Basketball--Men's Intercollegiate

Displaying 4201 - 4250 of 4910 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
4201 Above is Floyd Harger, Grand River
Public Relations News Release 1929:187, p.1
Floyd Harger and the rest of the basketball team play Penn.
4202 Future Tutor luminaries will have their
Public Relations News Release 1929:179, p.1
The freshman basketball team travels to Cornell College in Mount Vernon.
4203 A sprained back sustained in Tuesday evening's workout
Public Relations News Release 1929:167, p.1
Reuben Sandven was injured and may miss several basketball games.
4204 Iowa State Teachers College cagers will journey
Public Relations News Release 1929:166, p.1
The basketball team travels to Simpson and Upper Iowa this week.
4205 Whitford makes last cut
College Eye 21:16, p.3
For freshman basketball squad.
4206 Cagers win two games to take conference lead; Tutors win fourth straight; beat Penn; basketeers trounce Parsons 39-14
College Eye 21:16, p.3
Tutors pull away after half time in both basketball games.
4207 Cagers meet U. I. I. and Simpson there this weekend
College Eye 21:16, p.1
4208 Frosh basketball aspirants must fight
Public Relations News Release 1929:153, p.1
Students try out for the freshman basketball squad. A list of the current team is provided.
4209 Tutor cagers on four day southern trip; basketeers clash with Parsons and Penn this week; hardest trip of season for Pedagogs
College Eye 21:15, p.4
Team left yesterday on four day trip.
4210 Freshmen prepare for winter season; Coach Whitford seeks heavy schedule
College Eye 21:15, p.4
Nineteen freshmen try out for basketball team.
4211 Tutor basketeers will leave the home stand
Public Relations News Release 1929:140, p.1
Prospects for the next few away games.
4212 Dickinsonians win from Coe quintet
College Eye 21:14, p.4
Tutor basketball team defeats Coe, 21-14.
4213 Cornell noses out Teachers 22-20
College Eye 21:14, p.4
Cornell behind until last five minutes.
4214 Tutors vanquish Columbia, 26-22; team starts drive for another title; Tutors maintain early lead
College Eye 21:14, p.4
Tutor basketball team wards off a Columbia comeback.
4215 Tutor basketeers, with nearly a week of post- holday drill
Public Relations News Release 1929:120, p.1
The men's basketball team plays Columbia College tonight.
4216 Basketball ascends sports throne
Alumnus 14:1, p.20
Season preview; photo.
4217 T. C. pivot
College Eye 21:13, p.1
Lloyd Haberichter was one of the high scorers in the Iowa Conference last year in basketball; photo.
4218 Crowds will throng to Men's Gym tonight to watch Tutor cagers dare "Unlucky Friday" in clash with Cornell as season's opener
College Eye 21:13, p.1
First basketball game of the season; Cornell placed second in the Midwest Conference last year and this year they are better; Cornell will give TC a challenge.
4219 Basketball it Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:105, p.1
The men's basketball team plays Cornell Friday night.
4220 Preliminary pruning of the largest freshman
Public Relations News Release 1929:95, p.1
The freshman basketball team has a large amount of players.
4221 Cage and mat men prepare for contests; twenty-six report for initial B. B. practice session; freshmen candidates show much promise; 1929 varsity squad
College Eye 21:12, p.6
Varsity men comment on this year's play as compared to last year' plays; photo.
4222 Veteran basketeers at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:91, p.1
A partial roster for the upcoming Basketball season is provided.
4223 Regular basketball practice starts Mon.
College Eye 21:11, p.6
Tutors play Cornell December 13.
4224 As I See It
College Eye 21:9, p.6
Preview of Grinnell game.
4225 Varsity basketball aspirants
Public Relations News Release 1929:39, p.1
The basketball team starts practicing for the upcoming season; roster of players.
4226 Basketball practice to begin Nov. 1st
College Eye 21:4, p.6
Coach Dickinson stated that men interested in basketball should start getting into shape, so they will be ready on November 1.
4227 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.136
Informal photos.
4228 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Officers and members; photo.
4229 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Summary for the season and player profiles; photos.
4230 Sport Shorts
College Eye 20:26, p.6
Students should attend the indoor track meet if possible.
4231 Nine cagers win basketball awards
College Eye 20:26, p.6
Letter winners.
4232 Capt. Fritzel, Tutor cage ace, on all-state five; three locals placed on conf. selections
College Eye 20:25, p.4
Short profile of Melvin Fritzel.
4233 Untitled
College Eye 20:25, p.4
Members of the basketball team; photo.
4234 Sport Shorts
College Eye 20:25, p.4
Tutors ranked fifth offensively and second defensively among Iowa Conference teams.
4235 Coach Dickinson banquets cagers
College Eye 20:23, p.6
Basketball team enjoys meal with the coach.
4236 Iowa conference ends good season
College Eye 20:23, p.6
Standings for the Iowa Conference.
4237 As I see it
College Eye 20:22, p.6
Teachers College has had a successful year in all types of athletics.
4238 Tutors hold top place in conference standings
College Eye 20:22, p.6
4239 Three Tutors win berths on all-conference team
College Eye 20:22, p.6
Howard Flowers, Lloyd Haberichter, and Melvin Fritzel were placed on the first all-conference team.
4240 Varsity Band supports B. B. team throughout season
College Eye 20:22, p.2
Still seeking more members.
4241 Tutors cinch basketball title; Dickinson's men upset Parsons 25-22 in seasons wind up
College Eye 20:22, p.1
Summary of the game.
4242 Big championship game tomorrow; Parsons here in season's final
College Eye 20:21, p.6
Tutors defeat Penn.
4243 Two Tutor cagers sing swan song
College Eye 20:21, p.6
Howard "Tuffey" Flowers and Harold "Stix" Hopkins will play their final games for T. C.
4244 State Teachers lead conf. basketball pack
College Eye 20:21, p.6
Tutors are competing with Luther for first place.
4245 Conference title in balance this week
College Eye 20:20, p.4
T. C. is competing with Morningside and St. Ambrose for the conference championship.
4246 Haberichter still holds conference scoring lead
College Eye 20:20, p.4
Top fifteen point getters in the Iowa Conference. Team member statistics.
4247 U. I. U. succumbs to Tutors, 25-19
College Eye 20:20, p.4
Summary of the game.
4248 Central College "Dutchmen" play here tonight; Penn "Quakers" here Monday
College Eye 20:20, p.4
T. C. defeats Western Union.
4249 Will all frosh please read this?
College Eye 20:19, p.4
Members of the freshman class show bad sportsmanship at a Tutor basketball game.
4250 Band will dramatize Circe and the Sailors
College Eye 20:19, p.1
Band plays before and after basketball games.