Barnes--John (English Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 252 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 I. S. T. C. as leader
College Eye 9:1, p.3
Should receive credit for organizing Kappa Rho, a women's debate group.
152 English Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.311
Information about the English Club; photo.
153 Debate and Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Information about the Debating League and the oratory contests that were held; photo.
154 Winners of honor 1916-17
College Eye 8:31, p.3
Profiles of people of note on campus; photo.
155 Faculty asks for military training; to begin work Mon., April 30th
College Eye 8:25, p.1
Committee on Military Training for Faculty Members outlines proposal for military education.
156 Mr. Barnes
College Eye 8:19, p.2
Professors Barnes and Hurwich judge contest.
157 Study Centers November 9
College Eye 8:11, p.8
Following people attended study center meetings.
158 Study Centers, Nov. 11
College Eye 8:9, p.7

List of people at study center meetings.

159 Study Centers, Oct. 28th 1916
College Eye 8:7, p.8
Roster of those taking part in study center work.
160 John Barnes
College Eye 8:7, p.5
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes welcomed their new son.
161 Highland Park debaters chosen
College Eye 8:1, p.2
Students chosen to represent I. S. T. C. in a debate contest at Highland Park College.
162 National Society of Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Officers, members, and chapters in the United States.
163 Professors
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Educational background of professors; photo.
164 Delphian
College Eye 7:20, p.6
Had a four course dinner with faculty guests of honor.
165 Mrs. John Barnes
College Eye 7:20, p.8
Will be traveling to Canada.
166 Jokes
College Eye 7:19, p.4
Humorous quips, some of which feature Teachers College personalities.
167 Debating team is chosen; fifteen men compete for places
College Eye 7:13, p.1
Six men were chosen for the Forensics Team.
168 Teachers-Highland debate
College Eye 7:12, p.3
High points of event described.
169 After battle banquet
College Eye 7:12, p.3
Those debating and judging at the Highland Park debate treated to dinner after the contest by the school.
170 Prof. Barnes banquets debaters
College Eye 7:12, p.7
Debate students were guests of Professor Barnes and his wife for dinner.
171 The English Club
College Eye 7:10, p.4
Professor Barnes spoke about Shakespeare's use of Biblical diction.
172 The Homerian initiation
College Eye 7:8, p.5
Held formal initiation.
173 English Club
College Eye 7:6, p.5
Met in Professor Carpenter's home; Professor Carpenter spoke about "Glimpses of England".
174 Institute
College Eye 7:4, p.8
Schedule of institute work.
175 Study Centers; rapid progress is made under Dr. Colegrove's direction
College Eye 7:4, p.1
Brief account of the success of the study center program.
176 Prof. and Mrs. Barnes
College Eye 7:4, p.7
Entertained twelve of the faculty circle at a dinner.
177 Professor Barnes
College Eye 7:2, p.7
Sold his residence on Twenty-Third Street.
178 National Society of Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Description of the organization; roster of officers and members; photo.
179 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
Illustration of a castle on a hill; brief overview of the society past and present; winter triangular team; photo.
180 Professors
Old Gold 0:0, p.56
181 This week
College Eye 7:1, p.8
Many faculty members will be giving commencement addresses across the state.
182 Token for women debaters
College Eye 7:1, p.3
Women debaters receive pendant for their work.
183 Prof. I. S. Condit and Prof. J. Barnes
College Eye 4:27, p.6
Went to Northwood for institute work.
184 Cornell wins state oratorical; Warren Anderson is awarded first place with the oration "Vengeance is Mine:; Iowa Wesleyan is second; Morningside third
College Eye 4:22, p.2
Ernest Bloom represented I. S. T. C. at business meeting.
185 Prof. and Mrs. John Barnes
College Eye 4:20, p.7
Entertained with Floe Correll.
186 Home oratorical held; student is chosen to represent Iowa in the interstate contest to be held in may; markings close
College Eye 4:18, p.1
Lester C. Ary took first place in the preliminary.
187 The preliminary
College Eye 4:16, p.1
Preliminary campus competition will be held to determine the team that will participate in the interstate normal oratorical contest.
188 Prof. S. A. Lynch and Prof. Barnes
College Eye 4:15, p.7
Judged a debate.
189 John Barnes
College Eye 4:14, p.6
Is working in Wichita, Kansas; visited his parents in Cedar Falls.
190 Debating team is chosen; men are selected who will present the Teachers in the Coe-Morningside-I. S. T. C. triangular
College Eye 4:14, p.2
Field narrowed to six men who will compete in intercollegiate debate in March.
191 Prof. Barnes knew Dad Elliott at Northwestern; speaks of his influence among the students and how he earned the name "Dad"
College Eye 4:12, p.1
A. J. Elliott earned the nickname "Dad" because of his bald head and stooped posture.
192 Philos win triangular debate; pile up a maximum of six points; Orios receive two points; Aristos one; careful study of the question evident
College Eye 4:11, p.2
Debate was held on whether or not the government should own and operate all railroads.
193 W. C. T. U. speak at Sunday gathering; local association speaks before student body in recognition of world's temperance Sunday
College Eye 4:10, p.1
The Reverend Vannoy spoke at W. C. T. U. meeting.
194 Oratorical Association elects officers
College Eye 4:8, p.1
Idea of an Interstate Normal School contest for women was discussed.
195 Delta Sigma Rho; few of last year's members are in attendance
College Eye 4:7, p.1
Eight members remain this year, although the number is expected to increase to fifteen or twenty by June.
196 John Barnes
College Eye 4:2, p.7
Involved with Physical Training in the public schools of Witchatan, Kansas.
197 Sept. 18 is date of oratorical contest
College Eye 4:2, p.1
Preliminary contest will select I. S. T. C. representative to compete in the Iowa Intercollegiate Contest in February.
198 Untitled
College Eye 4:2, p.4
Six students have already entered in September 18th oratorical contest.
199 Delphian
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
Delphian society colors, flower, motto, and creed; term presidents provided; roster of members; initiation poem; photos.
200 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Roster of members and officers; description of fraternity; photos.