Bartlett Hall

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1655 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Woman crush Wednesday at the UNI Museum
Northern Iowan 119:44, p.4
The UNI Museum located in Rod Library is posting historical photos on "Women Crush Wednesday" to celebrate important women throughout UNI's history for Women's History Month; photo.
2 UNI Study Abroad Center hosts Passport Day
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.5
The Study Abroad Center will host UNI Passport Day in Bartlett where students can apply for or renew their passports. The Black Hawk County Recorder's Office will be at the event to accept passport applications and renewals.
3 Construction in motion on campus
Northern Iowan 119:2, p.1
Caroline Christensen writes about the various construction that will continue throughout the year. Buildings including ITTC, Redecker Center, and the Campanile will all have maintenance work done; photo.
4 Best places to cry on campus
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.7
Olivia Brunsting lists some of the best places to cry on campus including Botanical Center, Rod Library, and music practice rooms.
5 Bartlett Hall - From the NI archives
Northern Iowan 118:12, p.4
The article, reprinted from the 09/29/1915 edition of The College Eye, discusses the recent construction of Bartlett Hall and its use; photo.
6 UNI English alumni roundtable event discusses library careers
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.5
The English program hosted a roundtable of alumni working in the library field on March 6. Professor Jim O'Loughlin introduced panelists Jessica Bamford-Love, Alissa Cornick, and Zach Lowe, show discussed their job experiences; photo.
7 ISSO collecting winter clothing donations
Northern Iowan 116:22, p.1
The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) will hold a winter clothing drive to assist international students during the Midwestern winter. Isabela Varela, the director of the ISSO, talks about the financial burden of purchasing winter clothes, especially for exchange students who are only at UNI for a semester; photos.
8 Author Jo Knowles shares stories, advice
Northern Iowan 116:8, p.2
Author Jo Knowles visited UNI and held a discussion about how she writes her books, the process of getting it to the editors, and handling rejection. Knowles also talked about a seven-week residency program that she and other faculty from all over the country host. She was to speak at the Final Thursday Reading Series at the Heart Center for the Arts on September 26; photo.
9 Study Abroad Fair
Northern Iowan 116:6, p.5
UNI held its Study Abroad Fair in the Maucker Union Ballroom. 39 programs participated, and students could speak with a variety of participants, faculty, and staff about courses and semester opportunities as well as win scholarships and apply for passports; photos.
10 Poetry speculates fantasy, myth, science
Northern Iowan 115:24, p.1
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association shared their writing and experience with an audience in Bartlett Hall on November 12; photos.
11 "See it Feelingly" in autism memoir
Northern Iowan 115:20, p.3
Author and film producer Ralph Savarese discussed his new memoir "See it Feelingly," inspired by his experiences and research on autism; photo.
12 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

13 Campus study hidey-holes
Northern Iowan 112:27, p.1

As finals approach, various buildings and structures across campus offer study spots for students; photos.

14 What's new on campus?
Northern Iowan 112:1, p.1

A new sculpture popped up on the UNI campus over the summer break. The sculpture, entitled "Redtail", by Chicago artist Mike Baur, is associated with the renovation work on Bartlett Hall; photos.

