Baccalaureate Exercises

Displaying 151 - 158 of 158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Baccalaureate address
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.364
Excerpts from President Seerley's address.
152 Baccalaureate address
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.565
Brief summary of President Seerley's address, "The Promise of the Kingdom".
153 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:35, p.552
Meeting leaders announced; YMCA Geneva delegates selected.
154 Commencement announcement
Normal Eyte 4:35, p.555
Program for the ceremony.
155 Baccalaureate
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.284
Extensive excerpts from President Seerley's address on "the chief good".
156 Baccalaureate address
Normal Eyte 2:37, p.281
Excerpts from President Seerley's baccalaureate address to the Class of 1893; urges graduates to be strong and do great things.
157 The Baccalaureate sermon
Students' Offering 5:19, p.10
Program of the service.
158 Baccalaureate sermon
Students' Offering 2:8, p.9
Praise for Principal Gilchrist's sermon.