Baccalaureate Exercises

Displaying 1 - 50 of 158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.20
Activities and meetings.
2 Previews
College Eye 63:56, p.12
Meetings and events planned, the movie "Charade" will be shown on the soccer field.
3 Spring commencement
Alumnus 52:2, p.11
About six hundred students are expected to receive degrees.
4 Author-theologian will give address for Baccalaureate
College Eye 57:30, p.6
Joseph Sittler will speak; description of ceremony.
5 Lunger to speak at Baccalaureate
College Eye 53:33, p.1

Irvin E. Lunger will speak; photo.

6 ISTC Baccalaureate Address
Public Relations News Release 1960:447, p.1
Reverend Jules Moreau delivers the baccalaureate address to the graduating class. Moreau believes that the natural sciences have too much sway over the schooling system, and that humanities and social science must be given more attention.
7 Moreau to give baccalaureate address here
College Eye 52:32, p.1
Jules Moreau will speak; program for the ceremonies.
8 Jules Moreau to be ISTC baccalaureate speaker
Public Relations News Release 1960:428, p.1
President J. W. Maucker presides over the Baccalaureate address of Professor Jules L. Morau in the auditorium. Invocation is performed by Professor Harold Bernhard. Philip Hahn and Jane Mauck provide music.
9 Chapel Choir Gives Pleasure and Stimulation
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
The Chapel Service at the College Interdenominational Church Service is where the weekly performances from the Chapel Choir can be viewed outside of Baccalaureate. Miss Jan Mauck is the choir director and Miss Shirley Usher is the Organist. Dr. David Bluhm of the philosophy department officiates Sunday church services.
10 Baccalaureate Sun. June 5
College Eye 51:31, p.1
Description of the service.
11 Rabbi Nodel to address
College Eye 51:29, p.3
Rabbi Julius Josef Nodel will deliver baccalaureate sermon; photo.
12 Chapel Choir Provides Special Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Exemplifying different periods of music, giving pleasure, and giving the audience the challenge to be interested in music are the purposes of the Chapel Choir; they provide music for Baccalaureate and sing at the College Interdenominational Church; photo.
13 Baccalaureate speaker will be Dr. Pelikan
College Eye 50:32, p.1
Description of the ceremonies.
14 Baccalaureate date June 2
College Eye 48:29, p.1
Alvin Rogness will speak.
15 'Spiritual Power' is topic for Baccalaureate
College Eye 47:32, p.3
The Reverend William J. Faulkner will speak.
16 Dr. Fry speaks on 'what is your life?' at baccalaureate
College Eye 46:31, p.1
Franklin Clark Fry will speak.
17 Tell activities for graduation
College Eye 45:40, p.1
Sketch of commencement plans.
18 Hindman speaks at Baccalaureate
College Eye 45:32, p.1
Brief description of service.
19 Announce speaker for Baccalaureate
College Eye 45:31, p.1
Lloyd Hindman will speak.
20 Schulte will speak at baccalaureate
College Eye 44:41, p.1
Profile of the Right Reverend W. H. Schulte; photo.
21 Outdoor rites planned for summer graduation
College Eye 44:41, p.1
The Right Reverend Monsignor W. H. Schulte will be baccalaureate speaker.
22 Over 400 to graduate next week; graduation week to open with Sunday Baccalaureate
College Eye 44:33, p.1
A look at some of the activities.
23 Bach to give 76th address
College Eye 44:32, p.1
Marcus Bach will deliver baccalaureate address; photo.
24 Phillips speaks at Baccalaureate
College Eye 43:41, p.1
The Reverend Charles W. Phillips will speak; photo.
25 Schloerb will speak for Baccalaureate
College Eye 43:32, p.1
Schedule of commencement activities.
26 Begin June 1 grad activities
College Eye 43:29, p.1
Schedule of activities.
27 Seven departments have been authorized by the state board of education to offer graduate level courses leading to the Master of Arts in Education
Public Relations News Release 1951:25, p.1
M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty, announced today that Six of the departments - business education, education, English and speech, science, mathematics, and social science- will participate in the graduate program beginning in the summer of 1952.
28 A re-emphasis of life's goals by placing God first is urgently needed in America
Public Relations News Release 1951:12, p.1
Rev. G. E. Graham spoke Sunday morning at the baccalaureate service in the college auditorium. Two hundred eighty-nine summer students are candidates for graduation Thursday night.
29 Baccalaureate to be Sunday; Keokuk clergyman will speak
College Eye 42:41, p.1
The Reverend G. E. Graham will speak; photo.
30 Installation of a new basketball floor in the Men's gym has required a change in summer Commencement week plans
Public Relations News Release 1950:426, p.1
The new floor won't be completed in time for Baccalaureate, August 12, or Commencement, August 16. Both events were to be held in the gym. President J. W. Maucker will address the candidates and present the awards, diplomas, and degrees to 179 students.
31 The second campus Baccalaureate service was held Sunday evening for the 37 seniors of the campus laboratory high school
Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1
"Your Life Counts" was the title of Harold E. Bernhard's address to the high school seniors. Rev. Irving Tange, pastor of the Nazareth Lutheran church, read the invocation and benediction. John Anderson, senior class president, gave the scripture reading.
32 The 75th annual Commencement exercises will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1

