Board of Control of Student Publications
Displaying 51 - 100 of 237 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Make financial decisions on Eye policy statement College Eye 63:30, p.1 |
Potentially libelous or obscene will be referred to the Board. | |
52 | Board approves increase for College Eye budget College Eye 63:28, p.3 |
Hope to improve quality of publication. | |
53 | Board authorizes purchase of darkroom equipment College Eye 63:17, p.6 |
Summary of items discussed at the recent meeting of the Board of Control of Student Publications. | |
54 | Board of Control decision opens door for 3000 additional yearbook photos College Eye 60:14, p.2 |
Insists that since Greeks were allowed their own individual pages, the Board of Control should expect everyone else to want their own pages as well. | |
55 | Responsibility was what the Board of Control did usurp College Eye 60:12, p.2 |
Claims that the editor of OLD GOLD should have been able to decide the issue for herself. | |
56 | Greeks, Publications Board usurping editor's rights College Eye 60:11, p.2 |
Disagrees with the decision, made by the Board of Control of Student Publications, to allow each fraternity and sorority to have two pages in the annual. | |
57 | Parties overlook board offices College Eye 59:24, p.2 |
Parties stress communication in their platforms, but have no candidates for the Board, which oversees College Eye, Old Gold, and Seven. | |
58 | Applications for EYE editor to be submitted by March 5 College Eye 59:21, p.1 |
Old Gold sold 2100 copies; Seven will combine winter and spring issues into one. | |
59 | Semi-weekly EYE publication beginning in spring semester College Eye 59:14, p.1 |
Would publish two smaller issues per week. | |
60 | Board considers proposals for a semi-weekly EYE College Eye 59:11, p.5 |
Might begin next semester; will publish column on student government every two weeks. | |
61 | Board of Control refers newsletter idea to committee College Eye 59:7, p.8 |
Concerns about duplicating work already done by the College Eye. | |
62 | Board of Control selects EYE business manager College Eye 58:27, p.8 |
Mary Ann Stookey will be business manager; list of summer editors. | |
63 | Board of control, anyone? College Eye 58:21, p.2 |
Informs readers that no one has yet volunteered to run for Board of Control of Student Publications. | |
64 | Publications board proposes constitutional amendments College Eye 56:12, p.8 |
Text of proposed changes. | |
65 | To amend constitution College Eye 52:20, p.5 |
Text of proposed amendment to constitution of Board of Control of Student Publications. | |
66 | Boards Govern Communications Old Gold 0:0, p.144 |
The Board of Control of Student Publications select the executive staff for the OLD GOLD and the COLLEGE EYE, and make sure that the staffs function properly; they are the governing department of all the student publications; photo. | |
67 | Gridiron Dinner Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
Marilyn Jones, The Year editor of the Old Gold, was rewarded for her outstanding achievement at the Gridiron Dinner by Milford Whittlesey; this event was sponsored by the journalism fraternity, Alpha Phi Gamma; photo. | |
68 | Journalists plan annual blowout College Eye 50:26, p.1 |
Planning Gridiron Dinner. | |
69 | Notice College Eye 50:21, p.1 |
Two positions open. | |
70 | McNeal becomes control president College Eye 50:13, p.1 |
James McNeal is president of Board of Control of Student Publications; list of other board members. | |
71 | Boards Govern Communications Old Gold 0:0, p.144 |
Description of the Boards of Control of Student Publication and Student Broadcasting; photos. | |
72 | Boards of Control Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
The communications staffs, College Eye, OLD GOLD, and KYTC; they also are governed by the Board of Control of Student Publications and the Board of Control of the Student Broadcasting Association; photo. | |
73 | Board elects new officers College Eye 48:26, p.1 |
List of new officers of Board of Control of Student Publications and Board of Control of Student Broadcasting. | |
74 | Editorships of Eye, Old Gold are still open College Eye 48:16, p.1 |
75 | Boards of Control Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
76 | Board of Control of Student Publications Old Gold 0:0, p.125 |
Brief description of the board and its duties overseeing the student publications; photos. | |
77 | SLB favors joint board College Eye 46:31, p.3 |
For Board of Control of Student Publications and KYTC. | |
78 | Publications staff applications due next Tuesday College Eye 46:26, p.3 |
79 | Literary page board ready for Eye manuscripts College Eye 46:24, p.1 |
Guidelines for manuscript submissions. | |
80 | Free distribution of EYE in fall College Eye 54:41, p.1 |
Will be distributed free to all students. | |
81 | Board of Control meet to discuss EYE distribution College Eye 45:40, p.1 |
May distribute newspapers to all students since the cost will be covered by student fees. | |
82 | Board of Control of student publications Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
83 | Baker named to post on Board of Control College Eye 45:14, p.1 |
Will replace Maxine Hull. | |
84 | Old Gold executive editor position fails to attract student applicants College Eye 44:28, p.3 |
Not enough upperclassmen are available. |
85 | Recount of ballots puts Smith on board College Eye 44:26, p.7 |
86 | Dorm candidates, publications board members up for election College Eye 44:23, p.3 |
A look at candidates and offices. | |
87 | Modify the rule College Eye 43:32, p.2 |
Supports the idea that paper staff be allowed to run for the board. | |
88 | On publications College Eye 43:31, p.2 |
Questions the policy which prohibits publication staff members from being on the board. | |
89 | Final elections results College Eye 43:25, p.8 |
Vote tallies for campus elections. | |
90 | Board of control of student publications Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
91 | Student Board of Control postpones action on proposed college magazine College Eye 42:24, p.3 |
Group will plan for magazine. | |
92 | Board of control of student publications Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
93 | Student board elects officers for next year College Eye 41:26, p.3 |
Bob Davis will serve as president and Polly Scott as secretary. | |
94 | Students elect D. Shepard College Eye 41:22, p.1 |
Elections results are given; photo. | |
95 | Candidates to be introduced at pre-election convocation College Eye 41:21, p.1 |
Candidates will present their platforms; list of candidates. | |
96 | Notice College Eye 41:19, p.2 |
Positions are available on the Board of Control. | |
97 | McCabe to head Board of Control College Eye 40:2, p.6 |
98 | Board of Control of Student Publications Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Description of the duties of the Board of Control and list of members; photos. | |
99 | Board asks students for help College Eye 39:26, p.2 |
The Board of Control of Student Publications makes students aware of the lack of commitment by student body to the Old Gold; if this doesn't change, the Old Gold will be discontinued. | |
100 | Old Gold staff announced; Old Gold staff approved by Control Board College Eye 39:5, p.1 |
Brief profiles of staff members. |