Black History Month

Displaying 1 - 50 of 310 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The current Y2K scoop & the Black influence
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.4
Guest columnist, Emijah Jones writes about the impact that black people had on the early 2000s fashion that is making a comeback in today's society; photo.
2 The untold stories of Iowa's Black leaders
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.4
Guest columnist, Maya Buchanan tells her story of learning Black history in school versus with the Colored Conventions project. She goes on to write about three important Iowans who changed history; Alexander Clarke, Mary Dove, and Charlotta Smith; photo.
3 Black-owned businesses bloom in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.1
Executive director of ONE Cedar Valley Joy Briscoe and Formed business owner Ebony King share what Black History Month means to them and stories of their background and businesses; photo.
4 The ongoing legacy of the UNI Seven
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.1
Guest writer Nicole Beilke writes the history of UNI Seven and how their proposals are still impacting UNI's campus today. Beilke writes about the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education (CME), the Minority Recruitment Program, Increasing of Black faculty, and more; photo.
5 Black women vs the world
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.3
Nkasa Bolumbu writes an opinion piece on the stereotypes and misogynoir that happens against Black women in the United States. Bolumbu focuses on Jezebel stereotype, angry black women/ Sapphire, the strong black women/ Superwoman schema, Colorism, featurism, and texturism; photo.
6 The great legacy of Christian Ogbondah
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.1

Christian Ogbondah, professor of journalism and communication, retired from UNI in Spring of 2022. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award last April for the work and legacy he left at UNI. Nixson Benitez writes the history and impact of Christian Ogbondah; photo.

7 Black History Month: Recap of events
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.9
The Black Student Union (BSU) hosted many events for Black History Month; photo.
8 Black History Month
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.5
Belinda Creighton-Smith discusses their experiences throughout their life as a Black person; photo.
9 Highlighting Black leaders at UNI
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The author discusses the development of Black History Month in American and UNI history as well as student, community, and alumni involvement, and the many Black leaders who have visited UNI; photo
10 BSU celebrates Black History Month
Northern Iowan 118:33, p.1
The Black Student Union (BSU) has multiple events planned for the entirety of Black History Month; photo.
11 Bookstore features alum's apparel
Northern Iowan 118:32, p.1
UNI alumni Mikal Settle has clothing featured in the UNI Bookstore for the month of February; photo.
12 N.I. en Español: Mes de la Historia Afroamericano
Northern Iowan 117:32, p.2
An N.I. en Español article about Black History Month and Black Student Union (BSU) activities on campus; photo.
13 Panther Portrait: BSU poetry slam
Northern Iowan 117:31, p.4
The Black Student Union (BSU) held their annual Poetry Slam in the Center for Multicultural Education and also livestreamed it. This is the first event hosted by BSU for Black History Month; photos.
14 Panther Portrait: BSU skate party
Northern Iowan 116:36, p.4
The Black Student Union (BSU) held their annual skate party in the Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC) on February 15. Students, faculty, and community members were able to enjoy music and skating in the basketball courts courtesy of the student organization; photos.
15 "Black History: A Musical Journey"
Northern Iowan 116:36, p.5
Alldredge gives the one-night-only program "Black History: A Musical Journey" performed by the Multicultural Theatrical Society in the Communication Arts Center on February 15 a favorable review. The show featured live musical performances and narrative history highlighting black artists. Students Zoella Sneed, Caroline Henry, Devin Yarkosky, Ray Nelson, and Keira Doyle performed; photos.
16 Imagining America presents at UNI
Northern Iowan 116:34, p.1
Junior art history major Katelyn Brockmeyer is an intern at Imagining America, which promotes community engagement through arts, humanities, and design. Brockmeyer is facilitating presentations on various topics in art, and presented on black artists in history during Black History Month, including Kihinde Wiley, Betye Saar, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Maya Angelou, and Faith Ringgold, among others. UNI graduate and curator for the Waterloo Center for the Arts Chawne Paige also spoke, focusing on the center's collection of Haitian art.
17 Black History Month with BSU
Northern Iowan 116:32, p.4
UNI's Black Student Union (BSU) has prepared events honoring Black History Month in February. The include the BSU Kickoff, Poetic Justice, Skate Party, a panel of black and educated (BAE) professionals, exhibit Tunnels of Oppression, Soul Food Dinner in conjunction with Waterloo's Gift of Life Church, and Toast for Change; photo.
18 BSU chats about cultural experiences
Northern Iowan 115:36, p.2
Black Student Union (BSU) hosted the discussion event Brotha & Sista Chat in Maucker Union as part of Black History Month celebrations; photo.
19 'Night at the Apollo' celebrates empowerement
Northern Iowan 115:34, p.8
The Black Student Union (BSU) hosted a "Night at the Apollo" talent show on February 8 in Lang Hall Auditorium. There were 15 acts, and Mahlia Brown and Ryan Frank took first place, Camry Stewart second, and King TyQ and King Davis third; photos.
20 Panther Portrait: Step Up and Step Out
Northern Iowan 115:33, p.5
The Black Student Union held the "Step Up and Step Out" dance event as part of Black History Month; photos.
21 BSU kicks off Black History Month
Northern Iowan 115:32, p.1
The Black Student Union (BSU) is celebrating Black History Month and hosting several events through the month that are open for anyone to attend; photos.
22 12th annual Read-In comes to UNI
Northern Iowan 114:39, p.2

