Baum--Russell N. (Music Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 234 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 A recital by Harald Holst, bass-baritone, and Russell Baum, pianist, will be presented by the music department, Sunday, April 15, at 8 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1950:298, p.1
Holst, associate professor of voice, received his master's degree in music from Chicago's Conservatory of Music and was coached in opera by Leo Kopp of the Chicago Civic Opera. Holst has been at the college since 1936.
102 Student recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:217, p.1
Nine students took part in a recital Friday afternoon (Feb. 16) in Gilchrist hall chapel. Those giving solo performances are listed.
103 12 at ISTC to play in student recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:178, p.1
Ten soloists and a duet will play in the second student recital of the winter quarter in Gilchrist hall. Participants listed.
104 ISTC Chamber Concert is Thursday, Nov. 30
Public Relations News Release 1950:138, p.1
A concert of chamber music will be presented in the auditorium by a music department faculty group. Five performers will play the last number, Brahms' "Clarinet Quintet in B Minor, opus 115."
105 Music faculty group to present concert
College Eye 42:10, p.4
106 College Orchestra to give concert
College Eye 42:10, p.1
Performance program.
107 A symphony, performed for the first time only last Sunday (Nov. 19), will be the feature of a concert by the Symphony Orchestra Nov. 27
Public Relations News Release 1950:129, p.1
The new work is "Symphony No. 5 in G Major," composed by Conductor Edward Kurtz, head of the music department. It was first played at the annual fall concert lsat Sunday night.
108 Kurtz Symphony to be Premiered Sunday, Nov. 19
Public Relations News Release 1950:128, p.1
The symphony, "Symphony No. 5 in G Major," final number on Sunday's program, is the latest work of the versatile, widely known composer. Kurtz' compositions, besides five symphonies, include whort works for orchestra, for string quartets, and more.
109 Fifth Student Recital at Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1950:123, p.1
Eight soloists and a brass quartet presented the fifth student recital of the fall term last Friday afternoon. Those participating were from the classes of Russell Baum, Jane Birkhead, Emil Bock, Henry Harris, and Willard Starkey. Students listed.
110 Music Students to Give Recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:85, p.1
The third student recital of the fall quarter at Gilchrist chapel will be held Friday afternoon. The six musicians are from the classes of Russel Baum, Jane Birkhead, Rose Ruegnitz, and Willard Starkey. Students listed.
111 The second student piano recital of the fall quarter was presented in Gilchrist chapel Friday, October 20
Public Relations News Release 1950:76, p.1
The five musicians who performed are students of Henry Harris, Russell N. Baum, and Rose L. Ruegnitz, assistant professors of music. The students and their selections are listed.
112 Concert to end Teachers College Homecoming festivities
Public Relations News Release 1950:56, p.1
A mixed Homecoming concert by music department faculty members and three students will officially close the 29th annual Homecoming festivities. Two scenes from "The Mikado" will end the concert.
113 Music faculty planning concert for Homecoming
College Eye 42:4, p.1
Performers and program.
114 Student pianists to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:47, p.1
The five musicians are students (listed) of Russell N. Baum and Henry Harris.
115 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
List of faculty; photo.
116 Music department presents first opera in twenty years
College Eye 41:29, p.1
Will be presenting "The Mikado"; list of cast members; photo.
117 Music Department presents Mikado
College Eye 41:28, p.3
118 Baum to present recital Monday
College Eye 41:9, p.1
His program is provided; photo.
119 Baum piano recital will be November 8
College Eye 41:8, p.7
A short biography is given.
120 Music Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief description of the department; photo.
121 Baum presents piano recital
College Eye 40:18, p.3
Profile of Professor Baum.
122 Music faculty is planning joint recital
College Eye 40:11, p.1
123 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:42, p.2
Campus music news.
124 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:41, p.2
Campus music news.
125 Faculty Quartet to give program next Wednesday
College Eye 39:40, p.1
Performance program.
126 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:38, p.4
Campus music news.
127 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
128 Orchestra to give concert; Holvik will direct; Baum to be soloist
College Eye 39:26, p.1
Performance program.
129 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:23, p.5
Informs students of various music programs and activities.
130 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:16, p.2
Comments on recent and upcoming music-related events on campus.
131 Russell Baum to present piano recital
College Eye 39:16, p.1
Profile of Professor Baum.
132 String threesome charms audience Tuesday evening
College Eye 38:43, p.4
Review of performance by the string trio.
133 Announce music for Birkhead, trio Tuesday concert
College Eye 38:42, p.1
134 Baum, Bock, Searight recall revealing musical experiences
College Eye 38:42, p.2
Takes a glimpse into the life of Professors Russell Baum, Emil Bock, and Roland Searight.
135 Birkhead to sing with faculty trio at Commons August 12
College Eye 38:41, p.1
136 Branch Summer Schools
College Eye 38:38, p.6
News from the schools.
137 Entertainment planned for branch schools
Old Gold 38:34, p.3
College Quartet and College String Trio will perform.
138 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
List of faculty; photo.
139 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:22, p.2
Discusses music students and faculty members.
140 Instructor of music will give violin recital
College Eye 38:19, p.8
Will be first since Professor Bock's discharge from the Army.
141 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:17, p.2
Discusses music students, faculty members and upcoming musical events.
142 Dial Dope 1540
College Eye 38:17, p.8
Announces recent and upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
143 Composer Baum to give piano recital at Tuesday morning's convocation
College Eye 38:15, p.6
Performance program; photo.
144 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:15, p.2
Discusses music students, faculty members, and upcoming musical events.
145 Untitled
College Eye 38:13, p.1
Professor Reninger will speak on "What is College For?"; Hans Kohn will speak at a later assembly.
146 Musical Notes
College Eye 38:10, p.3
Discusses music students and faculty members.
147 George Samson, string trio to present musical program
College Eye 37:37, p.1
Concert program; photo.
148 Special summer events announced by Dr. Sage
College Eye 37:34, p.3
Will make use of college faculty.
149 Summer quarter events announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:174, p.1
Lectures, concerts, and entertainment will highlight the summer quarter. The summer play will be a comedy. A faculty recital, college symphony concert, and a concert by a college quartet will be featured.
150 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Photos of faculty; photo.