing" Friesen, Spertz Werter, the satire article says that UNI-Dome will be deflated to serve as a swimming pool during the football off-season due to the cost of air to keep it up, and will be re-inflated during football season using the wind. During the winter it will be turned into an enormous ice rink. Director of Athletics Dave Sportacus and facilities manager Beth Domerson are quoted; photo.
17 TC Panther to be replaced with a live panther
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.8
The satire article by Shaden McKay, Spertz Werter, says that mascot TC will be replaced with live panther Obsidian; photo.
18 Animals make greenhouse like a zoo
Northern Iowan 118:45, p.9
The article, a reprint from July 26, 1946, describes the many animals kept in the greenhouse on campus, including owls, Hamster mice, and various amphibians and aquatic animals.
19 HLC confuses UNI with NIU
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.6
A satire piece for April Fool's Day about the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) arriving at the campus of Northern Illinois University (NIU) instead of UNI for their site visit; photo.
20 As if dual-factor isn't enough, more steps added
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.7
A satire article for April Fool's Day about more authentication steps being added in Fall 2021 in further addition to the recently implemented Duo Mobile, a dual-factor authentication process; photo.
21 Single snowflake spotted; UNI cancels class for week
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.7
A satire piece for April Fool's Day about Mark Nook cancelling classes because he saw a single snowflake and thought a big snowstorm was coming; photo.
22 UNI to add two new sports
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.8
A satire piece for April Fool's Day about two new sports coming to UNI in the Fall of 2021: ice skating and kite flying; photo.
23 Provost job still vacant, unsurprisingly
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.5
A satire piece for April Fool's Day about the Provost leaving in May and the University being unable to find a replacement; photo.
24 TC and TK get the boot thanks to new "brand"
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.5
A satire piece about TC and TK being replaced by Tony the Tiger and Cap'n Crunch since the mascots are outdated due to the new logo; photo.
25 Clough and Q try out at pro day
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.8
Satire article for April Fool's Day about two non-athlete students taking part in an NFL draft day; photo.
26 Campus squirrels armed to defend trees
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.5
Satire piece in honor of April Fool's Day about arming UNI campus squirrels with small slingshots to defend the ash trees from the emerald ash borer.
27 UNI receives Weather Resiliency Award
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.5
Satire piece for April Fool's Day claiming UNI was awarded a Weather Resiliency award due to frigid winter temperatures and ongoing classes; photo.
28 Dick's Pizza won't go down without a fight
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.6
Satire piece for April Fool's Day about the owner of a former College Hill restaurant Dick's Pizza selling pizza on the street; photo.
29 'The Room' is greatest film ever
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.7
A satire piece for April Fool's Day providing a pretend review of the movie "The Room," 5/5; photo.
30 Insomnia Cookies actually cause insomnia
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.7
Satire piece for Abril Fool's Day about the local business Insomnia Cookies actually causing insomnia; photo.
31 DIII athlete changes Instagram bio
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.8
Satire article for April Fool's Day about a fictional college athlete who planned on being DI athlete but became a DIII athlete.
32 eSports pwns UNI men's basketball team
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.8
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the Panther eSports team won against the men's basketball team 117-89.
33 LFL accidentally takes on XFL
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.8
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the football team LFL took on the XFL accidentally.
34 SGNI begs for spare change at UI, ISU
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.6
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the Student Government of Northern Iowa (SGNI) went to Iowa State University and University of Iowa to try and supplement their funding.
35 Bookstore haunted by ghost of student debts
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.5
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the university bookstore is haunted by the ghost that has formed as a result of the decades of student debt caused by the bookstore.
36 Microwaves taking over campus
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.7
In this satirical article written for April Fools, an exorbitant amount of microwaves have begun appearing all over campus.
37 Slow walkers to be fined, as well they should
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.6
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the UNI Campus Police will start fining people who are walking too slow and slowing down foot traffic.
38 Rider RLC replaced by actual panther
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.5
In this satirical article written for April Fools, a panther has replaced Rider Hall's Residence Life Coordinator.
39 Satire piece not bullying
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.3

Carr-Murphy defends her satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" in the April Fool's Day edition of the Northern Iowan in response to two letters to the editor submitted to the paper; photo. 

40 LTE: French Fry lacked quality
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.3

The author of an anonymous letter to the editor is critical of the Northern Iowan's article "Student orgs offer help to those in need," published in the March 31 French Fry April Fool's Day edition of the paper.

41 Once in a life-time performance
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.5

In this satirical article written for April Fools, Clive Buttertable gave a performance that featured eating a sack lunch; photo.

42 Karma forces LeBron James into retirement
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.8

In this satirical article written for April Fools, basketball player LeBron James has decided to retire after losing a game in similar fashion to UNI vs. Texas A&M; photo.

43 UNI athletics now resorts to socialism
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.8

In this satirical article written for April Fools, a bill passed in the legislature for UNI athletics to be funded by the University of Iowa and Iowa State university; photo.

44 Wi-Fi... just why?!
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, a student complains about the Wi-Fi.

45 NI article hurts student's feelings
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, a student writes a letter to the editor commenting negatively on a previous article about bad roommates.

46 Sexuality in video games not tied to marketing schemes at all
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, the columnist discusses sexuality in video games.

47 Misstakes haunt newspaper
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.6

In this satirical article written for April Fools, the Northern Iowan staff discusses the "ghost" causing editing mistakes in the paper; photo.

48 Drump new NISG Pres.
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.5

In this satirical article written for April Fools, Donald Drump is the new Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) student body president; photos.

49 Student orgs offer help to those in need
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, the columnist writes that UNI Right to Life and College Republicans are working with the administration to implement new policies to make decisions for female UNI students; photo.

50 More selfies than service
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.5

In this satirical article written for April Fools, UNI students go on a mission trip.