
Displaying 351 - 386 of 386 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 The devotees of the wheel
Normal Eyte 5:24, p.222
Students enjoying their bicycles.
352 Students intending to buy a bicycle
Normal Eyte 5:21, p.195
C. A. Wise offers twelve models.
353 Miss Elizabeth Huey
Normal Eyte 5:3, p.20
Has new bicycle.
354 Bicycle hospital
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.7
Will fix bikes.
355 The faculty: how and where they spent their vacation
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.2
Description of how the individual faculty members spent their time.
356 After waiting many weeks
Normal Eyte 4:35, p.554
Misses Ridley and Simmons received their bicycles.
357 Mr. E. B. Brown
Normal Eyte 4:30, p.473
Rode bicycle to Bremer County and back.
358 Mr. I. M. Dodge
Normal Eyte 4:26, p.409
Back in school.
359 Bicycles
Normal Eyte 4:26, p.411
Spalding bikes for sale.
360 Bicycles
Normal Eyte 4:25, p.393
C. A. Wise & Sons are selling Spalding bicycles.
361 A good first grade bicycle
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.201
Harry Aldrich has bike for sale.
362 A good first grade bicycle
Normal Eyte 4:10, p.154
For sale.
363 Messrs. Ensign and Fitzgerald
Normal Eyte 4:6, p.88
Took bicycle trip to Waterloo.
364 Messrs. C. A. Mackey and R. O. Langdon
Normal Eyte 4:4, p.57
Visited the Normal.
365 The "Monkey Stoop"
Normal Eyte 4:4, p.59
An excerpt from an article on bicycles.
366 An American safety bicycle
Normal Eyte 4:1, p.9
For sale.
367 In the bicycle races at Waterloo
Normal Eyte 3:35, p.279
I. M. Dodge wins two races and places second in a third; winning times for races.
368 Mr. Dodge
Normal Eyte 3:34, p.270
Visited his son and saw his bicycle race victory.
369 S. C. Smith
Normal Eyte 3:27, p.214
Selling bicycles and athletic equipment.
370 The campus Saturday morning
Normal Eyte 3:25, p.199
An adventure with a unicycle.
371 S. C. Smith
Normal Eyte 3:25, p.199
Agent for bicycles, tennis and athletic goods, and uniforms.
372 Last Saturday
Normal Eyte 3:10, p.78
L. A. Wescott rode his bike to Jesup.
373 W. E. Albertson
Normal Eyte 3:3, p.23
Wins $25 bicycle race prize in Cedar County.
374 The complete list of events for Field Day
Normal Eyte 2:34, p.266
List posted; prizes and medals will be given.
375 The river was crowded with moving, skated figures
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.95
Students skate on Thanksgiving evening.
376 The past week was a memorable one in some respects
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.88
Professor Page collides with bicycle rider Ogro Langdon; J. B. Miller injured in fall while putting up storm windows.
377 Last week was an exceedingly unlucky one in the calendar of bicyclists
Normal Eyte 2:7, p.57
Robert Fullerton and Charles Henry have bicycle accidents.
378 Last week was a bad week for bicycles
Normal Eyte 2:5, p.38
Two students have accidents; one is injured.
379 George Bushyager
Normal Eyte 2:5, p.37
Enjoying his bicycle.
380 Wm. Coates
Normal Eyte 2:3, p.24
Rides to Belle Plaine on his bicycle.
381 Every Normal student should have a bicycle
Normal Eyte 2:3, p.23
Santee Brothers selling bikes.
382 See how Santee Bros.
Normal Eyte 2:3, p.23
Selling bicycles at good prices.
383 Wm. Coats
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.7
Has turned bicyclist.
384 Another relay bicycle race
Normal Eyte 1:20, p.155
The practical use of bicycles may even extend to war.
385 The ball game
Normal Eyte 1:17, p.132
Detailed account of game won by Seniors over Juniors, 9-5; game slow to start because of lost ball; bicyclist goes to town to buy one.
386 The little man's pard
Normal Eyte 1:13, p.101
Has a new bicycle.