15 Message in a bottle from Ireland
Northern Iowan 111:14, p.4
Two Irish contemporary poets visited UNI and spoke to about 40 students and staff in Bartlett Hall; photo.
16 Baker Hall updates
Northern Iowan 111:3, p.1
The demolition of Baker Hall is set to be complete in October of 2014; photo.
17 Panthers are back in session; Ruud and NISG welcome students back to campus
Northern Iowan 111:1, p.1
President Ruud and NISG leaders outline UNI high points and ask students to take an interest in their campus; urge them to become involved in campus matters; photo.
18 2014-15 year in review
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.2
Reviews different events that occurred in the past year; photo.
19 Welcome from the university's president
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
President Ruud welcomes students and faculty to a new year at UNI.
20 Saying goodbye to Baker Hall
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1
The cost that it would take to renovate Baker Hall is about the same as it will be to build a whole new building. On October 12, UNI said goodbye to Baker Hall. A demolition date has not been confirmed; photo.
21 Construction continues at Bartlett Hall
Northern Iowan 110:3, p.1
Construction on Bartlett Hall has been going on for over a year, but the end is in sight. All renovations are expected to be done by the end of this semester. Faculty and students are excited for the completion of this project; photo.
22 Renovations planned for Maucker Union: Student Involvement Center, International Services to be updated
Northern Iowan 109:55, p.1
Construction will soon start on the upper level of Maucker Union. The Student Involvement Center and International Services will face renovations. An LGBT and Military and Veterans Centers will be added.
23 Students, staff celebrate opening of military center
Northern Iowan 109:37, p.1
Students gathered at the Military and Veteran Student Services office in Bartlett Hall for an open house. The office offers many different resources to veterans and students currently serving; photo.
24 Changes made in student computer centers
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3
ITS has closed the student computer centers in Bartlett Hall and Rod Library. A new lab has opened in Panther Village. Ninety-five new computers are located in various centers on campus. New Duplex printers were purchased to cut paper usage.
25 News in photos
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.1
Phase II of Panther Village is under construction; photo.
26 A farewell to Bartlett Hall
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
The upcoming revitalization of Bartlett Hall into faculty offices allowed Adreinne Applier to conduct tours of the fourth and fifth floors. These floors have been closed since 1983 due to fire code restrictions; photo.
27 End of an era: Bartlett and Baker
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.6
Bartlett Hall is being converted from a dormitory to an office building; Baker Hall will be demolished; photo.
28 Bartlett renovations nearly finalized
Northern Iowan 108:37, p.1
Bartlett Hall will be transformed from a dormitory to faculty offices, following a year and a half of planning. Mechanical, electrical, and communications updates will be made. Faculty will move in during winter break of 2013-2014 or spring of 2014.
29 Beck says possibility of $12 million for UNI is slim
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.3
Governor Branstad's budget has twenty million dollars extra for public universities. UNI will get a portion of that money, but significantly less than the twelve million anticipated.
30 Good night, sweet Bartlett
Northern Iowan 108:32, p.4
Bartlett Hall will close as a residence hall in May 2012. It was the first residence hall on campus and has served many generations. Bartlett Hall is full of mystery and majesty. The hall is scheduled for renovation for faculty offices; photo.
31 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.9
Scenes from around campus following a January snow storm; photo.
32 From the NI Archives
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.16
A look back at the November 11, 1977, Northern Iowan. UNI became known for other majors beside teaching. President Kamerick declared this to be a good thing; photo.
33 Fire in ITTC causes little damage
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.4
Leaves on fire in the ITTC steam tunnel caused fire alarms to go off in Bartlett Hall and ITTC. A few cables were charred, but still are operational; photo.
34 Alumni, students react to closing of Bartlett
Northern Iowan 108:14, p.1
Bartlett Hall's closing as a dormitory and conversion to offices brings out emotions from students and alumni. Many great memories of their stay in Bartlett are shared.
35 Study examines how to best use parking space
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1
Metered parking in the Multimodal Transportation Center was at 2.5 per cent of capacity during the fall of 2010. This has led to a parking consultant undertaking a parking study. In the future, the dynamics of parking could change; photo.
36 Bartlett Hall retiring from residence life
Northern Iowan 108:10, p.1

Bartlett Hall, the oldest residence hall on campus, will no longer be used for housing due to the building of the new Panther Village. Bartlett Hall will be renovated into offices for faculty presently housed in Baker Hall; photo.

37 Wi-Fi access planned for all residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.1
Wireless Internet access is expected to be completed by October 2011. Network switches were refreshed over the summer. Hagemann Hall was the testing pilot and will be the first to receive service.
38 UNI to be a stop on the R.I.D.E. for high school counselors
Public Relations News Release 2009:478, p.1
R.I.D.E. stands for Rediscovering Iowa's Diverse Education. The program gives high school counselors the opportunity to learn about programs, facilities and college life at north central Iowa insitiutions.
39 Panther Portraits: Bartlett Halloween Party
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.3
Scenes from Halloween party; photo.
40 H1N1 to Z-day: always be prepared
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.5
Tips on where best to survive the dreaded flu or zombie day. The dorms, Campanile, McCollum Hall, Rialto, and Rod Library all have pluses and minuses; photo.
41 Students speak about budget situation
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.1
Baker Hall demolition, shorter semesters, tuition surcharge, and layoffs draw the attention of students. Opinions vary and emotions run high.
42 Baker Hall faces demolition
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.1
Mold, sustainability, budget, and increased scrutiny from the Board of Regents have made demolition of Baker Hall the best option. Accessibility problems, heating, and office size also contributed to the decision; photo.
43 Warmth flows from residence halls much earlier than years past
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.8
Due to the unusual cold temperatures, the physical plant has turned on the heat to campus buildings. Weather forecasts and student comments are taken into account in making the decision.
44 Building history
Northern Iowa Today 93:2, p.4
Tribute to James E. Robinson, who planned many of the older buildings on campus; photo.
45 Sleepless nights
Northern Iowan 106:2, p.5
The lights from the Multimodal Transportation Center are causing problems with students living in Campbell and Bartlett dorms. The lights are extremely bright and burn nearly around the clock.
46 From our archives
Northern Iowan 105:51, p.8
Square dancing photo from the September 18, 1959 issue of the College Eye. Other news covered in the issue included freshman events, improvements to Bartlett Hall, and wage increases for on-campus student jobs.
47 Sabin Hall renovations soon
Northern Iowan 105:7, p.1
Sabin Hall will be closing from December 15, 2008, until the summer of 2010. The design phase is nearly completed and the $ 11.4 million remodeling is set to begin; departments housed in that building will move to other locations; photo.
48 Don't look now--flasher on the loose
Northern Iowan 104:22, p.1
Students respond to two incidents of a male exposing himself on campus.
49 Protect yourself from assault
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.1
Students urged to be aware of their surroundings, in light of recent thefts and assaults on campus; photo.
50 Student receives award
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.3
Paul Waterman receives the Graduate Student Rising Star Award from the Iowa Student Personnel Association; photo.