Arey--Melvin Franklin (Science Faculty)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 359 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Miss Arey and her father Prof. Arey College Eye 14:20, p.8 |
Drove to Muscatine to visit Rodney Arey and family; Florence Magowan accompanied them to Iowa City, where she spent the weekend. | |
52 | Patriotic service Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1 |
A special chapel service is held in remembrance of General Ulysses S. Grant's one-hundredth birthday. Professors M. F. Arey and W. W. Gist head the Patriotic Faculty Committee responsible for the service. | |
53 | In the golden-fruited autumn Old Gold 0:0, p.17 |
Honors Melvin Arey and David S. Wright for their continuing service to the school; photo. | |
54 | Honorary ex-service men Old Gold 0:0, p.162 |
Members, Armistice Day program. |
55 | Teachers commemorate Washington' Birthday College Eye 13:23, p.1 |
Will hold memorial and patriotic program. | |
56 | Educational Dept. College Eye 13:5, p.2 |
Enrollment is high; Education Club will meet with Professor Arey to speak. | |
57 | T. C. Vets Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Roster of members with military affiliations; photo. |
58 | Department of Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Roster of administrative faculty; photo. | |
59 | Department of Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
Roster of administrative and extension faculty; photo. | |
60 | Natural Science College Eye 12:24, p.2 |
News notes from the department; Professor Arey is preparing a new display for the Museum. | |
61 | M. F. Arey Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3 |
Elected head of Black Hawk County Veterans Association, replacing W. W. Gist. | |
62 | Field and Laboratory Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
Thank you to professors from a student; photo. | |
63 | Washington's birthday celebrated College Eye 11:21, p.1 |
Program for Washington's birthday was given. | |
64 | Natural Science College Eye 11:19, p.5 |
News from the Department of Natural Science. | |
65 | Improve Iowa schools; Governor addresses Teachers College Eye 11:4, p.1 |
Description of program of the Normal Training Conference. | |
66 | Museum and Field Laboratory Old Gold 0:0, p.57 |
Description of the museum and laboratory; photo. | |
67 | Lincoln's birthday Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.2 |
Program was presented on Abraham Lincoln, W. W. Gist presiding; program alternates Abraham Lincoln and George Washington annually. | |
68 | Exercises commemorating birth of our martyred president this morning at ten; impressive service in honor of one of America's greatest citizens College Eye 10:14, p.1 |
Schedule of program honoring President Abraham Lincoln. | |
69 | Prof. Arey College Eye 9:27, p.8 |
Has received many shrubs and trees that will need to be planted. | |
70 | George Baskerville tells of harrowing experience at Camp Cody College Eye 9:16, p.3 |
Sent some cacti to the science department; rain, wind, and snow plagued the men and blew down the post office so they didn't get their mail. | |
71 | Museum College Eye 9:3, p.3 |
Description of gifts given to the Museum. | |
72 | The alumni banquet Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1 |
Emma Lambert was toastmaster at recent alumni banquet. | |
73 | "The Only Elm" Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1 |
Alumni dedicated elm tree near Library to memory of Professor M. F. Arey. | |
74 | School honors Prof. Arey; fitting services held in College Auditorium College Eye 9:1, p.1 |
Recognize Professor Arey's fifty years in educational service; Professor Gist and others spoke in tribute. | |
75 | Dedication service; campus elm dedicated to Prof. Arey College Eye 9:1, p.1 |
Large elm near Library dedicated to Professor Arey. | |
76 | Department of Natural Science Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
Profile of Professor Arey in the Department of Natural Science, includes creative works; photo. | |
77 | Professor M. F. Arey honored; fifty years in the educational field College Eye 8:31, p.1 |
Melvin F. Arey completes his twenty-sixth year at Teachers College; photo. | |
78 | Leaves of absence College Eye 8:28, p.5 |
Professors Seymour and Arey to take leaves of absence. | |
79 | Books by members and ex-members of the faculty College Eye 8:25, p.2 |
Bibliography of the work of past and current faculty members. |
80 | Plans for agriculture College Eye 8:22, p.6 |
Due to expansion of the grounds after the purchase of eight acres of land near the old factory, instruction in agriculture is possible for the spring and summer terms. | |
81 | Faculty has mix; faculty members get together in social good time on Tuesday evening, October 24th College Eye 8:7, p.1 |
Recap of events. | |
82 | Heads of departments Old Gold 0:0, p.14 |
Photo. | |
83 | Dedication Old Gold 0:0, p.7 |
Dedication of 1915 Old Gold to Professor Melvin F. Arey; photo. | |
84 | Heads of Departments Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Photo. | |
85 | Miss Young College Eye 4:11, p.9 |
Entertained Home Economics Department. | |
86 | Prof. Arey and the Misses Arey College Eye 4:11, p.9 |
Entertained on Thanksgiving. | |
87 | Senior physical training in Des Moines program; seniors and juniors in physical training department will give symbolic play, "Pandora's Box" College Eye 4:9, p.1 |
Physical training students will perform play at meeting of the Iowa State Teachers Association. | |
88 | On last Tuesday College Eye 4:6, p.8 |
The Reading Circle met with Professor G. W. Newton. Professor M. F. Arey and Professor L. Begeman participated in the discussion of the European War. | |
89 | The Mill Old Gold 0:0, p.331 |
Cartoons, jokes, and poems about I. S. T. C. students, faculty, and staff; photos. |
90 | Natural Science Old Gold 0:0, p.39 |
Photos of faculty members. | |
91 | Philo Old Gold 0:0, p.325 |
Illustration of a man reading; description of society; roster of officers and members; photos. | |
92 | Prof. M. F. Arey College Eye 3:22, p.374 |
Spent time visiting friends in Iowa City. | |
93 | On the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 13 College Eye 3:16, p.267 |
Faculty holds reception for college men. | |
94 | Department of Natural Science Old Gold 0:0, p.98 |
Roster of faculty; photo. | |
95 | Members of Teachers College faculty attended science meeting College Eye 2:29, p.2 |
Roster of faculty members attending Iowa Academy of Science meeting. | |
96 | The following members of the faculty College Eye 2:29, p.6 |
Roster of those who attended Iowa Academy of Science meeting. | |
97 | Oratorical contest; increasing interest in oratory shown by large crowd Thursday evening; Len Toomey wins first College Eye 2:18, p.1 |
98 | Oratorical program; open contest to be held at the Auditorium Thursday evening College Eye 2:17, p.1 |
The final oratorical contest; roster of speakers and their topics. | |
99 | Oratorical contest; date for the final set for January thirtieth; nine contestants College Eye 2:16, p.1 |
No preliminaries will be held due to diminished interest. | |
100 | Prof. M. F. Arey College Eye 2:15, p.6 |
Attended a celebration in Iowa City in honor of C. Stefanson and R. M. Anderson. |