Birkhead--Jane (Music Faculty)
Displaying 151 - 200 of 352 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Next recital will feature French horn College Eye 47:9, p.1 |
Marvin Howe will perform with other music faculty. | |
152 | Bluebeard reigns in Sunday opera College Eye 47:4, p.1 |
Faculty will present "Bluebeard's Castle" as part of recital; photo. | |
153 | Recital starts at 8 Tuesday in auditorium College Eye 46:34, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
154 | Recital in auditorium College Eye 46:33, p.3 |
Professors Baum, Birkhead, and Holst will perform. | |
155 | Music Presents Many Concerts Old Gold 0:0, p.88 |
Description of the activities over the year for the Music department, with the highlight being the Christmas Concert; photos. | |
156 | Present two operas Alumnus 39:1, p.10 |
Department of Music presents light operas by Mozart and Martinu. | |
157 | Two music department operas will feature Mozart, Martinu College Eye 46:14, p.1 |
List of cast for "Bastien and Bastienne" and "Comedy on the Bridge". | |
158 | Faculty members give opera for reunion at Des Moines Alumnus 38:4, p.5 |
Present short comic opera; photo. | |
159 | Alumni meet for reunion dinner today College Eye 46:9, p.3 |
Will hold program in Des Moines. | |
160 | Music Department presents recital for Homecoming College Eye 46:9, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
161 | Birkhead, Holst present opera at alumni dinner College Eye 46:8, p.8 |
In conjunction with ISEA meeting. | |
162 | Untitled College Eye 46:3, p.3 |
Professors Holst and Birkhead perform a scene from an opera; photo. | |
163 | Faculty singers present opera College Eye 46:3, p.1 |
Professors Holst and Birkhead will present opera selections. | |
164 | J. Birkhead, Holst present concert College Eye 46:2, p.6 |
165 | Opera Old Gold 0:0, p.111 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
166 | Music students give 'Consul' College Eye 45:16, p.1 |
Preview of Menotti's "The Consul". | |
167 | Name vocalists for Messiah December 14 College Eye 45:11, p.3 |
Professors Mauck, Birkhead, Holst, and Macy will perform. | |
168 | Faculty to give concert Sunday College Eye 45:8, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
169 | Holst and Birkhead will give recital College Eye 45:3, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
170 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
The Department of Music starts three WOIU television programs in addition to its radio performances; photo. | |
171 | Operas feature all-student casts; tickets go on sale at Crossroads on Monday College Eye 44:14, p.1 |
Will produce two one-act operas; preview of the performance; list of cast members.. | |
172 | 'Messiah' to be presented College Eye 44:12, p.1 |
To feature students and faculty. | |
173 | Birkhead, Holst to present Menotti's 'The Telephone' College Eye 44:4, p.1 |
Preview of the one-act opera. | |
174 | Faculty recital to be presented College Eye 43:36, p.1 |
Professors Baum, Birkhead, and Holst will perform. | |
175 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.152 |
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and the Symphony Orchestra; photo. | |
176 | Comic opera "The Frantic Physician" will be presented at ISTC on May 8-9 Public Relations News Release 1951:711, p.1 |
Cast list provided. Conductor for the opera will be Russell Baum; Maurice Gerow is rehearsing the chorus and Jane Birkhead is serving as special coach. | |
177 | Symphony orchestra presents concert College Eye 43:25, p.7 |
Program highlights. | |
178 | The Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Myron E. Russell will present a concert Tuesday evening, April 8, in the college auditorium Public Relations News Release 1951:563, p.1 |
Highlight of the program will be Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 "Choral" which will feature music department faculty members Jane Birkhead, soprano; Jane Mauck, contralto; Maurice Gerow, tenor; and John Powell, baritone, and the A Cappella Choir. | |
179 | Russell directs annual singing of 'Messiah' College Eye 43:12, p.3 |
180 | Give Messiah again Sunday in Men's Gym College Eye 43:11, p.1 |
Faculty will perform solos. | |
181 | "Elijah" performance great success Alumnus 35:4, p.7 |
Overflow crowd in Men's Gym enjoys performance; photo. | |
182 | 'Messiah' slated for December 9 College Eye 43:10, p.1 |
Faculty and students will perform. | |
183 | The Annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" will be given Sunday, December 9, by the Department of Music Public Relations News Release 1951:194, p.1 |
