April Fool's Day

Displaying 101 - 150 of 192 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 April Fool's Day
College Eye 39:25, p.1
College Eye produces lampoon newspaper for April Fool's Day.
102 Thompson head of campus communist party
College Eye 38:25, p.1
April Fool's Day issue.
103 Viva la Follies
College Eye 37:26, p.7
Second portion of April Fool's lampoon issue.
104 The College Eye
College Eye 37:26, p.1
College Eye produces fictitious newspaper for April Fool's Day.
105 Vitamin Q discovered
College Eye 36:26, p.1
April Fool's Day page.
106 Panthers down Mason City
College Eye 36:26, p.4
April Fool's Day page.
107 Plaid shirts, straw hats in style for April Fools' dance
College Eye 35:25, p.3
Will feature square dancing.
108 College Eye
College Eye 35:25, p.7
College Eye produces a fictitious newspaper for April Fool's Day.
109 College Eye (April 1)
College Eye 35:25, p.1
College Eye produces fictitious newspaper for April Fool's Day.
110 Fool April
College Eye 32:25, p.6
College Eye produces fictitious newspaper for April Fool's Day.
111 Fool April
College Eye 32:25, p.2
College Eye produces fictitious newspaper for April Fool's Day.
112 April Fool's Day
College Eye 31:25, p.1
College Eye produces lampoon newspaper for April Fool's Day.
113 April Fool to all next week
College Eye 31:24, p.2
College Eye will put out April Fool's Day edition.
114 College Eye
College Eye 30:26, p.1
Annual lampoon issue.
115 Spring weather preludes spring sports; nothing true but the ads next week; Danielle Darrieux and Charles Boyer in French film
College Eye 30:25, p.1
Spring sports will begin with an opening contest in each sport; there will be sports stories and discussions of spring prospects; April fool addition of the College Eye will be published next week; French film will be shown in the Auditorium.
116 College Eye
College Eye 29:26, p.1
Annual April Fool's Day edition.
117 The Line
College Eye 28:28, p.2
Campus gossip; has some April Fool's fun.
118 Kappa Phi sorority to celebrate April 1
College Eye 24:26, p.3
Will hold April Fool's Day party.
119 Extra!! Extra!! Scandal edition; The College Eye
College Eye 24:23, p.1
The College Eye's annual lampoon issue.
120 Phi Chi Delta plan April Fool's party
College Eye 23:36, p.3
121 Bartlett Hall holds April Fool party
College Eye 23:36, p.3
122 Untitled
College Eye 23:35, p.3
Elementary Education Club will meet.
123 College Eye
College Eye 22:28, p.1
Annual lampoon issue.
124 High school students observe Overall and Apron Day, Wednesday
College Eye 22:25, p.8
125 College Eye
College Eye 21:29, p.1
College Eye annual lampoon issue.
126 Heed the warning! April first comes again
College Eye 21:25, p.1
April Fool's Day on the way.
127 College Eye
College Eye 20:32, p.1
Annual lampoon issue.
128 Music department offers new courses
College Eye 19:30, p.4
Humorous suggestion that the Music Department will offer a jazz course.
129 Baseball start sold to New York Yanks; big blow to 1928 aspirations; will replace Babe Ruth in outfield
College Eye 19:30, p.6
Student from T. C. will play baseball for Yankees; $50,000 given to T. C. for him; humor.
130 Minnesingers join Vaudeville circuit; many clever features will be introduced
College Eye 19:30, p.5
131 Hugh Seabury ousted from Y. M. C. A. presidency
College Eye 19:30, p.5
Threw a party for society brothers; humor.
132 Fagan takes Mendenhall's post; refuses to accept wages; want to help innocent boys to live right
College Eye 19:30, p.6
New athletic director voted in; proposes big changes for the program; humor.
133 Baseball games to start at 2 p. m.
College Eye 19:30, p.6
Starting earlier because one player refuses to play past 5 p. m.; humor.
134 New rules of sportsmanship made
College Eye 19:30, p.6
Male student athletes jokingly decide on new rules.
135 Faculty loses championship
College Eye 19:30, p.6
Faculty volleyball team loses national championship to Janesville; humor.
136 Wyant breaks record
College Eye 19:30, p.6
New records set at recent track meet in Kansas; humor.
137 T. C. will meet no Iowa schools
College Eye 19:30, p.6
New athletic director Fagan broke contracts with Iowa schools so the athletes can go on longer trips and to more places; humor.
138 Handball becomes Teachers College's major sport; television to be installed; Muto will announce games
College Eye 19:30, p.6
139 "Eye" special sport news
College Eye 19:30, p.6
Track and field highlights; humor.
140 Ben Beck conquers English Channel; starts his career in intra-murals
College Eye 19:30, p.7
Former student swims the English Channel; continues to set new records; humor.
141 Deans propose dating bureau
College Eye 19:30, p.1
142 Pan-Hell. to try five trusted members of faculty; Miss Maxwell discovers pair walking without permit; accusation is brought back upon herself
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Five faculty members caught being out after hours with no permits; humor.
143 Eta Society started by faculty members
College Eye 19:30, p.1
New society formed by ten faculty members; humor.
144 All students now have positions
College Eye 19:30, p.1
No students are left in want of a teaching position; humor.
145 Resolution presented at house council mtg.; compromise reached Monday night
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Half of the women in Bartlett Hall are awakened twenty-one seconds before the other half of the women, causing a dispute; humor.
146 Chapel attendance compulsory daily
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Voted that chapel is compulsory; seating issues addressed; humor.
147 Free day on reserve books; to be held Friday
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Students encouraged to read reserve books on appointed day in library; humor.
148 Official announcements
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Announces time of spring vacation; allows students six skip days from each class; humor.
149 Old Gold announcement
College Eye 19:30, p.1
Yearbooks are in; students can visit the office to pick them up; humor.
150 By-gone days
College Eye 19:30, p.4
Headlines of previous scandal sheets.