Baker--John W. (Football Coach)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 157 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Panthers receive their first loss
Public Relations News Release 1934:645, p.1
Three men were put into the hospital as soon as they returned from Kalamazoo.
52 Football team heads to Kalamazoo, Michigan
Public Relations News Release 1934:639, p.1
Season updates.
53 The football team polishes up some untried plays
Public Relations News Release 1934:630, p.2
Season updates.
54 Forty-five likely gridders answer first call
Alumnus 18:4, p.15
1934 season preview; photo.
55 "Little Pete" Peterson or Orville Nichols will be the starting quarterback
Public Relations News Release 1934:622, p.2
Possible players for the starting lineup.
56 Approximately 1000 Boy Scouts are expected to answer the bugle "call to the colors"
Public Relations News Release 1934:621, p.1
Four photos
57 Raymond Smalling is a threat in the backfield
Public Relations News Release 1934:619, p.2
Profiles of five football players and Coach Baker.
58 Coach John Baker polishes his football team for their first game
Public Relations News Release 1934:616, p.2
Schedule for this week's practices and season updates.
59 Forty try for place on tutor football squad
College Eye 26:13, p.4
Coach Baker is dispirited due to an injury to one of his key players, but is looking forward to a good season.
60 Eleven veterans return; Panther grid hoped rise
College Eye 26:12, p.8
Coach is skeptical of how the grid team will shape up this year.
61 Football practices will be closed from now until the first game
Public Relations News Release 1934:607, p.2
Season updates.
62 45 men turned out as candidates for the college football team
Public Relations News Release 1934:595, p.1
Season preview
63 Vernon Stribley is forced to drop out of competition
Public Relations News Release 1934:597, p.2
Football season preview.
64 Coach John Baker has hopes for five men this grid season
Public Relations News Release 1934:600, p.1
65 Vernon Stribley's shoulder forces him to leave football competition this year
Public Relations News Release 1934:604, p.1
66 Varsity gridders romp over freshmen in an inter-team scrimmage
Public Relations News Release 1934:611, p.2
Season updates.
67 Baker to open early in September
College Eye 26:10, p.4
Opening game for upcoming year is against Cornell on October 6.
68 Stewart "Barney" Seidler and Myron Cedarholm are expected to be among the returning football regulars
Public Relations News Release 1934:543, p.1
69 Football prospects promising
Alumnus 18:3, p.22
Season preview; second year for Johnny Baker's system.
70 Howard Barry, is expected to be one of the returning first string football men
Public Relations News Release 1934:546, p.1
Profile and game schedule.
71 Harold Ross is one of many letterman expected to return to the football team this year
Public Relations News Release 1934:571, p.1
Profile and game schedule
72 Vernon Stribley is expected to be one of the regulars returning to the football squad
Public Relations News Release 1934:547, p.2
Profile and game schedule
73 George Dana will probably be one of many returning to the football team
Public Relations News Release 1934:545, p.1
Profile and schedule of games.
74 Raymond Smalling will be among the regulars to return for the first football practice
Public Relations News Release 1934:542, p.1
Profile and photo.
75 The Iowa State Teachers College gridmen are in for a tough schedule this fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:544, p.1
Statistics from past games.
76 Harry Helgason is expected to be one of the football players reporting for the first practice
Public Relations News Release 1934:541, p.1
77 Boy Scout Day will be celebrated in connection with the first football game of the season
Public Relations News Release 1934:526, p.1
1934 football season schedule.
78 Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Description, aims, and staff; photos.
79 Varsity football squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.240
1933 schedule and season highlights; photos.
80 Leaves of absence given to coaches
College Eye 25:44, p.1
Johnny Baker, Dave McCuskey, and L. W. Whitford will be away for the summer.
81 Seven will attend St. Paul convention
College Eye 25:36, p.1
Of Midwest physical education group.
82 Large turnout is expected for spring football
College Eye 25:34, p.5
Coach Baker holds spring drills to acquaint new men with veterans.
83 Wrestlers to grapple against two colleges
Public Relations News Release 1932:392, p.1
The mat team is to compete against Cornel College on Wednesday night and the University of Minnesota on Saturday night; photo.
84 News briefs
College Eye 25:27, p.3
Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
85 News briefs
College Eye 25:23, p.3
Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
86 The Coach
College Eye 25:19, p.6
Profile of Johnny Baker.
87 Baker seeks scoring punch; grills ends and backs on duties; Snyder, Smalling raise hopes
College Eye 25:19, p.4
Coach Baker remodels Panther team in anticipation of meeting with Simpson; photo.
88 Baker develops power attack for Coe game; Potter shows needed drive for backfield punch; passing stressed
College Eye 25:17, p.4
Coach Baker feels defense will be strong for the game.
89 Jones system makes debut on teachers campus
Alumnus 17:4, p.23
Coach John Baker teaches Jones system of speed and deception to football team; season preview and 1933 season schedule.
90 Physical Education for Men
Alumnus 17:4, p.6
Profile of department and its head, L. L. Mendenhall; photo.
91 Baker seeks speed for Panther offense; Coach working for more speed in new lineup; Baker attempts to develop fast combination for Cornell
College Eye 25:14, p.4
Coach Baker tries to improve his team's offense.
92 Panther grid season opens tomorrow; Columbia eleven to meet Tutors on home field
College Eye 25:13, p.1
Game preview.
93 These men will guide Tutor athletics this year
College Eye 25:12, p.6
Head coaches; photo.
94 Forty-five men try for posts on grid squad; Coach Baker to initiate Jones system on Panther field
College Eye 25:12, p.1
Profile of football coach Johnny Baker.
95 Baker to play on 'Star' team; 'All-Star' teams to be used for demonstrations at Northwestern
College Eye 25:11, p.1
Will play in East-West all-star game in Chicago.
96 Jones system to be inaugurated on T. C. gridiron; opening game of season is scheduled for Sept. 23
College Eye 25:11, p.7
Johnny Baker will institutes Southern California system.
97 Athletic coaches for the 1933 year
Public Relations News Release 1932:360, p.1
The staff will administer the sports program and coaching courses of the Department of Physical Education.
98 They will direct tutor athletics
College Eye 25:11, p.8
Men who will be directors of athletics of TC; photo.
99 The Jones system to be used to decieve opposing teams
Public Relations News Release 1932:356, p.1
Baker, head football coach, announced that he will teach his team with a well know but seldom solved mixture of football deception and precision. This style he picked while playing in Southern California.
100 The East/West "all-star" football classic
Public Relations News Release 1932:357, p.1
The East coast All-star team and West coast All-star team will play August 24, in Chicagoon Soldiers' Field. Some fifty men compose the two teams and are all-star players picked from schools in the west and the east from across the country.