Myron Russell, head of the music department, will direct the oratorio which is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the Men's gymnasium. Soloists for the performance are Jane Birkhead, Jane Mauck, Maurice Gerow, and Harald Holst. | |
184 | Special to the Record Public Relations News Release 1951:167, p.1 |
An overflow crowd attended the presentation of the oratorio "Elijah" in the men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, college music department, was the conductor. | |
185 | Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be presented in the men's gymnasium Sunday, Nov. 18, at 4 p.m. Public Relations News Release 1951:133, p.1 |
Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production which will be open to the public without charge. Soloists for the oratorio are soprano Jane Birkhead, contralto Jane Mauck, tenor Maurice Gerow, and baritone John Powell. | |
186 | Presentation is the first in 18 years College Eye 43:8, p.1 |
Performance of "Elijah" will feature faculty and students. | |
187 | Combined choruses and orchestra to present 'Elijah' on November 18 College Eye 43:7, p.1 |
Preview of the performance; list of soloists. | |
188 | The final event of Homecoming will be the 75th Anniversary concert in the auditorium, Sunday, Oct. 28 Public Relations News Release 1951:92, p.1 |
The concert will be presented by the college department of music. This year's homecoming, Oct. 26-28, is the 30th in the college's history. The concert program is in five parts. Program listed. | |
189 | Birkhead, Holst will open 1951-52 recital season College Eye 43:4, p.8 |
Lengthy description of the program. | |
190 | The program of the first music department faculty recital of the 1951-52 season to be held Public Relations News Release 1951:74, p.1 |
Myron Russell, head of the music department announced that the recital will be held in the college auditorium, Sunday, October 14. The recital will feature soprano Jane Birkhead and bass-baritone Harald Holst. Jvone Maxwell will be the accompanist. | |
191 | The first music department faculty recital of the 1951-52 season will be held Sunday, October 14 at 8:15 p.m. Public Relations News Release 1951:69, p.1 |
The recital will feature soprano Jane Birkhead and bass-baritone Harald Holst. Jvone L. Maxwell of the music department will be the accompanist. Birkhead and Holst gave a concert this summer at Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. | |
192 | Faculty recital to be Oct. 14 College Eye 43:3, p.3 |
Professors Birkhead and Holst will perform. | |
193 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
194 | The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song at the college, Sunday, May 20 Public Relations News Release 1950:360, p.1 |
The public is invited to the performance of the oratorio, "Elijah" by Felix Mendelssohn, in the Men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production. | |
195 | Music department prepares 'Elijah' College Eye 42:30, p.3 |
196 | Dr. Lloyd A gustafson, pastor of the First Methodist church at Mason City, will give the Baccalaureate address Sun, May 27, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:354, p.1 |
Gustafson wil address about 506 students who are candidates for degrees or diplomas at the June 2 Commencement exercises. His topic will be "The Continuing Mind." | |
197 | The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song Sunday, May 20, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:350, p.1 |
Roland Searight will direct the production. Tenor Maurice Gerow prepared the A Cappella choir, the College chorus and the Women's chorus for their roles in the oratorio. The song text is taken from many of the books of the bible. | |
198 | A "Broadway" evening was held in the Commons at ISTC Friday evening at the Faculty Dames Club annual dinner for husbands and guests Public Relations News Release 1950:240, p.1 |
About 130 persons attended. Hazel Strayer of the drama staff reviewedd 14 plays that she saw in New York City during the yearend holidays. Soprano Jane Birkhead sang an Aria accompanied by Jvone Maxwell. Mrs. Malcolm Price was in charge of the program. | |
199 | Faculty Dames dinner College Eye 42:19, p.5 |
Will host husbands. | |
200 | Messiah to be Given at ISTC, Sunday, Dec. 10 Public Relations News Release 1950:149, p.1 |
A chorus of 300, a symphony orchestra, and four vocal soloists will be the cast for the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" in the men's gymnasium. |