The African American Read-In event exposes children and adults to African-American authors and illustrators who are not often talked about in literature. The article talks about the importance of the event and how every year it reaches more and more people; photo.

23 BLM speaker empowers students at BSU event
Northern Iowan 112:40, p.4

The Black Student Union (BSU) hosted speaker Rasheed Cromwell for the event "Black Lives Matter: Reality versus Perception" on February 25 in the Center for Multicultural Education (CME) as part of Black History Month; photo.

24 V-day plans that won't break the bank
Northern Iowan 112:35, p.4

There are many low-cost ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day both on and off campus; photo.

25 BSU's 'Fashion 4 Action'
Northern Iowan 112:34, p.1

The Black Student Union (BSU) hosted their Fashion 4 Action event on February 6 as part of Black History Month. Other events will include a skate party, the Tunnel of Oppression, and speaker Rasheed Cromwell; photos.

26 Soul food night at Treehouse
Northern Iowan 111:37, p.4
A soul food night was held to celebrate black history month.
27 UNI to celebrate Black History Month
Public Relations News Release 2014:175, p.1
UNI's Black Student Union will hold numerous events throughout the month of February to celebrate Black History Month. All events are free and open the public.
28 Annual read-in brings familiar face to UNI
Northern Iowan 110:41, p.4
UNI hosted its eight annual African-American Read-In. Children from the Cedar Valley met the friendly Sesame Street cast members and were exposed to many different books and illustrations from African-American authors; photo.
29 Mini comic con to soar into Rod Library
Northern Iowan 110:36, p.1
The Rod Library is hosting a mini comic con on March 29. There will be several speakers and events leading up to it. This event is meant to show the public that the Rod Library and their services are available to everyone in the community.
30 Skate night fever: BSU kicks off Black History Month with Disco Skate
Northern Iowan 110:33, p.6
The Black Student Union held a Disco Skate in the WRC to start off the celebration of Black History Month. It was the third annual Disco Skate; photo.
31 'Toasts for Change' tops off Black History Month, recognizes sponsors
Northern Iowan 109:40, p.6
The Black Student Union honored its sponsors and celebrated another successful Black History Month with a banquet. Maria Thomas was the guest speaker and inspired many with her success.
32 Shelve Black History Month?
Northern Iowan 109:39, p.4
Black History Month has been celebrated since 1976. Some people believe it is time for the tradition to end. However, until discrimination can be wiped out without a chance of coming back, Black History Month still has a place in our society.
33 Teju the Storyteller to bring back his drum
Northern Iowan 109:35, p.7
The Black Student Union is bringing in Teju the Storyteller again this year to celebrate Black History Month. Teju the Storyteller entertains the audience by telling stories through music and using traditional African drums.
34 Black Student Union hosts fashion show
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.6
The Black Student Union hosted a Black in Time Fashion Show as part of Black History Month. The shows hosts, Rob Byrd and Ray Vynn Schauf, joked around and shared historical information about the fashion.
35 Disco skate gets Black History Month rolling
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.6
Event sponsored by the Black Student Union is the first among many to take place during Black History Month.
36 Student of MLK discusses racism
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.1
Julian Bond stated that racism is not individual behavior, but "a complex set of society actions". Bond spoke as part of this year's Reaching for Higher Ground: The search for the American dream; photo.