Of the 498 candidates for graduation, 265 are candidates for the bachelor of arts degree and 233 for the two-year diploma. President J. W. Maucker will confer the degrees and award the diplomas. Candidates listed.

33 Pastor speaks to graduates
College Eye 42:32, p.1
Brief excerpts from address by Lloyd A. Gustafson.
34 A "continuing mind"--to link the knowledge of past and present-- is "the problem of the day," a prominent Iowa Methodist minister said Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1950:381, p.1
"The modern mind," said Lloyd A. Gustafson, Mason City, "is concerned with the natest novel, the latest television set, the latest car, the latest anything."
35 Dr. Lloyd Gustafson to speak at baccalaureate exercises
College Eye 42:31, p.1
A look at the upcoming commencement activities; photo.
36 Graduation activities for 36 seniors at Teachers college high school will begin with the junior-senior prom Friday, May 18, in the women's club house.
Public Relations News Release 1950:370, p.1
The May Queen, a senior elected by the students, will be crowned at the prom and presented an orchid lei flown from Hawaii. A four-day senior trip to Chicago is planned for May 23-26. Seniors listed.
37 Graduation week program to begin at baccalaureate
College Eye 42:30, p.1
Commencement schedule.
38 Dr. Lloyd A gustafson, pastor of the First Methodist church at Mason City, will give the Baccalaureate address Sun, May 27, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:354, p.1
Gustafson wil address about 506 students who are candidates for degrees or diplomas at the June 2 Commencement exercises. His topic will be "The Continuing Mind."
39 ISTC announces Spring Commencement plans
Public Relations News Release 1950:185, p.1
The 75th annual Commencement will be held at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium. Frank W. Hill, said the Baccalaureate service, on Sunday morning, May 27, will be held in the Men's gymnasium for the first time.
40 H. Bernhard announces baccalaureate service
College Eye 41:38, p.3
Sunday's regular chapel service will be the summer baccalaureate service.
41 Baccalaureate has Vincent for speakers
College Eye 41:38, p.1
Rev. John P. Vincent will speak on "Making Your Life Count;" photo.
42 Reverend John Paul Vincent will deliver the baccalaureate address to summer graduates, August 6
Public Relations News Release 1950:2, p.1
The Topic of the address will be "Making Your Life Count." President Malcolm Price will preside at the service.A vocal duet will be presented by Joanne Bendixen and Phyllis Porter, students of Harald Holst.
43 Graduates hear Victorson Sunday
College Eye 41:30, p.1
The title of the Reverend Frans A. Victorson's address will be "The Living Voice".
44 Victorson speaks for Baccalaureate
College Eye 41:29, p.1
Rev. Frans A. Victorson, Des Moines, will provide the address for the service.
45 Rev. Uhlinger addresses summer baccalaureate
Alumnus 33:4, p.1
Addresses class of three hundred graduates.
46 Reveal baccalaureate plans; graduates to hear Uhlinger on August 14
College Eye 40:39, p.1
The Reverend James Uhlinger will speak; photo.
47 Alvin Rogness to be speaker at baccalaureate
College Eye 39:40, p.1
Profile of the Reverend Alvin Rogness.
48 Mason City minister to address students Baccalaureate Sunday
College Eye 39:36, p.1
The Reverend Alvin Rogness will speak at Baccalaureate service; Robert J. Blakely will speak at Commencement.
49 Grads to be honored at dinner; 'Club48' will be presented in ballroom
College Eye 39:32, p.1
Description of Commencement activities.
50 Spring graduates
College Eye 39:27, p.6
Should order academic regalia.