Bailey--Charles H. (Industrial Arts Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 273 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Consolidation of departments
College Eye 14:12, p.2
Major changes include foundation of Department of Social Science; not seen as revolutionary change; just natural evolution of a growing college.
152 Student loan fund
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.3
The Teachers College Faculty organize a student loan fund under the direction of the State Board of Education. The executive committee consists of Professors Winfield Scott, Alison Aitchison, and Charles H. Bailey.
153 The annual football banquet
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.2
The Men's Faculty Club holds a dinner in Bartlett Hall in honor of the 1921 Football Squad. Professor Charles Bailey presides over the event.
154 The golf tournament
College Eye 13:5, p.5
Rules for the tournament; golf course available for golf and for picnics.
155 Conference here for Iowa colleges last Saturday; it was for the purpose of deciding on athletic rules in the various games during the year
College Eye 13:4, p.1
L. L. Mendenhall calls meeting; elect board of arbitration.
156 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.243
Faculty and students; photo.
157 Department of Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Roster of Manual Arts and Art faculty; photo.
158 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Photos of cabinet and advisory board members; association objective; photo.
159 Professor Charles H. Bailey
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3
Bailey to publish "Mechanical Drawing for Beginners".
160 N. E. I. T. A. meets at Waterloo this week; many Teachers College faculty members on program
College Eye 12:26, p.1
A look at the program.
161 Administration Club
College Eye 12:26, p.7
Professor Bailey addresses group on manual training.
162 Teachers associations meets this week; many T. C. people in northwestern Iowa association
College Eye 12:25, p.1
Majority of speakers are T. C. alumni or faculty.
163 New book on mechanical drawing out
College Eye 12:21, p.5
Professor Bailey wrote book that is gaining national attention.
164 Manual Arts Dept.
College Eye 12:21, p.6
News notes from the department.
165 Athletics
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.1
Hawkeye Conference reorganized. Committee members and teams listed.
166 Study Centers for November 20
College Eye 12:12, p.6
Schedule of where professors will be this week.
167 Manual Arts dept.
College Eye 12:4, p.2
More students have signed up for classes in this department.
168 Charles H. Bailey
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.4
Charles H. Bailey, Head of Department of Manual Arts, has prepared textbook to be published titled "Mechanical Drawing for Beginners."
169 Departments of Manual Arts and Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
Departments of Manual Arts and Home Economics faculty members; photo.
170 Professor Clark Brown
College Eye 11:32, p.2
Clark Brown is absent due to illness; Arthur Conery will teach as assistant to Charles Bailey.
171 Sweaters awarded athletes
College Eye 11:31, p.7
Basketball and football letter winners received sweaters at chapel session.
172 Professor Charles H. Bailey
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.3
Charles H. Bailey will be in charge of teaching part-time teachers of vocational work under supervision of Wilbur Bender.
173 Faculty club organized
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Faculty Men's Club organized; officers announced; test of constitution.
174 Official notes
College Eye 11:24, p.2
News about alumni and faculty concerning employment.
175 Charles H. Bailey
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.3
Charles H. Bailey attended the National Manual Arts Association meeting.
176 Interest manifested in manual arts
College Eye 11:12, p.8
Prospects excellent for teachers in this field.
177 Kathryn Berkstresser
College Eye 11:7, p.8
Visited Professor Bailey.
178 Extension special service
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.1
Professors Alison Aitchison, Charles A. Fullerton, and Charles H. Bailey perform extension services in their fields.
179 Fighting spirit rises; team is out to win; school spirit reaching climax
College Eye 11:2, p.1
Prospects for 1919 football season look good; Athletic Board also working hard.
180 Department of Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.51
Faculty; photo.
181 Winners of the Teachers College letter '18-'19
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Letter winners from various sports.
182 Visitors win in first game for home team; Pete Jorgensen pitches strong eleven inning game; Coe College wins thriller two - zero
College Eye 10:25, p.1
Iowa State Teachers College lost the opening game of the baseball season to Coe College, 2-0.
183 Faculty participate in Teachers Convention; to be held in Waterloo April third and fourth
College Eye 10:21, p.4
Several faculty will make presentations.
184 The flu epidemic has improved
College Eye 10:10, p.4
Improvements in some sections of the state allow study center work to resume.
185 Department of Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
186 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Illustration of a football player; letter winners for the 1917-1918 athletic season.
187 Art and Manual Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.149

Illustration of an artist's studio; officers and class roster; humorous quotes; photos.

188 Iowa State Teachers Association
College Eye 9:4, p.3
Roster of faculty representing Teachers College.
189 Athletic Board
College Eye 9:2, p.7
Roster of board members.
190 Wearers of the TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.181

Letter winners of 1917; members of the Athletic Board.

191 Department of Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
Profile of the head of the department; photo.
192 Local educators take big part in convention
College Eye 8:23, p.3
Teachers College faculty involved at the Dubuque conference; schedule of speakers with their presentation topics.
193 Study Centers, Nov. 11
College Eye 8:9, p.7

List of people at study center meetings.

194 I. S. T. C. faculty members on program at Des Moines
College Eye 8:7, p.8
Faculty members will be part of teaching convention.
195 Study centers Saturday, Oct. 14
College Eye 8:5, p.2
Roster of inspectors for sites.
196 Heads of departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.15
197 Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Illustration; brief overview of the history of the department; quotes; photo.
198 Heads of Departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
199 Token for women debaters
College Eye 7:1, p.3
Women debaters receive pendant for their work.
200 Y. M. C. A. conference at Ellsworth; advisory board and student delegation will attend annual meeting, March 26-7-8
College Eye 4:23, p.5
Presidents Conference will be attended by I. S. T. C. students and faculty.