Birkhead--Jane (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 352 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The start of something great
Northern Iowa Today 88:1, p.2
Profiles of alumni Bill Shaw, Sheri Greenawald, Kris Aschbrenner, Susan Rider, Dedric Ward, Diane Jensen, and Chris Pirillo; photo.
2 Auditions are Saturday
Northern Iowan 72:54, p.3
For summer repertory production of "Oklahoma".
3 "El Capitan" opens
Northern Iowan 72:50, p.5
Quick preview of the opera; photo.
4 "El Capitan" opera set
Northern Iowan 72:43, p.5
Music Theatre will present Sousa opera.
5 Souza's "El Capitan" featured
UNI Century 4:2, p.19
UNI production will also play on road.
6 Music theatre
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.4
Two hundred high school students will visit campus.
7 "Crucible" cast announced
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.7
Professor Birkhead announces cast list and talks about the play.
8 Bicentennial production; Time of witch captured
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.4
Will present "The Crucible"; Professor Birkhead talks about her research; photo.
9 Music theater
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.5
Grant will allow production of "Godspell" to go on tour; list of previous touring productions.
10 Godspell coming
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.15
Professor Birkhead talks about upcoming production.
11 "Godspell" cast and rehearsals underway
Northern Iowan 71:34, p.4
Play preview.
12 UNI's music theater
Alumnus 59:4, p.8
Brief history of Music Theater; photo.
13 Birkhead to VP
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.4
Professor Birkhead elected to national post in professional organization.
14 'Brigadoon' cast
Northern Iowan 71:7, p.6
Cast list.
15 "Brigadoon" opens season
Northern Iowan 71:4, p.11
Music Theater schedule for season.
16 Contemporary festival is what's happening
Northern Iowan 70:51, p.4
Close look at schedule of performances and panels.
17 'Broadway': musical voyage
Northern Iowan 70:44, p.11
Preview of Kurt Weill production.
18 Upcoming theater revue filled with nostalgia
Northern Iowan 70:43, p.8
Performance preview.
19 Birkhead elected
Northern Iowan 70:12, p.1
Professor Birkhead is elected to Board of National Opera Association.
20 Music theater--full season
Northern Iowan 70:9, p.6
Highlights of the year's three productions.
21 "Oliver!" people
Northern Iowan 69:59, p.6
Play preview; photo.
22 Robust musical "Oliver" is summer theatre offering
Northern Iowan 69:53, p.5
Brief preview.
23 Two honors for UNI music theatre
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.4
Receives grant to take shows on road; Professor Birkhead appointed to regional office.
24 Student talent showcase
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.11
25 Standing room only at production
UNI Century 1:1, p.3
Six performances of "West Side Story" draw over four thousand people.
26 Regional talent to be selected at UNI
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.4
Production will be made for television.
27 A very brilliant recital
Northern Iowan 69:5, p.3
Enjoyed Professor Birkhead's recital.
28 Music profs offer program of French and German melodies
Northern Iowan 69:2, p.4
Professors Mauck and Birkhead discuss their upcoming program.
29 Music Theater and North American Review receive grants; awarded for '72-73
Northern Iowan 68:45, p.1
Iowa Arts Council makes grants.
30 Charlie Brown lives in music theatre play
Northern Iowan 68:33, p.5
Preview with cast list of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown".
31 Tallcorn Music Theater Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:155, p.1
6th annual event expected to attract around 740 high school music students and their instructors from 31 Iowa schools.
32 "Man of La Mancha" Selected as UNI Music Theater's Fall Production
Public Relations News Release 1972:73, p.1
The musical comedy will be presented, Nov. 18, 19, 20, 22, and 23 by the music department as the UNI Music Theatre's 1971 fall production; list of cast and their roles
33 U.N.I. Music Theatre at work for Nov. showing of 'Man of La Mancha'
Northern Iowan 68:6, p.8
Preview of play.
34 Local Student Selected for UNI Summer Operas
Public Relations News Release 1971:705, p.1
List of students selected in the upcoming summer operas. All the operas will be performed July 29 and 30 in Music Hall.
35 UNI Music Theatre Receives Grant
Public Relations News Release 1971:701, p.1
The grant comes from the Iowa State Arts Council.
36 Two UNI Music Students in Cape Cod Company for Summer
Public Relations News Release 1971:685, p.1
Benita Davis and Jo Ann Hebenstreit won the opportunity to be in the Cape Cod Summer Theatre in Falmouth, MA which runs from June 20 to Sept. 1.
37 UNI to Present Two Operas in Late July
Public Relations News Release 1971:683, p.1
The UNI Music Theatre will present two operas: "Gianni Schicchi" and "Riders to the Sea;" list of cast members
38 Tickets for "The Mikado" on Sale at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:499, p.1
Reservations for tickets starts April 5 for the April 15-17 performances.
39 UNI to Sponsor Arts Festival
Public Relations News Release 1971:479, p.1
Academy award winner Ernest Intoff will be the guest artist on April 12 and 13 during a week-long art festival being held by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts; summary of programs
40 Cast and Crew Announced for UNI Music Theatre Spring Production "The Mikado"
Public Relations News Release 1971:368, p.1
The spring show will go on tour to seven Iowa communities in April; cast list
41 Tallcorn Music Theater Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:188, p.1
The fifth annual Tallcorn Music Theatre conference will be held Nov. 21 at UNI and is expected to draw 600 high school music students and their music instructors from 36 Iowa schools.
42 Tickets Now on Sale for "Madame Butterfly"
Public Relations News Release 1970:162, p.1
"Madame Bufferly" will be presented Nov. 19-21 and Nov. 24-25 in Music Hall. Tickets are now on sale.
43 "Madame Butterfly" selected for Music Theater Fall Production
Public Relations News Release 1970:67, p.1
Presented by the music department on Nov. 15, 20, 21, 23 and 24; cast list
44 UNI Music Profs to Present Schubert's "Die Winterreise"
Public Relations News Release 1970:36, p.1
Birkhead and Maxwell will present the 24-song cycle in Music Hall.
45 "Winterreise" to be presented Sept. 27
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.6
Professors Birkhead and Maxwell will present concert.
46 UNI students to present senior recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:587, p.1

Mary Anne Miller and John Hetzler will present vocal selections accompanied by Marleta Blitch. They are students of Jane Birkhead.

47 UNI students to present recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:586, p.1

Two voice and one piano student will present student recitals. The performances are in partial fulfillment of their B. A. degree.

48 "The Fantasticks": a musical that sings
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.8
Review of the production.
49 Five UNI students win in auditions
Northern Iowan 66:45, p.1

Will join St. Louis Municipal Opera company for summer.

50 Five UNI students win in auditions for St. Louis Municipal Opera
Public Relations News Release 1969:437, p.1
The students have been chosen to sign with the company this summer and were among thirty-five selected from the six hundred people who auditioned.