Barnes--John (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 252 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.448
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo.
2 Weathering the elements at ISTC
Alumnus 61:1, p.16
Herman Siemers recalls living in a tent while attending school because he had no money.
3 Former instructor's wife passes away
College Eye 27:40, p.3
Mrs. John Barnes died April 9, 1936.
4 John Barnes
Alumnus 17:3, p.27
Teaches at Clarksville, Missouri; visited the college.
5 Mr. and Mrs. Ferner Nuhn
Alumnus 14:1, p.27
Were in Cedar Falls in October to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nuhn, formerly Anna Rall. Mrs. Ferner Nuhn, formerly Ruth Suckow, is a well known Iowa author. Ferner Nuhn is gaining prominence in the short story field.
6 Prof. Lynch and Prof. Barnes
College Eye 20:13, p.2
Acting judges of a debate at West Waterloo.
7 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Homecomiing visits and visitors.
8 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 18:37, p.8
News about members.
9 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 18:15, p.3
Roster of alumni members who attended Homecoming banquet; announces pledging of John Anderson.
10 Prof. John Barnes
College Eye 16:20, p.8
Visited Cedar Falls.
11 Prof. John Barnes resigns
College Eye 16:2, p.3
Will continue graduate study at University of Wisconsin.
12 Summons issued for fall debaters; Fish--new debate coach
College Eye 16:2, p.1
Will feature two courses of study.
13 English Club has annual May breakfast
College Eye 15:35, p.3
Weather forces breakfast indoors; still had a good time.
14 Mr. John Barnes
College Eye 15:11, p.8
Is enjoying his leave of absence as is studying at Michigan University.
15 Everyone who was in attendance
College Eye 14:56, p.2
Claims that the absence of prayer during President Harding's memorial service detracted from the ceremony.
16 Attack chapel talk; professors and students disagree with Fullerton; a lost opportunity
College Eye 14:54, p.1
Professor Barnes disagrees with statements made by chapel speaker concerning pacifism.
17 It is our task to end war; Mr. Libby pleads for League of Nations in address at Teachers College
College Eye 14:51, p.1
Frederick J. Libby's campus speech, printed in full.
18 The fact that Mr. Dennis
College Eye 14:49, p.1
Professor Dennis speaks on campus.
19 News and comments
College Eye 14:48, p.1
Brief news notes from campus.
20 The remains of Dr. Gist
College Eye 14:48, p.4
Sent by train to Marion for burial; faculty members present as pall bearers and representatives of the Veterans Club.
21 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.210

Members and officers; photo.

22 Margaret Fuller Ossoli
Old Gold 0:0, p.261
Membership, honorary members, officers, motto, flower, colors, and mascot of Ossoli Literary Society; photo.
23 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.272
History and strengths of members of Delta Sigma Rho; photo.
24 Forensic League
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Officers and members; photo.
25 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
26 Prof. Barnes goes to U. of W.
College Eye 15:1, p.8
Will pursue graduate studies and teach at Wisconsin.
27 The English Club breakfast
College Eye 14:46, p.5
Program for the gathering.
28 Dinner for intercollegiate contestants
College Eye 14:43, p.5
Oratorical contest contestants and coachers were entertained by members of Delta Sigma Rho, Zeta Kappa Psi, and the Forensic League.
29 Faculty men entertain debaters
College Eye 14:42, p.8
Hold dinner for them.
30 Prof. Barnes
College Eye 14:40, p.8
Plans to judge the debate in Iowa City between University of Iowa and the University of Dakota.
31 Debaters celebrate
College Eye 14:37, p.2
Enjoyed theater party.
32 Girls win triangular debate; defeat Morningside and Des Moines U. by proving both sides of question
College Eye 14:36, p.1
ISTC defeats Morningside and Des Moines Colleges; account of the debate.
33 Women's intercollegiate debate near; Auditorium Friday night
College Eye 14:35, p.3
Will debate Morningside and Des Moines Colleges.
34 President of the First National Bank in professor's chair
College Eye 14:31, p.1
Mr. Miller of the First National Bank talked about German reparations.
35 Home oratorical contest; Lee Campbell wins first place; Frances Wheeler second; Earl London third
College Eye 14:30, p.1
Lengthy recounting of the contest.
36 Prof. Barnes
College Eye 14:30, p.8
Went to Ames on business.
37 Honored guest
College Eye 14:30, p.8
John Barnes tells a joke.
38 News and comments
College Eye 14:29, p.1
English Club held meeting.
39 Allied debt subject for women's varsity debate
College Eye 14:27, p.1
Will debate Morningside and Des Moines College.
40 Reception and excellent program feature of national convention
College Eye 14:24, p.5
Highlights of the Zeta Kappa Psi convention.
41 News and comments
College Eye 14:21, p.1
News from on and off campus.
42 Three contests
College Eye 14:15, p.1
Opportunity for students to take part in oratory and drama contests.
43 Delta Sigma Rho
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.2
The Delta Sigma Rho Forensic Honorary Fraternity holds its annual dinner and initiation ceremony. Herbert Pesch, Earl M. London, and Herluf Strandskov are elected as officers. Professor John Barnes acts as permanent secretary.
44 Women's Inter-State Extemporaneous Contest
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.2
Professor John Barnes leads the Teachers College debate team in the Women's Inter-State Extemporaneous Contest in Illinois. Frances Wheeler, Dale Welsch, and Venancio Trinidad earn high marks.
45 The Lecture Committee
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.2
Professor J. B. Paul retires from his service as the Chairman of the Lecture Committee. Professors John Barnes and Winfield Scott continue to serve, along with the newly inducted W. H. Kadesch.
46 Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.228
College Eye staff, advisory board; photo.
47 Margaret Fuller Ossoli
Old Gold 0:0, p.212
Members, officers, motto; photo.
48 Department of English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Description of department, faculty; photo.
49 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Officers, members; photo.
50 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Members, description of fraternity; photo.