37 Stewart and Anderson receive Lux Service Award
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
Ashley Stewart and Joel Anderson received the Lux Service Award, the highest honor bestowed on undergraduates at UNI. The award recognizes those who have outstanding records of service to the university; photo.
38 March against segregation
Northern Iowan 108:35, p.3
Scenes from the symbolic march in Maucker Union. The march ended at the Center for Multicultural Education. The event was sponsored by the Black Student Union.
39 BSU welcomes Black History Month
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.10
The Black Student Union will host various activities in February, including lectures, dances, and shows. Over twenty events are planned; photo.
40 UNI to celebrate Black History Month
Public Relations News Release 2011:158, p.1
Several events will occur on campus to recognize black history month.
41 UNI hosts annual African-American Read-In
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.5
First graders from Price Lab and Waterloo schools packed the Maucker Union Ballroom to learn about African-American history. Over 425 students attended; photo.
42 Michael Eric Dyson discusses identity at UNI
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.6
Hailed as one of the nation's most inspiring African-Americans, Dyson presented his keynote address at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. His visit was a great way to celebrate Black History Month.
43 A note for Black History Month
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.9
The impact of African-Americans on our society is important to remember every day; not only during Black History Month. We must also remember the role that hate plays in our society; whether it be against whites, Arabs, or homosexuals.
44 Yawns and Oh No's Booksellers
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.9
African-American Read-In organization found that Barnes and Noble do not carry very many books for minority groups. It was suggested that some people do not read books; hence the suggested name change.
45 Influential filmmaker Julie Dash to speak at UNI
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.4
Hearst Lecture Series to feature multi-award winning film director. Julie Dash's presentation will be in the Center for Multicultural Education.
46 Celebrate Black History Month
Northern Iowan 107:37, p.10
Many African -Americans have excelled in sports, but Hank Aaron is one that many look up to for his rise from the Negro League to the majors. Jackie Robinson was the first to break the color barrier in professional baseball; photo.
47 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.5
Scenes from the UNI Capoeira Sport Club presentation during Black History Month. Capoeira artists from New York, Kansas City, Indianapolis , Dallas, Chicago, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, participated; photo.
48 Celebrating Black History Month
Northern Iowan 107:35, p.6
It is difficult to imagine the campus under the segregation rules that were present during the 1960's. During February the country takes a moment to remember, reflect, and educate itself about the African-American dream; photo.
49 Students celebrate Black History Month with old and new traditions
Northern Iowan 106:38, p.6
Decorating dormitory doors, bulletin boards, movies, speakers, seminars, and read-ins are all used to celebrate Black History Month; photo.
50 UNI's MTA hosts 4th Annual African-American Read-In
Public Relations News Release 2009:287, p.1
Alumna Jan Spivey Gilchrist returned to the college for the Read-in, where she lead a series of three sessions with students from Black Hawk Elementary, Walter Cunningham School of Excellence, and Malcolm Price Laboratory.