Arey--Melvin Franklin (Science Faculty)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 359 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Miss Arey and her father Prof. Arey
College Eye 14:20, p.8
Drove to Muscatine to visit Rodney Arey and family; Florence Magowan accompanied them to Iowa City, where she spent the weekend.
52 Patriotic service
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1
A special chapel service is held in remembrance of General Ulysses S. Grant's one-hundredth birthday. Professors M. F. Arey and W. W. Gist head the Patriotic Faculty Committee responsible for the service.
53 In the golden-fruited autumn
Old Gold 0:0, p.17
Honors Melvin Arey and David S. Wright for their continuing service to the school; photo.
54 Honorary ex-service men
Old Gold 0:0, p.162

Members, Armistice Day program.

55 Teachers commemorate Washington' Birthday
College Eye 13:23, p.1
Will hold memorial and patriotic program.
56 Educational Dept.
College Eye 13:5, p.2
Enrollment is high; Education Club will meet with Professor Arey to speak.
57 T. C. Vets
Old Gold 0:0, p.186

Roster of members with military affiliations; photo.

58 Department of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Roster of administrative faculty; photo.
59 Department of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Roster of administrative and extension faculty; photo.
60 Natural Science
College Eye 12:24, p.2
News notes from the department; Professor Arey is preparing a new display for the Museum.
61 M. F. Arey
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3
Elected head of Black Hawk County Veterans Association, replacing W. W. Gist.
62 Field and Laboratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Thank you to professors from a student; photo.
63 Washington's birthday celebrated
College Eye 11:21, p.1
Program for Washington's birthday was given.
64 Natural Science
College Eye 11:19, p.5
News from the Department of Natural Science.
65 Improve Iowa schools; Governor addresses Teachers
College Eye 11:4, p.1
Description of program of the Normal Training Conference.
66 Museum and Field Laboratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Description of the museum and laboratory; photo.
67 Lincoln's birthday
Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.2
Program was presented on Abraham Lincoln, W. W. Gist presiding; program alternates Abraham Lincoln and George Washington annually.
68 Exercises commemorating birth of our martyred president this morning at ten; impressive service in honor of one of America's greatest citizens
College Eye 10:14, p.1
Schedule of program honoring President Abraham Lincoln.
69 Prof. Arey
College Eye 9:27, p.8
Has received many shrubs and trees that will need to be planted.
70 George Baskerville tells of harrowing experience at Camp Cody
College Eye 9:16, p.3
Sent some cacti to the science department; rain, wind, and snow plagued the men and blew down the post office so they didn't get their mail.
71 Museum
College Eye 9:3, p.3
Description of gifts given to the Museum.
72 The alumni banquet
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Emma Lambert was toastmaster at recent alumni banquet.
73 "The Only Elm"
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Alumni dedicated elm tree near Library to memory of Professor M. F. Arey.
74 School honors Prof. Arey; fitting services held in College Auditorium
College Eye 9:1, p.1
Recognize Professor Arey's fifty years in educational service; Professor Gist and others spoke in tribute.
75 Dedication service; campus elm dedicated to Prof. Arey
College Eye 9:1, p.1
Large elm near Library dedicated to Professor Arey.
76 Department of Natural Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.50
Profile of Professor Arey in the Department of Natural Science, includes creative works; photo.
77 Professor M. F. Arey honored; fifty years in the educational field
College Eye 8:31, p.1
Melvin F. Arey completes his twenty-sixth year at Teachers College; photo.
78 Leaves of absence
College Eye 8:28, p.5
Professors Seymour and Arey to take leaves of absence.
79 Books by members and ex-members of the faculty
College Eye 8:25, p.2

Bibliography of the work of past and current faculty members.

80 Plans for agriculture
College Eye 8:22, p.6
Due to expansion of the grounds after the purchase of eight acres of land near the old factory, instruction in agriculture is possible for the spring and summer terms.
81 Faculty has mix; faculty members get together in social good time on Tuesday evening, October 24th
College Eye 8:7, p.1
Recap of events.
82 Heads of departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
83 Dedication
Old Gold 0:0, p.7
Dedication of 1915 Old Gold to Professor Melvin F. Arey; photo.
84 Heads of Departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
85 Miss Young
College Eye 4:11, p.9
Entertained Home Economics Department.
86 Prof. Arey and the Misses Arey
College Eye 4:11, p.9
Entertained on Thanksgiving.
87 Senior physical training in Des Moines program; seniors and juniors in physical training department will give symbolic play, "Pandora's Box"
College Eye 4:9, p.1
Physical training students will perform play at meeting of the Iowa State Teachers Association.
88 On last Tuesday
College Eye 4:6, p.8
The Reading Circle met with Professor G. W. Newton. Professor M. F. Arey and Professor L. Begeman participated in the discussion of the European War.
89 The Mill
Old Gold 0:0, p.331

Cartoons, jokes, and poems about I. S. T. C. students, faculty, and staff; photos.

90 Natural Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Photos of faculty members.
91 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.325
Illustration of a man reading; description of society; roster of officers and members; photos.
92 Prof. M. F. Arey
College Eye 3:22, p.374
Spent time visiting friends in Iowa City.
93 On the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 13
College Eye 3:16, p.267
Faculty holds reception for college men.
94 Department of Natural Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Roster of faculty; photo.
95 Members of Teachers College faculty attended science meeting
College Eye 2:29, p.2
Roster of faculty members attending Iowa Academy of Science meeting.
96 The following members of the faculty
College Eye 2:29, p.6
Roster of those who attended Iowa Academy of Science meeting.
97 Oratorical contest; increasing interest in oratory shown by large crowd Thursday evening; Len Toomey wins first
College Eye 2:18, p.1
98 Oratorical program; open contest to be held at the Auditorium Thursday evening
College Eye 2:17, p.1
The final oratorical contest; roster of speakers and their topics.
99 Oratorical contest; date for the final set for January thirtieth; nine contestants
College Eye 2:16, p.1
No preliminaries will be held due to diminished interest.
100 Prof. M. F. Arey
College Eye 2:15, p.6
Attended a celebration in Iowa City in honor of C. Stefanson and R. M. Anderson.